Back at work when my youngest was a few weeks old, there were people frothing at the mouthto get through the pleasantries so they could appear to bury what they really wanted to ask: ‘So, who’s looking after the baby?’ (Code for ‘Why aren’t you?’)
They deflated when I told them the baby and his brothers were being cared for by their dad and no, the kid wasn’t on formula but expressed breast milk. ‘Bugger,’ I could almost hear people think (sadly, mostly women), ‘I was hoping to hang a guilt trip, but she ticked all the boxes: mother having a career, father doing his share, and child not missing out on the healthbenefits of breast milk. Damn.’ We weren’t making a statement. We were just muddling through and making it up as we went along like parents have since babies were invented. We were just trying to keep a roof over our heads, put food on the table, stay sane and hope the kids felt safe and loved.
The term ‘childcare’ needs to be qualified. There are different types and different amounts. Good-quality childcare is what we’re after. And there is plenty of it out there. But there needs to be more. The simple equation for supporting children and parents is affordable, accessible, good-quality community-based childcare and government-funded paid parenting and grandparenting that extends to other relatives, neighbours and friends.
The privatisation of childcare – along withhealthcare and education – is ethically bankrupt. Childcare is the responsibility of the whole community and the outcome affects us all. How can it be legal to make a profit from childcare? We’re a society that values money over the welfare of children. Shame on us. There’s nothing more important than the care of children, yet nothing more undervalued or poorly paid. ABC Learning’s fallen over? Good. Keep the centres running, sell them to the local councils and plough any profits back into the centres. And double the staff ’s wages while you’re at it.
Author Mem Fox unleashed a firestorm recently when she called full-time childcare for babies a form of child abuse. No one thinks long-term, full-time childcare is the optimal Plan A for any baby or family. There is no research that says full-time, institutionalised long-term childcare is best for babies, toddlers or children. But life’s not perfect and there are parents, particularly single parents, who have no choice but to put their babies in full-time care, which is another indictment on our society.
They should have a choice. They should be financed and supported to care for their babies.
Some parents do have a choice and they choose career and financial gain over caring for their baby. It’s in their self-deception that you’ll find the truth. Parents who think they are giving their children the best start in life by working long hours to pay for brand-name clothes, plasma-screen televisions, luxury cars and houses big enough for each kid to have their own room with anensuite are wrong. But we need to be reminded that selfish, materialistic morons are in the minority in the childcare debate.
Where did the bizarre idea that traditional family values consist of the mother looking after her children alone in her home come from? Since when has this been traditional?
Maybe in the past fifty years, and even so only in small pockets of some rich, developed societies. Traditionally, children have always been looked after communally. If we’re talking traditional family values, a bunch of children being cared for by a few loving adults is far more traditional than the 1950s dream model. And that’s what good childcare is.
There’s an unspoken and insidious assumption in the childcare debate that in the good old days, 1950s-type housewives were all happy at home withtheir growing brood and gleaming kitchen. If only women these days stopped being selfish and demanding and just looked after the kids and shut up, everything would be fine.
Here’s a flash for you: many of those 1950s housewives were desperately unhappy and so were their children because of it. More housewives than we’ll ever know were sucking on a cooking-sherry bottle, sobbing over the kitchen sink, addicted to Bex, clinging to their rosary beads and, in some cases, even ending up in psychiatric institutions having electric-shock therapy to cope. Those families would have been much happier with a couple of days of good-quality childcare a week.