
1. All You Who Have Come to Him

2. You Will Find Rest for Your Souls

3. Trusting Him to Keep You

4. As the Branch in the Vine

5. It Is As You Came to Him, by Faith

6. God Has United You to Himself

7. He Is Your Wisdom

8. He Is Your Righteousness

9. He Is Your Sanctification

10. He Is Your Redemption

11. The Crucified One

12. God Himself Will Establish You in Him

13. Every Moment

14. Day by Day

15. At This Moment

16. Forsaking All for Him

17. Through the Holy Spirit

18. In Stillness of Soul

19. In Affliction and Trial

20. That You May Bear Much Fruit

21. So Will You Have Power in Prayer

22. Continue in His Love

23. Abide As Christ Abides in the Father

24. Obeying His Commandments

25. That Your Joy May Be Full

26. Showing Love to Fellow Believers

27. That You Might Not Sin

28. He Is Your Strength

29. It Is Not in Ourselves

30. The Guarantee of the New Covenant

31. The Glorified One