abashment. embarrassment, lack of self-confidence

abatement. reduction, diminution

abstruse. hard to understand

accidental. non-essential, incidental

acted. activated

adamant. a diamond or any very hard substance

adjunct. dependent statement that amplifies meaning

affection. effect

alacrity. eagerness, liveliness, speed

allay. relieve

alloy. mixture

amendment. moral improvement, reformation

anon. (1) again; i.e., reoccurring; (2) presently, soon

appellation. name, designation

apprehension. perception, conception

artifices. trickeries

aslake. slacken, diminish

asp. cobra

attendancy. that which accompanies

aught. anything; i.e., anything worthwhile

avouching. affirming, confessing

aversation. a moral turning away, estrangement, repulsion

balsam. fragrant ointment used as balm or medication

barbarous. uncivilized

bellows. blacksmith’s device for blowing air into fire

beseem. suit, become, fit

betimes. in due time

bosses. the projecting parts of a small, handheld shield; i.e., a strong, imposing defense

bottom. found, base (find a basis for); basis, foundation

breach. gap, broken area

buckler. a small, handheld shield

buffett. strike repeatedly

by-respect. private advantage

cankering. festering, corroding, infecting

casuist. one who rigidly applies ethical rules

censorious. critical

churl. coarse, ill-natured man

circumspect. watchful, attentive, cautious

circumstantiate. verified by circumstances

close. consummate, bring to a conclusion

color. embellishment concealing the truth

combustion. consuming as by fire; tumult

comeliness. attractiveness

commination. formal denunciation

commission. authority

commissionate. commissioned, appointed

commutation. substitution, exchange

compassing. attaining, achieving

compellation. address, naming

composition. truce, cessation of hostilities

concomitant. that which accompanies

concreate. create at the same time

concourse. (1) running together, flowing together, meeting; (2) state of being gathered together

consumptive. afflicted with consumption, a progressive wasting away of the body

contemn. have contempt for, scorn, disdain

contentation. satisfaction, reassurance

contexture. context

contrariety. state of being contrary or in opposition to

controverted. made an object of dispute

conversation. way of life

countenance. approve, condone; approval

countermine. counterplot

covert. shelter

cross. contradictory

cruciate. torment, torture

daub. cover, as with plaster

declension. moral decline

dehort. exhort, in an effort to dissuade

defensative. that which defends or protects

deign. condescend

denominate. designate

deportment. behavior

despoil. rob, plunder

desert. that which is deserved (such as punishment)

determinate. resolved, settled

disappointment. undoing of an intended end or use

discover. uncover, reveal, demonstrate

disframe. dismantle, undo

dispensation. provision, ordering

disquisition. formal inquiry, investigation

dissimulation. making unlike; process of becoming unlike

dropsy. excessive accumulation of fluid in bodily tissue; edema

durst. dared

educe. derive, draw out

efficient cause. Aristotle’s term for the means or agency by which something comes into being

emulations. jealousies, especially of power and position

endued. endowed

enervate. debilitate, deprive of strength

ensue. follow

envenomed. poisonous

ere. before

espousal. betrothal

evanid. evanescent, liable to vanish

event. result, outcome

evince. prove, provide evidence, make manifest

excision. surgical removal by cutting

execrable. extremely inferior or detestable

expostulate. discuss earnestly

extenuate. make less serious

facile. mild-mannered

facility. aptitude, ease

fain. eagerly, gladly

fallow. plowed but unseeded

fatness. richness, fertility

feign. pretend, imagine, as in fictional writing

filial. pertaining to a son or daughter

flag. decline in vigor or strength

fomes. diseased material

foment. incite, agitate

froward. stubbornly contrary, obstinate

furniture. equipment, weapons

gadding. straggling, roving

gin. trap

good-man. male head of household

haply. by chance

head. (1) ultimate outcome; (2) category, heading; (3) source

hectical. fluctuating but persistent

humor. bodily fluid, thought to be the physical root of the passions

husbandman. farmer

immure. confine within walls

impetuous. (1) vehement; (2) impulsive

import. signify

importunate. persistent, pressing

improvement. (1) exposition, application; (2) enhancement

inadvertency. negligence

incumbent. obligatory

indisposition. disinclination, unwillingness

infirm. feeble

ingenerate. beget, produce

inquest. inquiry, investigation

insensible. (1) apathetic, callous, uncomprehending; (2) imperceptible

insition. engraftment

instant. insistent, constant, faithful

intemperance. lack of moderation; indulgence, especially of intoxicating drink

intendment. intention

intension. intention

interest. share or stake

interposition. interjection, intervention

inveigh. denounce, censure

inveterate. hardened, habitual, deep-rooted

issue. result, outcome

languid. lacking power

lasciviousness. wantonness, inclination to lust

lassitude. listlessness, lethargy

leave. cease

lee. shelter, protection

loathness. unwillingness, reluctance

loose. lack of restraint

machinations. plottings, schemings, cunning designs

magistracy. human government

malefactor. criminal

manuring. fertilizer

mean. lowly, insignificant

meet. fitting, appropriate

metonymy. a figure of speech in which one term is substituted for another term closely associated with it

morose. sullenly melancholy, gloomy

nescience. lack of knowledge

nigh. near

noisome. dangerous, offensive, foul

notional. theoretical, conceptual

noxious. injurious, harmful, unwholesome

obdurate. hardened, unyielding, obstinate

obnoxious. harmfully exposed

obviate. render unnecessary; anticipate, prevent

overawe. restrain or subdue by awe

own. admit, acknowledge, confess to be true

palliate. moderate the seriousness or intensity of

papist. negative label for Roman Catholics, relating to belief in papal supremacy; from the Latin papa (“pope”)

parley. discuss (especially with an enemy)

party. participant

paucity. smallness of number

peccant. offending, faulty

peculiar. particular, characteristic

peevish. irritable, discontent

perdition. ruin, damnation, destruction

perfunctorily. routinely, indifferently

pernicious. deadly

pertinacious. obstinate, stubborn

perturbation. disturbance, agitation

pervious. permeable, penetrable

physic. remedy, relief, medicine

pine away. wither or waste away

plaster. medicated bandage

popish. negative label for Roman Catholicism, relating to belief in papal supremacy

preventing grace. a special grace that, preceding human willing, protects against further sinning

procure. gain, obtain

prodigality. reckless extravagance, especially with money

professor. one who makes a religious confession; a professing Christian

prosecution. carrying out, execution

quit. (1) conduct; (2) freed or released

raiment. garments, clothing

rankling. festering, irritating

rapine. pillage, robbery, plunder

ravening. seeking prey, devouring

remembrancer. reminder

renitency. resistance, reluctance

rent. ripped, torn

repining. discontentment, grumbling

repose. (1) rest; (2) place, entrust

requite. repay

respite. relief

retention. contention, concern

retirements. privacy, seclusion, leisure

rifled. disordered, ruffled

right. seek to correct or amend

Roman. Roman Catholic

romish. of or relating to the Roman Catholic Church

sedulous. constant, persistent

self-justiciary. one who believes he can attain righteousness by his own action or nature

self-maceration. self-inflicted starvation, emaciation

sensual. perceived by the senses (not necessarily sexual)

shed. diffuse, spread abroad

shut up. summarize, sum up

signal. significant, remarkable, out of the ordinary

sottish. foolish, especially as it relates to drunkenness

stay. stop

strait. short

straits. difficulties, distresses

station. position

succor. assistance, relief

suffer. allow, permit, tolerate

sullied. (1) polluted, soiled; (2) tainted, marred, defiled

sundry. various

supererogation. according to the Roman Catholic doctrine, a superabundance of merit deposited in a spiritual treasury of the Church that can be used by ordinary sinners for the remittance of their sins

swing. liberty, sway

synecdoche. a figure of speech in which the part stands for the whole or the whole stands for the part

tackling. a ship’s rigging; tackle

temper. character, disposition

tender. offer

tergiversation. equivocation, falsification by vague or ambiguous language

tittle. a kind of accent in the Hebrew alphabet

trade. course, path, way or manner of life

tow. coarse flax

tumultuate. agitate, disturb, stir up

usurp. seize, take control with power and force

variance. dissent, discord

velleity. inclination, desire

vexation. annoyance

vitiate. invalidate, render incomplete, impair

want. lack

wanton. lacking discipline

wax. grow, become

winnow. separate as chaff from wheat

withe. shackle made of green twigs (see Judg. 16:7, kjv)

without. outside of

wont. wonted. accustom; accustomed

wroth. filled with wrath

wrought. shaped, molded, fashioned