It was obvious that 2004 was going to be difficult: the Hogmanay celebrations in Edinburgh were cancelled, though the forecast storm never actually materialised. At the start of the year I visited a new site, West Woods near Marlborough in Wiltshire. Here the boys of Marlborough College and members of the town's natural history society had collected butterflies in abundance – modern rarities like the High Brown and Marsh fritillaries and the Duke of Burgundy. That was way back in the Victorian and Edwardian eras, but like so many of our glorious woods West Woods was sacrificed on the altar of twentieth-century forestry, mainly in the form of monotonous Beech plantations. The sad thing was that I could feel its rich entomological history; there were fragments, tiny vistas into what had been – secret glades, bramble bushes, sallow trees, a Blackthorn patch. Peacocks were hibernating on the ceiling of a derelict woodman's shed. Such sheds used to be commonplace when forests were regularly worked, but nowadays forestry contractors periodically arrive, as mechanised as modern farm contractors, blitzkrieg huge areas, and disappear. The impact on butterfly populations is usually negative. Many woodland butterflies seek to follow the woodcutter, in succession, and need continuity of habitat supply within a woodland system – a little-and-often approach.
Things did improve. The first butterfly of the year was, incredibly, a Painted Lady, seen from the Isle of Wight ferry on February 4th. Another was seen at Yarmouth, fresh-looking too, and others were reported from Portland Bill bird observatory. This species is forever testing the limits of existence, pressing against its range edges. Winter immigrations are not that unusual, at least in the climate-change era. I had gone over to the island to look at the feral goat grazing regime on Bonchurch Down, Ventnor, where goats were doing a splendid job at browsing out Holm Oak and Elder invading the chalk grassland slopes. We saw a kid being born. Sadly though, the Painted Lady flattered to deceive, for 2004 became only a modest year for it.
Spring produced just the odd fine day. Orange-tips appeared late, and were then forced to sit out some lousy weather. On May 2nd, a pair of Orange-tips that had sat for five consecutive wet days in our garden, on Tulip and Garlic Mustard heads respectively, became active as soon as the sun reappeared. They mated almost immediately. That's spring butterflies for you, great survivors, but six or seven consecutive wet days might have proven too much for them; they can take so much, but not too much, and the vagaries of spring are often too much.
Miraculously, after eight rotten days May materialised into the best since 1992, as high-pressure systems bubbled up nicely. Pearl-bordered Fritillaries made the most of it. Their numbers were not high, as their larvae had endured a difficult March and April, but at least eight colonies were present in Cirencester Park Woods and good flights were witnessed at Hembury on south Dartmoor, Ashclyst Forest in east Devon, Cwm Soden near New Quay on the Ceredigion coast and in Parkhill and Pignall inclosures in the New Forest near Brockenhurst. May 2004 belonged essentially to this fritillary. With butterflying, it often happens that a single species lays claim to a particular month.
June actually behaved itself, providing a number of fine sunny days without ever developing into a great summer month. It started on the Isle of Wight, where the Glanville Fritillary was having a bumper year, not least at Compton Chine, where 266 were counted in a 20-minute circuit of the main flight area, at the foot of the flight of wooden steps which have to be repaired at the end of each winter. The old butterfly collectors would have liked this emergence, for several aberrations were noted, mainly with reduced black vein markings on the wing uppersides, and a blurring of markings on the undersides (probably ab. uhryki). The butterflies had spread well the previous May, to form or strengthen colonies all along the nearby downs, breeding in areas where gorse had been either mown or burnt. The flora, and its associated insects, relishes the windows of opportunities these actions provide.
Not too many British butterfly enthusiasts have seen Large Blue, Black Hairstreak and Swallowtail on three successive days, plus Wood White, Duke of Burgundy, Small Blue and the first Meadow Brown of the year. But the Large Blue began to emerge at Daneway Banks in the Cotswolds on June 5th, along with the first Meadow Brown; Black Hairstreaks and Wood Whites were flying at Whitecross Green Wood in Buckinghamshire on the 6th, and on the 7th I found myself in the Norfolk Broads, where Swallowtails were emerging strongly. Catfield Fen put on a terrific show of magnificent Swallowtails – 34 sightings in a couple of hours along the path bordering the Butterfly Conservation reserve, mainly of males feeding on early bramble flowers. But the following day I encountered the dark side of the Swallowtail. After a meeting in an anaerobic office in Norwich, I escaped to a site on the edge of Hickling Broad that had been highly recommended. The diary account explains all:
Diary, June 8th 2004: The site was thickly fringed by dense, dangerously wet carr with the highest density of mosquitoes I've ever encountered. They attacked me viciously as soon as I hopped over the gate. After failing to get to the recommended open area, as the ground was too wet and clearly too dangerous for lone working, I retreated to an open glade. Here Milk-parsley abounded, amongst low reed and sedge, but I failed to see a single Swallowtail or find any eggs.
I ended up in an oxygen-free room in a rotten B&B next to an all-night-lorry road. Some of the mosquito bites became infected and remained troublesome until mid-July, and I swear they attracted more mosquitoes.
This was one of only two occasions when I felt in danger whilst butterflying in this country, and dipped out on health and safety grounds. The other was a manic attempt to flush up Large Heaths on Rannoch Moor in the Highlands, in precipitous rain.
Precipitous rain dominated July 2004 as well, a month that commenced with a gale and deteriorated from there. The Purple Emperor and White Admiral were effectively written off, though Silver-washed Fritillary flourished, as it seems better equipped to cope with bad weather. The Emperor season had started ominously, on Midsummer Day. I was attending a meeting, deep underground in Defra HQ, Horseferry Road, in Westminster. The diary relates: I was captive in another world, and all the time the iris were calling for me, I could feel them emerging. They were too – the text message came in as I was travelling home. Fred and George, the two Purple Emperors that I had found as larvae the previous late summer, were dutifully returned to their place of origin, only they had transmogrified into Frederica and Georgina, big girls too. They may not have fared at all well, for deluge after deluge fell in the hours and days after their release. At one point I walked out of the Purple Emperor season and returned back to work. Things were that desperate. Curiously, though, the Holly Blue made one of its periodic bids for freedom, appearing in surprisingly good numbers, only to be blasted to kingdom come. The diary concludes: This goes down as The Lost July.
August had to save the show, and some butterfly had to redeem the year, by claiming it as its own. The answer came on August 1st, a wonderful hot sunny day after a clear night with a harvest moon. I arrived at Whitecross Green Wood, in the old Bernwood Forest woodland complex near Oxford, at 10.30, later than intended, and saw 20 Brown Hairstreaks, without making much effort. Sixteen of them were on, or even in, the Ash trees that are scattered throughout this nature reserve, which the Forestry Commission started to coniferise before selling it off to the county wildlife trust. Sixteen represented a good start to the Brown Hairstreak season. Despite a dismally wet August, memorable for the Boscastle floods in which TV news showed four-wheel-drive vehicles being washed out to sea, the Brown Hairstreak did well. The eggs had hatched late, so young larvae had been spared the worst of the spring weather; then larval development was blessed by fine weather during May and June, and the insects were safely inside their pupal cases by the time the July monsoons arrived. This elusive butterfly was equally impressive in north Wiltshire, at Noar Hill in Hampshire, and near Tidworth on the Hampshire/Wiltshire border. There, in early September I counted 36 apparent individuals in a day, the second highest day tally I have ever made – and I would have seen more had I started earlier, before 9 am.
The Brown Hairstreak has much in common with the Purple Emperor, occurring at low population density and being a canopy-dwelling butterfly which is active only intermittently. Above all, it is both elusive and evasive, and can be downright infuriating, not least because it takes days off. Unlike His Imperial Majesty it does visit flowers – mainly brambles, but also Angelica, Hemp Agrimony and ragworts, and the males are only modestly belligerent, and then only during a happy hour of indulgence in the early morning, as the day warms up. Butterfly people who work Purple Emperors tend to gravitate to Brown Hairstreaks as the Emperor season ends, perhaps because Brown Hairstreaking actually generates worse eye strain and neck ache, and because the Hairstreak is almost as enigmatic. After having been grossly neglected throughout the long and glorious history of entomology in this country the Brown Hairstreak suddenly became popular during the early noughties – and in 2013 it became only the second butterfly to gain its own website and blog, after the Purple Emperor. The season ended with a late flush of Clouded Yellows and a modest show of Holly Blues, including a partial third brood that lasted into mid-November.
My last butterflying expedition of 2004 was opportunistic and spontaneous. In early December, whilst standing around in a circle with thirty colleagues, discussing a coastal retreat scheme on the Essex marshes, I started looking for the opaque lozenge-shaped eggs of the Essex Skipper in grass tussocks. No one noticed, for nature conservationists enter some bizarre Buddhist state whilst standing around in circles in the rain, so I carried on, and became absorbed. A good two dozen of these overwintering eggs were found, in strings of three, four or five, several centimetres above ground level in the sheaths of old Cock's-foot and Sea Couch flower stalks. Always go butterflying, it helps. Perhaps the collective noun for an encirclement of nature conservationists should be ‘a waffle’?
Winter had to make up for the lack of a proper summer. It seemed that the seasons were merging into one. The winter of 2004/05 was devoted to searching for Brown Hairstreak eggs in the hedges and thickets of the Oxford Clay vale north-west of Swindon. A small group of us systematically surveyed a large chunk of what was formerly known as the Forest of Braydon. Time ago, Braydon consisted of rough boggy pastures belonging to small dairy and stock farms, interspersed by woods and copses of oak and Hazel. Edward Thomas knew it well as a youth, having relatives in Swindon, but it is now scarcely recognisable as the rural idyll he describes in the second chapter of his first piece of rural prose, The Woodland Life. That chapter is entitled ‘Lydiard Tregose’, but the parish has largely been absorbed within the urban sprawl of Swindon. Through sheer tenacity the Brown Hairstreak has survived, mainly around a scatter of old ridge and furrow meadows.
The butterfly's distinctive white eggs are relatively easy to find during the winter, and can be easier to spot than the adult butterflies. Most are laid in forks on Blackthorn stems. But the females strongly favour young, dynamic growth, especially along advancing scrub edges. Also, as I had discovered in Hampshire in 1982, grey-stemmed growth is strongly preferred to the shiny red growth that occurs in many places, and browsed growth is largely avoided. The Brown Hairstreak should be a moderately common butterfly in landscapes where Blackthorn hedges abound, and has no business being a national rarity. However, scrub is deeply resented in today's countryside, particularly invading scrub edges, even on many nature reserves, and the vast majority of eggs laid on hedges are destroyed by hedge cutting. The potential for bringing this butterfly back is enormous, given more sympathetic hedge management and a more positive attitude to scrub as a habitat, not least because the butterfly appears to be a great wanderer.
Today, groups of devotees survey and monitor Brown Hairstreak eggs virtually throughout the butterfly's range. It is the staple winter activity of several of the Butterfly Conservation regional and county branches. Participants are known to carry on, regardless, in heavy rain, or when the Blackthorn is white with hoar frost, or even when snow is falling. On occasions some have been known to carry on after dark, to finish a length of hedge by torchlight or even by car headlights. Many a dog walker has been alarmed by this activity. One group of egg hunters was accused of setting snares, another of stealing fairies.
Early in January 2005 Butterfly Conservation HQ arranged a mini conference on the ecology and conservation of the Brown Hairstreak at Brinkworth, a hilltop settlement village in the Forest of Braydon. This was the society at its very best, with fifty or so friends of the Brown Hairstreak meeting to share experiences, knowledge and ideas. People had travelled from as far away as Pembrokeshire and Lincolnshire. The amount of effort being put into unravelling the mysteries of this enigmatic butterfly, and determining its conservation needs, was hugely impressive. Despite the fact that Professor Jeremy Thomas had conducted invaluable research into this insect, as part of his PhD, a vast amount of new knowledge had been determined. The butterfly has become far better known, both within and outside conservation circles. It now features intermittently as a local speciality in The Archers on Radio 4.
During my perambulations in the Forest of Braydon early in 2005 I discovered something quite remarkable, a derelict farm, of some 80 ha (200 acres). Rundown farms were moderately commonplace in the nether regions of Somerset during my childhood, but I had not encountered one for decades. This example was all the more remarkable because the fields were unimproved ridge-and-furrow meadows, which had been spared modern fertilisers and sprays. The holding had been a small stock farm, where a few beef cattle were raised. Early in 2005 the fields consisted of dense mats of grasses, with huge tussocks of Cock's-foot and Tufted Hair-grass and a thick layer of dead litter. They were so difficult to walk through that the village dog walkers had kept away. It was forsaken, apart from by Nature. The smaller herbs were of course heavily suppressed, though taller herbs such as Common Sorrel, Betony, Devil's-bit Scabious, Marsh Thistle and Saw-wort were prominent enough. Now that's Marsh Fritillary country. Sure enough, larval searches in late winter revealed a couple of sizeable colonies – just as the butterfly was feared to have died out in the Forest of Braydon. A few years later, the farm was sold and brought back into productive agriculture.
The spring of 2005 came and went. I rather missed it, as my mother died in late March. She had supported me through thick and thin. A male Brimstone flew along over her coffin as it was being carried up to the church. So that was her butterfly! Butterflies have the remarkable habit of appearing at times of bereavement.
May started and ended well, but sandwiched in between were three dire weeks – especially in Gloucestershire, which seems to suffer the worst of any adverse spring weather. In Cirencester Park Woods, Pearl-bordered Fritillary colonies at the northern, higher end of the woods emerge a week later than those at the southern, lower end. In 2005 the southern colonies were blasted away by lousy weather but those in the north emerged as the weather improved, and fared well. Never put your eggs in one basket, particularly if you're a butterfly.
June was also a major disappointment. The first six days were despicable, and effectively wrote off the spring-flying butterflies, again. Some short spells of hot sunny weather followed, though they were ended by pulses of bad weather. Violent thunderstorms on Midsummer Day caused a vast amount of damage, and not merely to butterfly populations: the first day of the Glastonbury Festival was wakened at dawn by a deluge that deposited 5 centimetres of rain there, and washed tents away. Somehow, I managed a sublime three-day expedition to the Norfolk Broads, where the Swallowtail was at peak season, seemingly in good numbers. The highlight was the discovery of a colony on the eastern edge of Duck Broad, on the western edge of the National Trust's Heigham Holmes holding. From the raised bank here one could watch eight or more males patrolling over the reed beds that fringe the open water. They were, of course, utterly inapproachable, without a boat.
The diary states that July started with A thoroughly depressing day, of endless drizzle, spent vacating our beloved office in happy Cirencester. We were being moved to a new open-plan office in Swindon. The damage this did to my personal relationship with Nature was immense, and not simply because my job changed and I became more office-bound – crucially, lunch-hour butterflying ceased, as there was nowhere nearby worth visiting. The diary entry concludes: This whole year is in free-fall. Only one thing can save it, the iris…
The Emperor season started promisingly. On Saturday July 2nd, as I entered the Straits Inclosure in Alice Holt Forest, the Aussie skipper was out to the first ball bowled. Another Australian wicket fell as I entered Goose Green Inclosure, where the Emperor season exploded with a trio of battling males. This promising start, however, heralded only a modest Emperor season. Seven Ways again provided a few days’ shelter from the storm, and Alice Holt some rewarding days surveying for male territories along the ridge that runs lengthways through the forest, but Seven Ways had been put up for sale and was emptying itself, with a view to relocating to California. The message I was handed by the Sufi community was clear, and hugely challenging: Develop the spiritual side of butterflying. This message was not enthusiastically received. ‘Not me,’ I thought, ‘I'm irresponsible.’ As I was leaving I picked a pristine Jay's feather out of a flowerbed.
As the door to Seven Ways Copse was closing, another door was opening elsewhere.
Diary, July 16th 2005: Fermyn Woods, Northamptonshire. Previously visited briefly late in the great 2003 Emperor season. Today I saw one of the best flights of Purple Emperor I've ever seen – and the locals (Doug Goddard & Co.) say that this is very much an average iris season here! I was absolutely right in 2003: this is the best iris wood I've seen since Straits Inclosure in the mid-1970s. It must support the largest population in the country, by a long way. The reason is obvious: the quality and quantity of sallow is greater than elsewhere, seemingly as a standard feature of clearings and rides on Boulder Clay. Even fellings from conifer plantations here are choked with sallows. All told, I saw about 32 males and 10 distinct females.
Another heartland had been established.
But then July ended in another wet spell. The roof of our wonderful new office leaked spectacularly. Buckets and mops were everywhere. Men with giant sealant guns gradually filled the cracks. Incredibly, August was genuinely good, though the few poor days that occurred tended to coincide with weekends. The month commenced at the Kingcombe Centre in west Dorset, where Oates's butterfly weekend was running again, after a five-year break. The month then belonged to the Brown Hairstreak. The first was seen at Lydlinch Common, near Sturminster Newton, on August 2nd, in the same Ash tree which the insect had been using in 1997. The Kingcombe group also visited the new Butterfly Conservation reserve at nearby Alners Gorse, where three species of Hairstreak were seen – Brown, Purple and White-letter. Things were looking up. A patch of grassy rubble in Swindon (now the site of a Tesco Express store) even revealed a small colony of Essex Skippers.
Brown Hairstreaks were emerging well, but on Sunday August 7th, my birthday, butterflying was affected by a tumultuous end to the second Test match, at Edgbaston. Australia began the day needing 107 to win with just two wickets left, and nearly got them. Gloom and despondency descended on all loyal Brits, despite the sunshine – only for England to win by two runs. Millie and I were out Brown Hairstreaking in the Forest of Braydon meadows; or rather one of us was butterflying, whilst listening ardently to the cricket on the radio, the other was reading Chaucer under an oak tree. The diary recalls that A fresh male flew joyously round us in celebration of England's great victory.
August was devoted to studying Brown Hairstreaks in the Forest of Braydon, whilst listening to England regaining the Ashes. The object was to gain some understanding of the insect's population structure in the district. In other words, discover where they were, when, and in what numbers; where the males were assembling, which Ash trees they were favouring; and above all, try to work out what they were doing, and why. Although I had seen Brown Hairstreak annually since 1969, and had spent countless hours looking either at it or for it at Noar Hill, I scarcely knew it. In Braydon, in 2005, they were found to be occurring in low numbers locally throughout the Blackthorn hedge system, though favouring certain spots, usually the more sheltered pockets. A number of favoured Ash trees were found, most of which are still in use today. But after the males start to die off, usually in late August, the females seem to disperse away from these activity centres, at least in favourable weather, as was the case in September 2005. The last of the year was seen on October 9th, so worn, battered and scale-less that it took me several minutes to identify it.
And butterflies in their disorder ...
Laurie Lee
The Cotswold Hills lie on Jurassic Limestone and run north-east from Jane Austen's Bath up towards Shakespeare's Stratford-on-Avon. They consist of a steep west-facing escarpment, and a broad gentle dip slope that runs away eastwards towards Oxford and is dissected by a series of minor river valleys. Today, away from the steeper slopes the Cotswolds are dominated by arable farming, but long ago this was the centre of the medieval wool trade. The legacy of wool, and its associated wealth, is illustrated by the spires of churches, built ostentatiously from honeyed Cotswold stone. The slopes are either wooded, mainly with Ash or Beech, or covered in limestone grassland. After Rabbits were killed off by myxomatosis most of the grasslands, or ‘banks’ to use the local name, became dominated by coarse grasses and scrub. Many slopes reverted to Ash woodland.
One of the largest and richest areas of limestone grassland is Rodborough Common, a 100-hectare (250-acre) promontory that towers above the suburbanised Stroud valleys and which adjoins the flatter, archaeologically rich Minchinhampton Common and its small satellite commons. These commons are owned by the National Trust and are designated as SSSI. Rodborough is also a Special Area for Conservation, the only limestone grassland SAC in the Cotswolds. The commons are grazed by cattle run by local commoners, between early May and the autumn. Although Minchinhampton Common is quite heavily grazed, certainly from a butterfly perspective, the steep flanks of Rodborough are decidedly under-grazed, as stock only venture off the flat top during summer droughts. To counter this, in 1999 the Trust developed a conservation herd of Belted Galloway cattle which grazed the slopes inside temporary electric fencing pennings. The commoners have now taken over the running of this essential herd.
Rodborough was given to the National Trust in 1937 by Thomas Bainbrigge Fletcher (1878–1950), former Naval Paymaster and, later, Imperial Entomologist in India – surely the most glorious title the Empire and the Raj ever combined to produce. Bainbrigge Fletcher was a well-respected figure in entomology and a specialist in micro-moths. Consequently, he persuaded many of the leading entomologists of the interwar years to survey his land. Today, Rodborough seems hugely proud of its entomological heritage and makes visiting entomologists welcome.
As is the case in most of the Cotswolds, Rodborough's steep slopes are dominated by Tor-grass and Upright Brome grass (CG5 in the language of the National Vegetation Classification), though prevalent thin soil conditions mean that these thuggish grasses only become genuinely rank where deeper soil has collected along the old cattle-walk terraces that traverse the slope contours. Amongst these rough grasses exists a rich flora: Common Rock-rose occurs extensively as an underlying carpet, and there are drifts of Horseshoe Vetch, Chalk Milkwort, Cowslip and, less prominently, Bird's-foot Trefoil and Wild Thyme. Kidney Vetch occurs in gaps in the sward, becoming numerous in places after a hot summer in which grass growth has been checked. Buried in the grass litter is much Hairy Violet. All these, bar the Milkwort, are butterfly larval foodplants. There are also many butterfly nectar plants, particularly scabiouses and knapweeds, though Marjoram, a favourite nectar source on southern chalk downs, is scarce here and in the Cotswolds generally. The slopes of Rodborough turn yellow with Cowslip, vetch and rock-rose flowers in May, then pink with thyme and orchids in June, before the fading grasses take over in late summer, and the flanks take on a straw-like hue.
This flora enables a wide range of downland butterflies to occur. In early spring Green Hairstreaks are numerous, appearing sometimes as early as late March. The Duke of Burgundy has several colonies along the foot of Rodborough's steep east- and west-facing flanks – usually three sizeable colonies and three or four tiny, satellite colonies, but much depends on the vagaries of spring weather. His Grace moves around a fair bit on Rodborough, for butterflies can freely wander there. Dingy Skippers are numerous, but the Grizzled Skipper is all but absent, as is its main foodplant, Wild Strawberry. Brown Argus and Small Blue are ubiquitous both here and elsewhere on the Cotswold grasslands. Marbled Whites and Ringlets abound from mid-June through to late July, when they suddenly finish. The Dark Green Fritillary has occasional years of plenty, but is sometimes seen only singly. Several spots along the slopes support colonies of the Chalkhill Blue, which usually appear around July 25th and linger on into September. These colonies ebb and flow acutely, for no obvious reason. The sward is too dense and coarse for Grayling and Silver-spotted Skipper, though both occurred in the not-distant past, when the slopes were well grazed by Rabbits. In the early 2000s the Adonis Blue mysteriously, perhaps miraculously, reappeared, after an absence of some fifty years, and has established some impressive colonies along the slopes. Bainbrigge Fletcher's records indicate that the Large Blue occurred on Rodborough Common during the 1890s.
The commons are used extensively for recreation, being the green lung of the ribbon-like development in the Stroud valleys, though there are many secret, unfrequented spots, mainly at the foot of precipitous slopes. Rodborough Common boasts its own ice-cream factory, Winstones of Rodborough, which was established there in 1925 and is open almost every day of the year. On hot summer days it attracts, rightly, a veritable multitude, and also sends ice-cream vans onto various other parts of the commons. Winstones is a glorious ice-cream empire, and a fundamental part of the spirit of the Stroud commons. Kite flying is prominent on windy days on the commons, and Minchinhampton Common boasts the country's first organic golf course. Of course, dog walking is now pre-emptory, especially on Rodborough where it is a 24/7/365 activity. Dog walkers almost exclusively confine themselves to the slope tops there, not least for the panoramic views – across the Severn to the Forest of Dean and the Welsh hills blueing in the distance. Occasionally a ball bounces down towards a lone naturalist out butterflying on the lower slopes, followed by a panting dog. The slope bottoms are littered with lost balls, Frisbees and the like. Each Christmas, a group of dog walkers decorates a prominent Hawthorn tree on the slope top, with tinsel and baubles and Christmas cards from their dogs – to the place. This act exemplifies the extent to which the commons are deeply loved and revered. The commons also host an interesting night life, but that may best be left to the imagination. At midnight on New Year's Eve, however, one can look down from the heights of Rodborough onto spectacular firework displays erupting from the surrounding valleys. Without doubt, Rodborough, with its Skylarks and Meadow Pipits, offers interesting and unique experiences. It is a quintessential part of the Cotswold experience, as integral as the poet Laurie Lee's heartland, which lies a few kilometres to the north at Slad.
Some 5 kilometres eastwards up the Frome valley from Rodborough nestles a hidden side combe, known locally as Strawberry Banks, below the perched village of Oakridge. Surrounded by dense and ancient Beech woodland, the Banks consist of a few acres of SSSI limestone grassland on a west-facing slope. This is a world apart, a place of pensive mood unpenetrated by traffic noise, where a rushing stream hidden in the combe bottom murmurs melodically to all who would listen, where bird song resonates wondrously, and where meditative Buzzards drift slowly overhead. The Banks are in the stewardship of the Short family, who understand the place profoundly, truly belonging there, and run the 4 hectares (10 acres) as a nature reserve in partnership with the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust. In consequence, Strawberry Banks is a most contented place. The flora is rich, containing Lesser Butterfly-orchids, much Dyer's Greenweed and drifts of Kidney Vetch, though some classic downland plants are absent, notably Common Rock-rose and Horseshoe Vetch – together with their associated butterflies. The deeper soils, on the lower reaches of what by Cotswold standard is only a modest slope, support swathes of Devil's-bit Scabious. In September, these lower slopes haze over with the purple flowers of this plant. The butterflies of early autumn home in here, to feed up prior to hibernation. Brimstones then overwinter in Ivy tangles on the nearby Beech trunks, Peacocks in hollow trees, and Commas amongst the Beech leaf litter.
This is the heartland of the Marsh Fritillary, the only place in the Cotswolds where this rare butterfly maintains a permanent – or rather, long-term – population. During sequences of poor springs and wet summers the population plunges – as low as 52 individual larvae recently. Occasionally, when Gloucestershire's neurotic spring climate actually allows a series of clement springs, the butterfly sallies forth to colonise other slopes in the vicinity, sometimes reaching as far as Rodborough Common. During the remarkable Marsh Fritillary expansion phase of 1982–1985 the butterfly colonised much of the southern Cotswolds, reaching as far as Painswick and the southern flanks of Cheltenham, to the north-west and north. Dingy Skipper and Small Blue also occur in good numbers on Strawberry Banks, Green Hairstreak breeds merrily on Dyer's Greenweed and hangs about on Hawthorn and Crab Apple blossom, and during high summer Marbled White and Ringlet abound, along with modest numbers of Dark Green Fritillary. Formerly, a tiny colony of the Duke of Burgundy existed, but it was lost when the all-important Cowslips succumbed to drought during hot summers in the mid-1990s. The Banks are grazed in autumn, usually by ponies but occasionally by cattle. Here, at last, is a place at peace with itself.
Head eastwards, up and out of the Frome valley, through sleepy Sapperton, and just before Cirencester (Roman Corinium) stands the dark mass of Cirencester Park Woods, some 805 hectares (2000 acres) of silvicultural woodland on terrain that has been wooded for centuries. The woods lie on land that rises gently from Hailey Wood, by the village of Coates in the south, through Oakley Wood in the centre, to Overley Wood at the north end. The woods are part of a vast estate that has been in the ownership of the Bathurst family since 1715. They have a varied history. The old medieval coppices are no longer traceable but the embankments of a medieval deer park are still prominent, as are the broad straight rides and intersections of a designed landscape laid out in 1718 under the direction of the poet Alexander Pope. There is a long tradition of silviculture here, for the woods are renowned for having hosted early experiments with continental varieties of Beech. Consequently, the woods are not SSSI. The late Earl Bathurst was a champion of twentieth-century silviculture, and introduced a number of conifer species to the estate – the usual motley crew of Corsican Pine, hybrid larch, Norway Spruce and Western Red Cedar. Until he died, in 2011, the woods were intensively managed: almost every year two or three blocks of mature trees, 1–3 hectares in size, were felled, and the land replanted with a mix of trees – conifers or conifer and broad-leaved mixes in the main, though fellings of old Beech and Pedunculate Oak were by and large replanted with those species. Young plantations were assiduously weeded, and herbicide was often sprayed between rows of young trees to control brambles and coarse grasses. The estate is not without its idiosyncrasies: public access is permitted on foot and horseback, from 8 am to 5 pm, but cycles and dogs are prohibited. Dog walkers are, of course, steadily penetrating the woods. The woods are not shot but are hunted, vigorously, often by Royalty, who also frequent the polo grounds that lie to the immediate east of Oakley Wood.
Cirencester Park Woods are the last stronghold of the Pearl-bordered Fritillary in Gloucestershire – for the butterfly is deemed extinct in the vast Forest of Dean, across the River Severn. Here the butterfly has survived, and at times thrived, utilising the uninterrupted supply of clearings and young plantations produced by forestry operations. It has followed the commercial woodcutter from place to place, as always was its wont in woods. Some fifty colonies have been formed since an in-depth study began in 1992. However, by no means all felling operations have produced suitable Pearl-bordered Fritillary habitat; indeed, only about a third have. Sometimes the butterfly moved straight in, but quite often it waited until a secondary forestry operation took place – such as cutting or spraying brambles. The activities of a large Fallow Deer population extended the longevity of several colonies, by slowing down or even destroying saplings – until a vigorous deer culling programme commenced during the late 1990s. Many clearings failed to come good and produce the necessary violets, because felling and extraction took place during wet weather, or simply because the ground got covered by coarse grasses in wet springs and strong grass growth seasons. By far the best habitat appeared during dry springs, in which violets were not out-competed by rampant Wood False Brome or Tufted Hair-grass.
Following the Pearl-bordered Fritillary in these woods is not easy, partly on account of the sheer scale of the woods, but also because colonies continually shift, appearing and disappearing with surprising alacrity. Many colonies persist only for a year or two, the longest for thirteen. Often, a clearing was occupied initially, for a short while, before the colony died out, only for the butterfly to reappear there a few years later, after a secondary phase of management. The butterfly is very much under the thumb of spring weather in these woods (the district is plagued by convective cloud during spring and, being on the western side of Britain, is prone to lingering weather fronts). Curiously, the climate at the lower, southern end of the wood is sunnier and drier: consequently the butterfly often appears there a good week earlier than at the higher, cloudier northern end. In flight seasons dominated by poor weather, the butterflies are loath to cross from an ageing habitat patch on one side of the ride to new habitat on the other side, yet in hot weather they become highly mobile and wander throughout the woods, and even beyond.
The soils in Cirencester Park Woods are probably too fast-draining for the Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary, which was never a Cotswold butterfly anyway, though colonies of Dark Green Fritillary form periodically in some of the larger clearings. Silver-washed Fritillary occurs in modest numbers around the surviving areas of mature broad-leaved woodland, though much of its former breeding areas have been felled – and have become, at least pro tempore, Pearl-bordered Fritillary habitat. The White Admiral is all but absent – as its larval foodplant, Honeysuckle, is rare due to browsing by Fallow Deer. In spring, colonies of Grizzled Skipper occur in some of the young plantations, notably where its favoured foodplant, Wild Strawberry, grows. The Duke of Burgundy has the vaguest of presences in the woods, breeding apparently on Primrose, but disappearing for years before suddenly reappearing. The broad grassy rides support good populations of the commoner grass-feeding butterflies, though they have been mown every late summer and are often heavily poached by horses.
Above all, Cirencester Park Woods have a unique feel about them. Overley is far and distant, Oakley is haughty and aristocratic, and Hailey is ethereal and poetic. The woods are not remotely like Forestry Commission woods, despite the presence of acres and acres of ranks of sombre conifers. For a start, the conifers are well maintained, as the estate foresters regularly thin out the timber stands. The main difficulty here is that the forestry that has been practised here for the last few decades is not sustainable, let alone cost-effective. Furthermore, the supply of mature broad-leaved woodland for felling is dwindling, and the estate is moving over from plantation forestry to what is called continuous-cover forestry. In butterfly terms, that is good news for the Silver-washed Fritillary but bad news for the Pearl-bordered Fritillary. To date, the latter has survived, and often thrived, on the back of commercial forestry; but from now on it will require positive conservation measures if it is to remain not just in Cirencester Park Woods but in the entire county of Gloucestershire.
Of course, there are many other rich butterfly localities in the southern Cotswolds, but the above are the ones to which I became hefted, and where I carried out long-term studies. But please do not think that the Cotswolds are a butterfly paradise. Several species have become extinct there, though the Large Blue is being reintroduced and the Adonis Blue successfully reintroduced itself. Moreover, butterflies and butterflying are somewhat handicapped by the region's climate, which is cooler, cloudier and wetter than much of the rest of southern England, especially in spring and early summer. There are, though, elements of the rural idyll so brilliantly eulogised by Laurie Lee in Cider with Rosie, and in his poetry.
All are but parts of one stupendous whole,
Whose body Nature is, and God the soul.
Alexander Pope, 1734