
After writing the sixth book in a series, I have so many people to thank for helping me get to where I am now. I couldn’t do any of this without my awesome publisher, Clean Teen, including Marya Heiman, Rebecca Gober, Courtney Knight, and Melanie Newton.

This book would not be what it is without my amazing editor, Cynthia Shepp, and proof reader, Pamela Renfro.

Also, I want to thank my trusty beta readers: Ann Jones, Julie Woods, Tasha Priddy, Jenny Bynum, Leah Alvord, and Melissa Lopez.

I would also like to thank Jennifer Lapachian, who gave me some insider info into the workings of Arches National Park in Utah.

To the members of my street team: Thank you! You are all so awesome and amazing. You encourage me in ways you don’t even realize.

To my PA, Courtney Whittamore, who helps me with all those giveaways!

My family has also been a great supporter of my writing, and my stories would never come to life if not for my husband, David Grantham, who faithfully listens to all my wild first drafts and helps them become better.

Also, a thank you goes out to my mom and dad. They dependably order copies of all my books, and even help me spread the word about my new releases. I feel very blessed to call you my parents.

To my precious five kiddos: Thank you for letting Mommy work on her books. Balancing writing life and mommy life is never easy, but you make it all worth it.

Lastly, to my Heavenly Father, who gave me the opportunity to share my stories with all of you.