William Danforth—Lord Preston, Marquess of Preston; husband to Lady Elizabeth; father; Member of Parliament (MP); head of Ashton Park, the family estate in Lancashire, as well as Dover Sky, the family summer home in the south of England
Elizabeth Danforth—Lady Preston; William’s wife; mother
Sir Arthur—Lady Elizabeth’s father
Lady Grace—Lord William’s mother
Edward Danforth—William and Elizabeth’s eldest son
Charlotte Danforth—Edward’s wife; former employee at Dover Sky
Owen—their eldest son; Colm—their youngest son
Kipp Danforth—William and Elizabeth’s middle son; pilot
Christelle Danforth—Kipp’s wife; French
Matthew—their son
Robbie Danforth—William and Elizabeth’s youngest son; serves in British Army
Shannon Danforth—Robbie’s wife; Irish
Patricia Claire—their daughter
Jeremiah (Jeremy) Sweet—Anglican clergyman, married to Emma
Emma Danforth Sweet—William and Elizabeth’s daughter; married to Jeremy
Peter and James—their fraternal twins; Billy—their youngest son
Catherine Danforth Moore—William and Elizabeth’s daughter; widow of Albert
Sean–her son
Michael Woodhaven IV—American; pilot; married to Libby
Libby Danforth Woodhaven—daughter of William and Elizabeth; married to Michael
Jane—their daughter
Montgomery—Libby’s maid; American
Ben Whitecross—pilot; Victoria Cross recipient (WWI); former employee at Ashton Park; married to Victoria
Victoria Danforth Whitecross—youngest daughter of William and Elizabeth; married to Ben
Ramsay—their eldest son; Tim—their youngest son
Calvert Harrison—groundskeeper at Dover Sky; married to Holly
Holly Danforth Harrison—William’s sister; married to Harrison
Lady Caroline Scarborough—daughter of Danforth family friends Lord Francis and Lady Madeleine Scarborough; longtime friend of Kipp Danforth
Charles—her son
Skitt—butler and groundskeeper at Dover Sky
Norah Cole, Sally, Harriet, Nancy, Bev—servants at Dover Sky
Mrs Longstaff—head cook
Baron Gerard von Isenburg—Danforth family friend; German
Albrecht Hartmann—theologian and professor; German
Terrence Fordyce—Royal Navy officer; serves on HMS Hood
Tanner Buchanan—nemesis of Danforth family; MP