

I. Real People, Real Money

Earning real money on the side isn’t a fantasy—it’s real life. Consider how these people created income and security for themselves, often in surprising ways.

II. Ideas Are Everywhere

By mastering the skill of observation, you’ll learn to spot opportunities wherever you go. That’s what the people featured in this chapter did—and the results speak for themselves.

III. Use the Skills You Already Have

Don’t go back to college; use what you know now. The people featured in this chapter’s stories used a skill they already had to make extra money—sometimes a lot of it.

IV. Buy Low, Sell High

This business opportunity started approximately 150,000 years ago. It’s evolved a bit since then, but the principles remain the same. These modern-day merchants find ways to buy goods at one price, and then sell them at a higher one.

V. Teach What You Know

Your knowledge is valuable: take what you’ve learned and share it with others.

VI. Bring People Together

Have a knack for producing events or experiences? Use the power of community to connect people while getting paid.

VII. Get Crafty, Get Paid

If you have a penchant for a paintbrush or a love of making pottery, you might be able to turn your creations into money—just like the people in these stories did.

VIII. Automate Your Income

“Earn money while you sleep” is the ultimate promise—and for these people, it’s part of their daily routine. These stories illustrate how working smarter, not just harder, can help you create systems that will pay out over and over.

IX. See the World Without Going Broke

If you don’t want to be confined to a desk, how about living in an RV or jetting out on a series of one-way plane tickets around the globe? For those looking for a room with a view, preferably one that someone else pays for, read on.

X. Eat, Drink, and Be Merry

Cookies, coffee, ice pops, and beer—these stories really take the cake.

XI. Do Good and Do Well

Don’t choose between profit and philanthropy—do both. You can do good while doing well.

XII. There’s an App for That

Social media and the “sharing economy” aren’t just about being neighborly. There’s money to be made! These stories feature affiliate marketing, mobile applications, and more.

XIII. Keep It in the Family

Some side hustlers start young, and some parents involve the whole family in their entrepreneurial adventures. These stories feature kids, families, or partnerships.

XIV. Start Your Own Factory

If you build it, will they come? Maybe, but first you have to build it. The people in these stories learned about sourcing, manufacturing, or both. Even complex projects (a boat in a backpack?) can be done part-time, without quitting your job.

XV. Ramp Up: Million-Dollar Side Hustles

Side hustles are great for earning extra cash—and sometimes they earn a lot of it. These stories represent people with hustles that produce high six figures or seven figures in annual income.

Unemployed Author Publishes Book with Help of Good Friends

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