Can anyone explain why I did this? I went to the chemist and bought this crap I put on my face to make me look younger. I put the jar on the counter. The chemist girl said, ‘Is this stuff any good?’
Is this stuff any good?’
I said, ‘Yeah.’
She said, ‘Really?’
I said, ‘I’m sixty.’
Eyes like saucers, mouthagape, she gasps, ‘OH MY GOD! Sixty! Toula! Fatima! Kelly! Come and check out this old lady. She’s sixty!’ So the other chemist girls scurry over and after quite a bit of oohing and aahing one says, ‘Oh my God! Sixty? You look like you’re forty-five!’
I’m forty. Chemist girls, one. Smart-arse, zero.
On to telly. It’s a bit like falling in love. You just know. So as soon as I heard about Ten Years Younger in Ten Days I could smell the wrongness and taste that this was going to be another case of me wishing I’d been born without eyes, ears and an insatiable curiosity to find the most sick and offensive television program ever made.
Ten Years Younger in Ten Days should be called You’re Old and Ugly. We’re Not. ‘We can make you look a little less ugly and old for a moment, with a mammotheffort and humiliation, then as soon as you get back to your tragic suburban homes, your diet of take-aways, fags and instant coffee, your tracky-dacks and your jobs in pizza shops, mines and pet shops, you’ll snap back to your former ugliness and you’ll know, for sure, there is no happily ever after. You’re ugly. And so’s your family. Get over it. And you know what makes it worse? Your mates have seen you on telly all dressed up like the pox doctor’s clerk and now you’re back to Slobsville. Population you.’
Pretending to be fairy godmothers making dreams come true when in fact they are making a freak show to sell advertising are host Sonia Kruger and assorted grooming experts, hair stylists, fashion consultants, make-up artists, dental architects and celebrity cosmetic surgeons. They renovate the tired, poor and overweight. It’s like Backyard Blitz for ugly people.
Bad teeth, nose hair, full-on sideburns, male-pattern baldness – and that’s just the women. Faces only a commercial television network in the business of industrial-strengthhumiliation could love. As if the uglies don’t feel bad enough, they’re put in a perspex box in a park and passers-by are asked to assess the uglies and estimate their age. The news is not good. But who cares? The ratings are fabulous!
After dental work, colonic hydrotherapy, liposuction, hairdos, brow lifts, fake tans, facial laser peels, Botox, fillers, upper-eye surgery and new threads, the guys all end up looking like frozen-faced pimps or home boys, and the women all look like chemist girls out on a hens’ night or cheap and nasty slags.
Moral bankruptcy aside, the transformation between the before and after shot is extraordinary; the uglies are unrecognisable. Give ’em a week and they’ll be sad and broken again. Ten Years Younger in Ten Days is another reminder people should have to have a licence to operate a remote control. And people who make television should have to have a conscience.