Butterflies of the year

Memoria in aeterna…

Criterion: the butterfly species by which the individual year is best remembered. Occasionally two species cannot be separated and have to share the title.


1964 Clouded Yellow
1965 Orange-tip
1966 Painted Lady
1967 Red Admiral
1968 Pearl-bordered Fritillary
1969 White Admiral
1970 Holly Blue
1971 Purple Emperor
1972 Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary
1973 Purple Emperor
1974 Purple Hairstreak
1975 Purple Emperor
1976 Purple Emperor
1977 Brown Hairstreak
1978 Duke of Burgundy
1979 Purple Emperor
1980 Silver-spotted Skipper
1981 Wall Brown
1982 Duke of Burgundy
1983 Clouded Yellow & High Brown Fritillary
1984 Duke of Burgundy
1985 Dark Green Fritillary
1986 High Brown Fritillary
1987 Small Tortoiseshell
1988 Brimstone
1989 High Brown Fritillary
1990 Holly Blue
1991 Meadow Brown
1992 Peacock
1993 Green Hairstreak
1994 Marsh Fritillary
1995 Scotch Argus
1996 Painted Lady
1997 Mountain Ringlet
1998 Chalkhill Blue
1999 Heath Fritillary
2000 Clouded Yellow
2001 Purple Emperor
2002 Purple Emperor
2003 Purple Emperor
2004 Pearl-bordered Fritillary
2005 Brown Hairstreak
2006 Purple Emperor
2007 Purple Emperor
2008 Purple Emperor
2009 Purple Emperor
2010 Silver-washed Fritillary & White Admiral
2011 Marsh Fritillary
2012 Purple Emperor
2013 Long-tailed Blue