Weekend snacks


Weekends are often associated with time spent with family and friends, whether it’s a get-together on a Friday evening, a family moment in the park or a festive dinner with friends, and much of this time involves food.

We also tend to eat more on weekends and different compared to the rest of the week – think party foods, fast foods, candy, chips, sodas or picnics.

In my family we have a tradition that Saturday is ‘candy day’. It is the only day in the week that the kids are allowed to eat a bit of candy – but one day a week is enough. I try to associate the weekend with family and friends and good food, so instead of chips, candy and soda I make my own snacks for the family.

There are very good low-carb alternatives to make and eat on weekends. In this chapter I give you some ideas for healthy alternatives for weekend snacking or snacking in general.

I don’t give servings for snacks because the LCHF method means you generally eat until you are full and this depends on the individual and how hungry you are.

Cheese chips



Spice the cheese chips with salt and/or pepper, chilli powder or any other favourite spice.


Pepper nuts


100 ml raw nuts of choice

5 ml olive oil

5 ml freshly ground black pepper

Party skewers


Cocktail tomatoes




Cooked sausages (at least 80% meat)

Use any skewers you have to hand.


Use any of your favourite vegetables, homemade meatballs or olives. Use ingredients that you and your kids enjoy.

Cheese and nut balls


200 g blue cheese

200 g Philadelphia® cream cheese

100 ml chopped raw nuts of choice

Herb and cheese balls

200 g goat’s cheese

200 g Philadelphia® cream cheese

100 ml finely chopped fresh dill (or any other favourite herb)


You can use just about any favourite spice or herb to coat the cheese balls. Cinnamon is very nice, as is chopped salted peanuts (if you eat those) or finely chopped chilli. Chopped goji berries can add a bit of sweetness.

Pear snacks with cheese


1 pear, cut into 8 slices

8 slices cheese

8 walnuts

Chocolate and nut bars


300 g dark chocolate (70–90% cocoa)

200 g sugar-free peanut butter

Pinch of salt

100 ml chopped raw nuts of choice

100 ml chopped salted peanuts


If you want a sweeter version, use chopped dried apricots or goji berries. Although not really recommended, the kids usually prefer this one and I’d say it’s a better choice than any bought candy or chocolate bars!

Chilli and cheese poppers


8 jalapeño chillies

Cheddar cheese

150 g pork rind snacks

1 egg, beaten

75 g organic coconut oil