‘HOME, SWEET HOME,’ Summer declared as she pulled up outside Rafael’s house, the engine still running making it clear she wouldn’t be staying.
It was his fault things had cooled off between them. Or Christina’s, actually. Up until then he and Summer had been closer than ever and now, with Gracie accepting her presence on a personal level, it gave him hope for their future together. That could be in jeopardy if her mother came back on the scene and he wasn’t prepared to lose Summer when he’d only just found her.
‘Why don’t you come in and we’ll have a coffee or a nightcap after I get Gracie settled?’ He didn’t know if, or how, to broach the subject of his ex-wife but he was sure he didn’t want their relationship to suffer as a result. Summer had gone out of her way for the two of them and proved her commitment beyond a doubt. She deserved an explanation, or at least some display of gratitude for everything she’d done today. If Christina hadn’t spoiled things they’d have ended the perfect day cuddled up enjoying some quality time together.
‘Is that what you want?’ Her question was so full of uncertainty it killed him after their day together should’ve cemented her position in his life, not made her doubt it.
‘Yes.’ He hoped that definite answer would assure her things remained on track for them. Whatever was going on with Christina had absolutely nothing to do with Summer and she shouldn’t be tainted by it.
Once he’d convinced her to stay she parked the car and followed him and Gracie into the house. The fresh air and excitement had caught up with his little whirlwind who, for once, put up no resistance at bedtime so he could put her pyjamas on her with minimal fuss. The only obstacle in getting her settled was when she insisted Summer tuck her into bed.
After reading her a quick bedtime story, Summer made sure she had Dolly in beside her to keep her company. ‘Is there anything else I can do for you, Gracie?’
‘Can we have a sleepover?’ Gracie’s request came out of the blue and Rafael wasn’t sure she knew what it was she was asking.
‘What do you mean, sweetheart?’ The room was too compact to host any guests other than her cuddly toys.
‘Can Summer stay?’ It dawned on him then that she’d enjoyed the novelty of having a woman around. Summer stopped fixing the bed covers, looking to him for some guidance on the issue. Gracie had accepted her so readily, moving their relationship forward much quicker than he’d expected, he had to be certain Summer was comfortable with it too.
‘Summer has her own house to go home to and I’m sure she’s tired, but she’s very welcome to stay. I’d really like that.’ He tossed the final decision back to her, making her know he was keen on the idea himself and this wasn’t simply Gracie’s fancy.
‘Will you be here for breakfast?’ Gracie yawned, forcing herself to stay awake until she got the answer she was waiting to hear.
‘I...er...’ Summer looked towards him again but this had to be her call. If she stayed the night it had to be because she wanted to, not because she’d been pressured into it.
‘I make a mean omelette.’ He added another incentive in case she’d be more tempted with the offer of food too.
‘In that case, how can I resist? I’ll be here when you wake up, Gracie.’ She kissed her newest admirer on the forehead and when she locked eyes with Rafael he felt the heat of desire flare between them, the night full of possibilities.
‘Goodnight, Graciela.’ Rafael kissed his daughter too and she made no objection tonight as he exited the room and closed the door.
‘Are you sure it’s all right for me to stay?’ Summer whispered when they were alone in the hallway.
It had been way too long since he’d been able to hold her the way he’d longed to so he gathered her in his arms and took his time answering her with a slow, sensual kiss.
‘I’ll take that as a yes,’ she said with a laugh once they took a breath.
‘Thank you for today. You’re a very special lady, Summer Ryan.’ Now he had her in his life, he didn’t intend to lose her.
‘Don’t you forget it,’ she said, poking a finger into his chest.
Regardless of her playfulness now, her usual chatter had been MIA since leaving Boston and he could tell she was bothered by what she’d witnessed earlier.
‘The woman in the shop was Christina, my ex-wife.’ He didn’t want his ex to have any place in their lives but Summer deserved the truth. The colour drained from her face and this was exactly why he hadn’t wanted to tell her.
‘I see. What did she want?’ Although she sounded calm, the news must have come as a huge shock. If she ever ran into her ex he knew he’d find it difficult to be the outsider when they’d had a whole life together he knew little about.
‘I didn’t give her a chance to say whatever was on her mind. She suggested going somewhere to talk but I didn’t want her to see Gracie. So I did the only thing I could think of in the moment. I handed her my business card and told her to call me, to get rid of her.’ Her sudden reappearance had cast up all sorts of negative emotions he wasn’t ready or willing to revisit, and he wouldn’t have gone with her even if he’d been there alone. It hadn’t been the time or the place for a confrontation when he wouldn’t have been able to stop himself telling her some home truths about what he thought of her for deserting them.
‘She must want to see her daughter. Why else would she need to talk to you?’
‘She hasn’t felt the need to do either for two years. Not even when the divorce papers were served.’ He’d long since got over the upset and Gracie didn’t remember her at all. All he was bothered about was the impact this was going to have on the life he’d made for himself now with his daughter and Summer.
‘Do you...do you think she wants custody?’ Summer broached the subject he’d been in denial about ever since he’d crossed paths with Christina today.
‘Over my dead body. She isn’t a mother to Graciela. She is nothing to her.’
‘You’ll have to consider that possibility, Rafael. Perhaps she’s had a crisis of conscience and decided to make it up to you both. People change.’
‘Not in Christina’s case. I think she’s simply seen me in Boston and tried to stir up trouble. We shouldn’t waste any more time thinking about her. I just didn’t want to keep any secrets from you. There mightn’t be any reason to get worked up anyway when she isn’t known for her reliability.’ He’d spent too long second-guessing Christina’s actions and for the sake of his sanity he’d learned to detach himself from the decisions she made when they were out of control. If he let today’s encounter dominate his thoughts he’d go mad at the potential threat she posed to his status quo here when she mightn’t ever show her face again.
Christina had no place in his life on Maple Island and he certainly wasn’t going to let her spoil his quality time with Summer when they were so early into a possible relationship. The best way to put his ex-wife far from his thoughts was to focus on the woman with him now, who would never do anything to hurt him or Gracie.
By engaging her in another breath-stealing kiss, it wasn’t long before he was led astray by the taste of her and knowing she was his for the entire night. With one hand tangled in her hair, the other possessively around her waist, he backed her towards his bedroom.
‘Dr Valdez, I’m afraid I don’t have any pyjamas to wear for our sleepover,’ Summer murmured against his lips.
‘That’s okay. For what I have in mind you’re not going to need any.’
Summer knew he was trying to take both their minds off the woman she’d seen him with today. It was working. When he was sucking her bottom lip into his mouth, undressing her painfully slowly and taking his time to kiss every inch of skin he uncovered, she didn’t want to think about any other woman. Especially not the one he’d thought he’d spend the rest of his life with. He’d assured her he hadn’t been interested in anything his ex had to say or offer, and she had to believe him because the alternative would break her heart. Tonight she wanted to enjoy time with her man and there was no room for another woman in their bed.
Summer slid her hand over his crotch and staked her claim on the hard evidence it presented that it was definitely her he wanted.
Rafael exhaled a hot breath in response. ‘Summer, we’ve got all night.’
‘You promised we weren’t going to be needing clothes.’ She undid his fly. ‘So I’m simply making sure you stick to your word.’
Her bold move prompted a flurry of mutual undressing until all she was wearing was a coy smile.
The invitation to spend the night marked a progression in their dynamic. He didn’t do anything without a lot of thought behind it and he was showing her he was thinking of her as part of his family.
The thought should have terrified her after the loved ones she’d lost in the past, but Rafael wouldn’t have let her get so close if he wasn’t serious about them having a future together. Their relationship had evolved so naturally she hadn’t seen it coming. She mightn’t have intended it to happen, or been ready for it, but she was becoming part of this family and she didn’t want her insecurities spoiling it now.
They tumbled onto the bed, desperate to make that final connection. Looking into Rafael’s eyes, she could see the moment he entered her was as gratifying and meaningful to him as it was to her.
It was too early to say she loved him, or to expect it in return, but she felt it every time their bodies joined together. As he made love to her, Summer was powerless against the waves of pleasure carrying her ever forward towards paradise. She clamped her hand over her mouth, knowing she couldn’t hold back voicing her pleasure when the final wave hit.
Rafael peeled her hand away from her mouth but didn’t slow his quest for her orgasm. ‘I want to hear you.’
That demand was all it took to tip her over the edge, her body shuddering simultaneously with the cry of ecstasy ripped from her. Again and again Rafael hit that sweet spot and triggered a succession of repeated responses until she had nothing left to give before he finally indulged his own satisfaction with one last vocal thrust.
As they spooned together atop his bed, her body satiated and her mind at peace, she let herself drift towards slumber. She’d tried the single life, told herself she’d be happier on her own safe from the pain of risking another relationship, but it simply couldn’t compare to lying here with Rafael’s arms wrapped around her.
Today he and Gracie had shown her all she had to gain from having them in her life, everything she’d missed growing up and had thought could hurt her after Marc. The fun of a family day out ending with sharing a bed with her lover was no match for going home to an empty house.
If this was a dream she never wanted to wake up. Unless it was to a naked Rafael and the promise of a home-cooked breakfast.
Opening her eyes to see Rafael next to her with the early morning sun shining through the window was bliss compared to those mornings lying in bed staring at the ceiling until it was time to get ready for work. She’d be content to lie here all day.
‘Morning.’ He scooted close enough to her that she could feel his erection pressed against her.
‘Morning.’ She didn’t open her eyes and simply snuggled back into him.
Rafael cupped her breast in his hand, rolling her nipple between his thumb and forefinger until her body stirred with arousal. She gave a happy purr and let him continue the wake-up call, his hand travelling down to find the warmth between her legs. He slipped a finger easily inside her and Summer sighed as he began stroking her, stoking the embers of last night’s fire back into life.
As he increased the rhythm of his ministrations she was writhing against him in ecstasy, desperate to find that welcome release. With great effort she finally opened her eyes and turned around so she could see his face and kiss his lips. His erection grazed against her as she shifted position and it was apparent he was in need of some relief too.
She straddled those muscular thighs she’d fantasised about so often and sank slowly down onto his thick shaft, revelling as he filled her so completely. With her hands on his chest she ground her hips into him, savouring the feel of him inside her. Hands on her buttocks, lips at her breast, Rafael thrust into her, filling her to the brim until she was ready to burst. As sensation overtook her, limbs trembling with her impending climax, Rafael took charge, rolling her onto her back and pumping into her relentlessly. Their lazy morning in bed quickly became a frantic pursuit of mutual gratification. Her cry was drowned out by Rafael’s primal growl as he gave himself completely to her.
With heaving chest and panting breath, Summer smiled at him. ‘I wouldn’t mind that kind of wake-up call every day.’
‘It certainly beats my usual exercise routine.’ Rafael laughed through his laboured breathing, equally exhausted by their early morning workout.
‘I hope that doesn’t mean Triathlon Dad is hanging up his running shoes and swimming trunks. I wouldn’t want to disappoint your legion of female admirers waiting to see you in all your glory. For some of us the sight of you in very little is the highlight of our day.’ Now she had intimate knowledge of what lay beneath his clothes she had a lot more to be thankful for.
She danced her fingertips around his nipple, delighted he’d found another outlet for all that energy.
‘I can think of much better ways to get sweaty.’ His throaty growl travelled all the way down Summer’s body, immediately reawakening that need for him.
‘You’re insatiable.’ She giggled as he slid his body over to cover hers, apparently already sufficiently recovered from the last event.
‘Only for you.’ He covered her face and neck in swoony butterfly kisses to drive her wild.
The baby monitor on his nightstand suddenly crackled into life with the sound of a certain three-year-old getting restless to start her day.
Rafael groaned. ‘Perfect timing as usual, Gracie.’
‘We can’t complain. She’s been very good. As has her father.’ Summer gave him a playful slap on the bottom, aware their sexy time was over. Gracie expected to see her at breakfast but not in her father’s bed.
As she moved to get dressed, Rafael lay back to watch. ‘We don’t have to commit to anything formal but I would like you to stay over here whenever you can.’
He was being deadly serious and though the suggestion made Summer’s heart pick up an extra beat at the thought of sharing his bed on a regular basis, she remained wary. The last time she’d jumped in with both feet she’d had to change jobs and move to an island to get over it.
‘Let me think it over and I’ll have my people get back to you.’ She kept the tone light so he wouldn’t take offence that she wasn’t leaping at the chance.
‘You do that.’ Thankfully he appeared confident enough in his prowess to know she wouldn’t be able to resist.
‘In the meantime, I think your daughter and your house guest are expecting some breakfast.’ It was going to be a rush to get home, showered and changed in time for work but she wasn’t going to miss sitting down to a cosy family breakfast together. Something she hadn’t experienced in a very long time.
‘You’re in a good mood.’ Alex interrupted Rafael’s whistling to comment on the huge grin he hadn’t been able to wipe off his face today.
‘It does happen occasionally.’ Rafael closed the patient files he was reading at the nurses’ station, unwilling to get drawn into a conversation about the reasons behind his current exuberance. Usually after battling to get Gracie ready and fit in a swim he had a fraught start to the working day. It was a completely different experience having Summer there in the morning.
Her presence hadn’t made his daughter any more co-operative but with Summer’s help and calming influence he hadn’t found it as stressful as he normally did. The memory of their incredible night, and morning, in his bed had probably helped his mood too. He didn’t want to scare her off, and it was early days, but he’d meant what he’d said about having her there on a regular, hopefully even permanent, basis.
He’d spent the last couple of years being careful, guarding his heart along with his daughter’s, and it had very nearly cost him the best thing to happen to him since Graciela. Yes, he’d been burned before but so had Summer and she wouldn’t have embarked on this affair to play games with his affections when she knew how that felt. He’d give her whatever time and space necessary to be sure he and Gracie were truly what she wanted because he already knew she was the one for him.
He was living, enjoying life, rather than simply surviving, which he’d been doing ever since he’d left Spain to come to America. Medical school had been his dream but it hadn’t been easy, cut off from everything he’d ever known. He’d had to work hard to achieve his success with no emotional or financial support along the way.
He’d loved Christina but their time together had been marred by arguments and their clashing views on what married life should entail. For him it had been about settling down and having a family but she hadn’t believed it should curtail her love of partying. When Gracie had come along Rafael had been overwhelmed by love for their child, but bringing a baby into their marriage had only added to their problems when Gracie had demanded more attention than her mother had been prepared to give her.
Looking back now, he could see she’d only agreed to start a family for his sake. He was thankful for the joy it had brought him but it had come at the price of their marriage. Christina hadn’t been ready for motherhood, if she’d ever really wanted it. This time spent with Summer had shown him what family life could be like with someone supporting them both. Someone they both loved in return.
This wasn’t post-sex daydreaming. Summer was everything he could ever want in a partner—she was smart, kind, caring and had proved she’d be there for them come what may. It was natural she should be cautious about rushing into this but he was prepared to wait, content with his life on the island. In the meantime, he’d woo her the old-fashioned way, with hearts and flowers and whatever it took for her to believe the strength of his feelings for her.
He pulled out his cellphone to text her on his way to his next clinic.
Thinking about you. xx
A reply pinged back before he could switch his phone off.
In that case you should take a cold shower ;)
He laughed out loud then had to check and make sure he hadn’t disturbed anyone nearby. Thankfully everyone else was too busy to notice him sexting Summer.
Why don’t you take one with me later? Dinner at mine tonight. Don’t forget your toothbrush. xx
What? No PJs? : )
Rafael smiled at the screen, the image of Summer, naked in his bed, burned into his brain for ever and putting him in danger of spending the rest of the day in physical discomfort until he was able to do something about it.
Perhaps for the bedtime-story-reading part of the evening but not for the adults-only section. I want you naked.
He groaned. He was going to have to end this flirting by text before he got into trouble wishing the day away.
Ooh, very demanding, Señor Valdez. Now break’s over. We’ll have to save the rest of our fun for tonight. xx
He turned his cell off and put it in his pocket or there’d be no chance of focusing on work this afternoon.
He was still smiling as he walked into his office. Although the good mood wore off pretty quickly when he saw who was waiting for him there.
‘Christina? What on earth are you doing here?’
‘Hola, Rafael. I thought it would be better if we spoke face to face instead of over the phone. Your work address was on the business card you gave me.’
She knew him too well. He’d had absolutely no intention of answering her calls or continuing a discussion with her. He didn’t believe they had anything to say to each to her after all this time. They were strangers now. The Christina he’d known would never have followed him here but run in the opposite direction from the life he represented.
‘I don’t think there’s anything you could possibly say that I want to hear.’ That time had passed. Whatever explanation or feeble apology he’d expected two years ago literally didn’t matter to him now. The deed had been done and he and Gracie had managed fine without her.
‘Don’t you think we have things to discuss?’ She was sitting in his chair, her perfectly manicured hands resting on his desk as though she had every right to be there.
‘Such as?’ He wasn’t going to play games and the sooner she got to the point the sooner he could get her out of here. She wasn’t going to steal away his chance at happiness for a second time.
‘Our daughter.’
All that warmth that had been spreading through his veins from his exchange with Summer now turned to ice. There was no way she was going to drop in now and upset things when she’d shown no previous interest. He wouldn’t let her.
‘I thought you’d forgotten you had one.’ The bitterness he could still taste in his mouth suggested he hadn’t quite got over her abandoning them.
Christina flinched at that one and displayed a hint of a conscience. ‘I know I treated you both appallingly but I’ve done a lot of growing up since then. I did try to find you. I’ve missed you. Both of you.’
If she’d thought she could walk in here and he’d drop to his knees begging her to come back, she was deluded. Seeing her here today at least confirmed one thing, that he didn’t love her any more. There had been that lingering doubt in the far recesses of his mind that he might harbour feelings for her—after all, he hadn’t been the one to end their marriage—but there wasn’t one part of him that was even slightly pleased to see her again.
‘Up until a couple of months ago we were still living in the same house in Boston so you couldn’t have missed us that much.’ Life could’ve turned out so differently if she’d come back before he’d met Summer and discovered what true love felt like, but he was happy here. He’d moved on.
‘You’ve every right to be mad at me, Raf. I wasn’t a good wife to you, or a good mother to Graciela. I’ve only figured that out now when I see all of my friends getting married and settling down.’
Rafael sank down into the seat usually reserved for his patients during consultations, experiencing the same sort of dejection they probably did when he had to give them life-changing news. Whatever his personal views about her, Christina was still Gracie’s mother. It was just a shame it had taken her so long to realise it.
‘What exactly is it you want, Christina?’ He would fight tooth and nail to keep his daughter with him when he was all she’d ever known. There was no danger of him letting Christina take her away from him only to dump her when she got bored playing house again.
‘To be a good mom to Gracie.’ She ignored his snort of derision. ‘She doesn’t know me and I want to rectify that. I’m hoping she’s young enough not to remember the past so we can start over again.’
‘I’ll need more than that to convince me this isn’t simply a whim and you’ll walk away from Gracie when you get bored again.’ This was exactly what he’d known she would do when he’d seen her again—rock up and ruin everything he had going here.
‘Okay, cards on the table.’ He could see her swallow hard, looking uncomfortable about whatever she was about to divulge, but he took no satisfaction in it when it could be potentially life-changing for all of them. ‘Recently, I’ve found out my chances of conceiving again are small. Graciela was something of a miracle, although I didn’t know it at the time. Seeing you again, well, it made me think of everything I’d lost.’
‘You didn’t lose us, you tossed us aside like trash.’ He didn’t want to get taken in by her crocodile tears if this was nothing more than an exercise in self-pity.
‘I’m sorry. You’ll never know how sorry I am for my behaviour. All I can say is that I wasn’t mature enough to handle the responsibility of having a family.’
‘And now you are?’
‘I like to think so.’ She gave him a watery smile. ‘I realise how precious it is these days. Since seeing you, I haven’t stopped thinking about Gracie and wondering what she’s like. She’ll be a proper little person now.’
Thinking of what a real character his daughter was did make him smile. ‘Yes, she is.’
‘Who does she look like?’
‘Me.’ It had made it easier for him that she’d clearly inherited his family features rather than being a clone of her mother and reminding him every day of the woman who’d broken his heart.
‘I don’t suppose you have a photograph?’ Suddenly this was becoming all too real, with Christina showing an interest in the child he’d raised on his own all this time.
‘Look, this is a lot to dump on me. We have a good life here without you.’ It was all he could do not to tell her he was with someone else now. Not to save Christina’s feelings but to stop Summer getting caught up in this whole mess of his failed marriage when she was the symbol of the bright future available to his family.
‘She’s my daughter too, Raf. I don’t want to get into a custody battle with you, but I do have rights as her mother. I’d prefer it if we could come to some sort of arrangement between us.
She might have a right to see her daughter but discussing custody of the child he’d raised alone for so long was something so momentous it deserved more time than he had in between appointments at work. Not only would he need time to think through the implications of letting her back into their lives in any capacity, he’d have to get some legal advice too. Introducing any change into Gracie’s world would be a huge undertaking and even letting Christina have access was only something he would do when he was one hundred percent sure his ex-wife’s intentions were long term.
He got up and opened the door to indicate he wanted her to leave. ‘Not here and not now. I have work to do and patients to see.’
Christina sighed. ‘Can we make an appointment to continue this discussion later? I’m not leaving the island until we do.’
He’d forgotten how stubborn she could be when she didn’t get her own way, and an ex-wife stalking his every move wasn’t going to make him an attractive prospect for Summer.
The breath he huffed out as he returned to the desk to scribble down his address was born of frustration and resignation that he was going to have to see her again no matter how unappealing that was to him. ‘I’m not promising anything but if this is the only way I can get you to leave—’
‘It is.’ Christina took the scrap of paper with a triumphant grin but at least it prompted her towards the exit.
If she intended staying on Maple Island for any length of time it was going to be awkward for Summer. Christina wouldn’t take too kindly to someone else taking her place in the family, regardless of her absence, her fiery temper a contrast to Summer’s stable influence, which he’d come to cherish. Too bad. If it came to choosing sides he’d always take the path best for his family and that would lead him directly to Summer. Christina didn’t stand a chance.