The pirate caves on Floreana
Dore shows off her flowerpots.
Friedrich Ritter and Dore Strauch at Friedo
Friedrich demonstrates his shower.
Dore and Friedrich aboard the Velero III
Captain Hancock with Dore, Friedrich, and Burro
Dore plays with Fleck.
Friedrich works on his philosophy.
The Wittmer family: Margret, Rolf, Harry, and Heinz
The Wittmers’ home
Margret tutors Harry.
Friedrich, Hancock, Margret, and Harry at Friedo
The Hacienda Paradiso
The Baroness waters her garden.
Hancock and his crew visit the Hacienda Paradiso.
The Baroness with Rudolph Lorenz (top) and Robert Philippson (left)
Rudolph, exiled from the Hacienda Paradiso
Friedrich and the Baroness
The Baroness in her boudoir
The Baroness and Robert shoot The Empress of Floreana.
Dore at Friedo, December 1934
Dore is questioned by Ecuadorian officials.
A tragic discovery on Marchena Island
Rudolph at Post Office Bay