RAFAEL LET HIMSELF into the house to find a sleeping Summer curled up on the couch. Seeing her waiting for him after the long, stressful evening was like a warm, comforting hug helping him to get over the stresses of the day.
How he missed having someone to come back to at night, someone who could help put Gracie to bed or to share a glass of wine with as he unwound at the end of a long day. It had been the simple things in a partnership that had often brought him the most joy and he’d forgotten that until he’d come home to Summer.
Her hair had fallen in a golden curtain hiding her face from view when he really needed to see her. He reached out and gently tucked it behind her ear, the slight contact stirring her into a lazy smile.
‘Hello, sleepyhead.’
Her green eyes blinked back at him and she scrambled to sit up. ‘Sorry, I tried to stay awake. I wanted to make sure you...er...everything was okay.’
She was brushing her tangled hair away from her face and trying to smooth out her crumpled clothes but she looked perfectly adorable the way she was. This tousled vision gave him a glimpse of what she’d look like first thing in the morning and stirred feelings inside him he’d thought he’d never experience again.
If he hadn’t been so damaged by his previous relationship he could wake up to her in his bed looking just like this. It was a tempting thought and the conflicting emotions she aroused in him reminded him of the man he was as well as being a surgeon and father. He felt very protective of her when she looked so vulnerable but he also had an urge to kiss her until she was fully awake.
An act that wasn’t appropriate when all she’d done was help him out during a very difficult time.
‘The operation went well and she’s in Recovery. It’s going to take a while for her to heal completely and she’ll likely have to come back here for rehab, but we’ve done everything we can for now.’
‘I’m glad to hear it.’
‘I’m so sorry for keeping you out all night.’ He knew he should let her go and get some rest but since Summer was at the heart of a lot of the decisions and emotions he had to work through he appreciated having her with him. Logic and his self-imposed restrictions aside, he enjoyed being with her. With the sound of that crash still ringing in his ears and the what-ifs hounding him, he realised he didn’t want to be alone, but he’d already asked so much of her tonight.
‘It’s not as though you were out partying, Rafael. There was an emergency. I was there, remember? You did what you had to do for that poor family and Gracie and I have been fine.’
‘I know, and I’m eternally grateful you stepped up to help without hesitation. I just hate to impose on you, although if she’s asleep it does make me feel a little less guilty.’ It wouldn’t have come as a surprise if Gracie had been howling until he’d come home to tuck her into bed, especially after the shock they’d had. It was comforting to know she’d been able to settle for Summer and it stopped him fretting about working away from his daughter.
‘She did fuss for a while that you weren’t here to read her a bedtime story and went to bed clutching one of your shirts. I hope that’s okay? She took it from your closet and it seemed to give her some comfort.’
‘That’s fine. We don’t really have anyone else to turn to at times like this. Her mother hasn’t wanted to know her for the past two years and my parents, well, they kind of disowned me when I left Spain. They don’t know who I am these days, much less their granddaughter.’
‘It’s their loss, on both counts.’ It was meant as a compliment but it did make Rafael wonder if it was Gracie’s loss, too, that she’d never get to know the rest of her family. He’d been so hurt and determined to succeed without their help that he’d forgotten about what was best for his daughter. She was the innocent party here and though he didn’t want her to get hurt there was a possibility he had been projecting his insecurities onto her.
‘I try not to dwell on it but today has opened my eyes. What if we had been in that car? What would happen to Gracie if I got hurt, or vice versa? I’m not sure either of us would survive without the other.’ He was horrified to hear the slight crack in his voice, showing his one true weakness in front of Summer, but he hadn’t planned for that eventuality. If he was ever seriously ill or injured, his daughter would be left at the mercy of children’s services because he’d been too afraid to share her with anyone else.
‘I’m always here for both of you.’ She let her hand rest lightly atop his, a gentle reminder she was there, and he appreciated it more than she would ever know. It was a long time since he’d had that kind of support.
‘Thank you. I’m glad she didn’t give you too much of a hard time tonight in case I have to take you up on that.’ A wrinkled shirt was a small price to pay for peace of mind tonight and now he had assurance that he wasn’t on his own any more, everything he’d shared with Summer was worth it.
‘Not at all. We were working on some posters for the triathlon idea.’ She let go of him and rooted through the mess of paper and colouring utensils littering his coffee table to present him with their joint efforts.
‘Well, these masterpieces should have people digging deep into their pockets.’ He could just imagine the two of them, heads bent over the table, doing their best to illustrate Summer’s ideas, and the image was heart-warming. They’d formed a real bond and he knew that wasn’t something achieved easily with his daughter, or him. She was someone special.
‘I showed her some of these so she’d understand what it is we’re trying to do.’ Summer grabbed her cell and came to sit on the arm of the couch beside him, scrolling through to show him a video of a triathlon.
‘I’m not sure any of us are quite in that league,’ he joked, trying to ignore the warm feel of her pressed against his arm or her hair brushing against his cheek and awakening every nerve ending in his body.
‘I thought we could make it an annual event and perhaps make the first one for those hospital staff who are already in shape. Present company included, of course.’ Her smile, so warm, so close, sucked all the oxygen from his lungs and it took some time before he was able to respond.
‘And you’ll be taking part too?’
‘Not this time. Perhaps we could run a training course for those of us who need some practice for next year. Gracie even gave me some inspiration for running a nursery triathlon for a bit of fun. Nothing competitive. You know, some water play, trikes and a race, so the children could feel involved too.’
When he didn’t reply she shoved the phone back in her pocket. ‘It’s probably a silly idea anyway...’
Rafael took her hand and laced his fingers through hers to show her he was there for her as she had been for him and Gracie. ‘No, it’s a great idea. You’re amazing.’
‘So are you. Gracie couldn’t have asked for a better father and the way you dealt with that crash today was incredible.’
They locked eyes and it was then he realised there was more than mutual appreciation going on. He’d let Summer get closer to him than anyone since Christina because that’s exactly where he wanted her to be.
‘Summer...’ Saying her name was an acceptance of his feelings for her that he’d been denying too long.
‘Rafael...’ She leaned in and as her lips met his in a soft caress, he was lost to the sensation. With the tip of his tongue he traced the outline of her mouth, dipped in to taste her sweetness, but when she gave a breathy moan he was carried away on a tidal wave of need. He shifted her over onto his lap and she made no protest. Instead, she wrapped her arms around his neck and gave herself over to the passion threatening to consume them both.
He hadn’t been intimate with any woman since Christina had left but he didn’t remember a simple kiss having such power over him, to the point nothing else mattered but maintaining that connection. It was only the thought of Gracie sleeping upstairs that eventually cooled his ardour before they were both swept away in the moment. He dotted kisses along the side of her neck, trying to wean himself away from her in small stages, afraid to break the spell and the possibilities that might be opening up for them.
He was still nursing his wounds from the divorce and he wasn’t in the right head space to get involved with anyone. As illustrated by his toing and froing with Summer, unable to tear himself away but knowing he shouldn’t get involved.
‘Promise you won’t hurt me, Rafael.’ Summer was so moved by the unexpected kiss and her reaction to it, she knew she was in trouble. So much for her triathlon distraction. When he’d confided in her, showing that vulnerability she hadn’t known was there, she’d been transfixed, captivated by his charms. Now she had sampled the evidence that his interest in her went beyond his daughter she would be at his mercy.
‘I don’t know what this is we’re getting into, Summer, but I do have to consider Gracie in whatever happens. What I can promise is that I would never intentionally do anything to hurt you when I’ve endured that suffering myself. Christina did so much damage to us both when she left, I’m afraid of getting involved and leaving us both exposed to that pain again.’
It was the first time he’d mentioned his ex’s name and it somehow made her existence more real, a possible threat. She understood Rafael’s reasons for being guarded when her last break-up was the reason she was wary of another single dad. ‘I would never hurt either of you. I hope you know that.’
‘It’s down to my own hang-ups, nothing you’ve done. Before Christina it was my parents who let me go without a fight. They didn’t want me to leave my home country and when I did they saw it as a betrayal of my heritage. I guess I’m just afraid of losing anyone else in my life and I’ve been using excuses to push you away rather than face what’s happening between us. You’ve been honest with me and I’ve seen how much you care for Gracie, for everyone in your life.’
‘I don’t play games, Rafael. I wear my heart on my sleeve. I like you, I want to be with you.’ She knew how it felt to be so isolated from people she loved and she could never do that to someone else. He didn’t have to worry that she would treat him as badly as his own family had.
‘I know.’ He leaned in and dropped a soft kiss on her lips to remind her he was still there.
‘I couldn’t bear to lose anyone else in my life, Rafael. My stepbrother is living goodness knows where with my father, and my ex-boyfriend went back to his previous partner, taking the son I’d helped him raise. Trust me when I say I’m not in the market for any more heartache.’
Rafael brushed away her silent tears with the pads of his thumbs. ‘From now on we’re only making happy memories.’ He sealed the promise with another gentle kiss, so tender it was easy to believe he’d never hurt her.
‘Look, I like you, Rafael, and I’m pretty sure you like me.’ She touched her finger to her kiss-swollen lips as though she could still feel him. ‘Why don’t we just leave it at that for now with no expectations or worries about the consequences?’
Goodness knew, she wanted more of this, of him, but she knew he would never choose her above his daughter, she wouldn’t expect him to. Yet a part of her wanted him to fight for her. The part of her that had been cast aside without a second thought when the mother of her ex’s baby had come back on the scene as if she’d never been an important piece of his history. Her heart.
He looked surprised when she offered him a way out, and disengaged herself from his lap. ‘Summer, I—’
‘It’s late. I should really get home and get some sleep.’ She couldn’t bear to hear empty promises when he’d probably come to regret this in the morning.
‘It doesn’t seem very gentlemanly of me to let you walk home alone.’ He stood beside her, his ruffled hair and dazed expression a reminder of the passion they’d just shared.
Summer shook her head. ‘I wouldn’t expect you to when you have Gracie to look after.’
She left Rafael’s house more confused than ever about how to proceed with him, knowing she’d shown her hand tonight. The life she’d created here for herself was a sign she deserved more than being a mere stop-gap in someone else’s love life. Maple Island was her home now. She was happy in her job and at peace with the decisions that had brought her here because she knew now that Marc hadn’t been the right man for her.
That kiss with Rafael had been an expression of the depth of her feelings for him, and having experienced the strength of his intoxicating passion in return had left her feeling weak. She was falling for him fast and she didn’t know where that left her if he decided he didn’t want her after all. She wasn’t a book from the library to be borrowed and put back on the shelf at will, and cursed herself for getting involved with another man with complicated family issues.
‘Wake up, Papa.’
Rafael’s fevered dreams about kissing Summer were quickly doused as he was slapped awake by his three-year-old.
‘Wh-what time is it?’ He reached for his watch on the nightstand, trying to force himself awake in case he’d overslept again. Given last night’s events, he wouldn’t have been surprised. He and Summer had crossed the line into romantic territory and he still had to process exactly what that meant for him, and Gracie.
His effective alarm call climbed down off his bed and toddled off out of the room again. As the numbers came into focus, he groaned and lay back down on the pillow. It was way too early for this.
‘Go back to bed, Gracie.’ He closed his eyes, grateful he had another couple of hours before he really had to get up. Unfortunately, the sound of cupboards being opened downstairs in the kitchen and the sound of dishes breaking ensured he was jumping out of bed seconds later.
Apparently, she was big and smart enough that safety gates and cupboard locks no longer posed any threat, except to his mental health. There were so many potential dangers he bounded down the staircase without a thought to the hazards of being barefoot.
After finding the plastic building blocks she’d abandoned on the floor, he hopped into a scene of utter carnage in the kitchen.
‘Are you okay?’ Ignoring the trail of cereal across the floor and the milk waterfall currently pouring off the kitchen worktop, he was more concerned with the damage she could’ve done to herself.
‘Breakfast, Papa.’ She was so pleased with herself as she presented him with a half-full glass of orange juice and a bowl of soggy cereal, there was no way he could be cross with her. He could clear the mess up any time but it wasn’t often his daughter did something so amazing for him.
‘Gracias, querida.’ He kissed the top of her head, tears springing to his eyes that she would even think of trying to make breakfast for him. It wasn’t yet clear to what extent her autism would impact on her life when she was older, but this small act was a welcome sign she was aware of the world around her and was capable of displaying emotion. If this wasn’t an expression of a child’s love for her father, he didn’t know what was.
He poured her some orange juice and cereal and pulled out a chair for her to join him. ‘Did you have fun last night?’
She nodded whilst munching a mouthful of multigrain hoops and he decided to push a little further when she was being this co-operative.
‘You like Summer, don’t you?’
She gave another emphatic nod as she shovelled in another spoonful of cereal.
‘Yeah, me too. We’re going to be working on this triathlon together so you don’t mind if she comes around sometimes?’ It was true, even if he hoped she’d be here for other reasons too. He wanted Gracie to be happy with the idea before he would even contemplate getting in deeper with Summer.
This time she shook her head and Rafael ate the breakfast prepared by his daughter with a smile on his face. Sitting here in the midst of this chaos, puddles of juice, milk and cereal covering every available surface, it was the best meal he’d ever had.
As Summer made her way to Rafael’s house, she knew the decision had been made on what part she was to play in his life. The invitation to join him and Gracie for dinner had been a personal one and not offered in any professional capacity. Still, she’d brought along all the stuff she’d been working on for the triathlon. It mightn’t have done anything to stop their burgeoning attraction to one another but it would benefit the clinic nonetheless.
She worried that he would have had time to think about last night and regret kissing her, but he’d arrived at day-care this morning so eager to tell her what Gracie had done for him at breakfast it was clear he wanted her to be a part of their lives.
It was a leap of faith for both of them to begin a relationship, even if they’d been involved long before either of them had admitted it. If she left all thoughts of Marc and Leo in the past and simply let herself live in the moment, she knew she had to take the chance she could be happy.
‘Hey.’ She had to resist throwing herself at Rafael as he opened the door to let her in, so sexy in his charcoal-grey T-shirt and tight black jeans. Somehow his casual look did more for her than his dapper formal wear or the scrubs she knew a lot of women found attractive. Perhaps it was the novelty of seeing him relaxed or the hungry look in his eyes she knew was for more than food. Either way, he certainly didn’t need to serve aphrodisiacs tonight to get her attention.
‘Hey, yourself.’ He closed the door, backing her up against it, and kissed her with such fiery passion she was sure her bones had melted.
She’d barely recovered by the time he led her to the dining room where she flopped into a chair. Her body was so weakened from that one kiss she daren’t think about what else he could do to her or she might combust with want.
‘Dinner smells lovely.’ She took a sip of the wine he’d poured for her, hoping the alcohol would revive her from her swoon.
‘Gracie helped me make the patatas bravas. I hope you’re hungry.’ Rafael set the dish of cubed potatoes in spicy tomato sauce beside the tray of herbed chicken and vegetables in the middle of the table so they could help themselves. Though her insides were fluttering in anticipation of the night that lay ahead, Summer tucked in along with father and daughter.
She enjoyed sharing dinner with them. It had been so long since she’d sat down to a family meal she’d forgotten what it was like to chat and swap stories of their day. The simple conversation and companionship was what she’d missed most when Leo and Marc had vanished from her life because they’d been the only ones to provide it since her own parents had split. Although she was afraid to get too used to it in case the same thing happened again, it was good to feel part of a family once more.
Once Gracie started yawning, both she and Rafael teamed up again to get her to bed. It was a routine the little girl seemed to accept, even with Summer there, and it wasn’t difficult to imagine this could be something long term. The thought of that was holding more appeal by the second.