Chapter 11
Personalize Your RESTORE Plan

By now, you should have a fairly good understanding of the various facets of your emotional inflammation and the triggers that cause it to flare up. You’ve read about the lifestyle factors that can contribute to, aggravate, or calm your emotional inflammation, so you know, at least in principle, how to steer yourself in the right directions or set limits with difficult people and situations. Since so many of us are in this emotional state, try to stay empathetic and compassionate toward others who may feel equally inflamed or uneasy, so that you don’t inadvertently contribute to their distress. Like it or not, we’re all in this together.

Now, back to you. It’s time to put together your personal RESTORE plan to calm your emotional inflammation and reclaim your inner equilibrium. This involves a proactive approach to preventing flare-ups of emotional inflammation, as well as measures that can serve as a psychological life raft of sorts when it does get ratcheted up despite your best efforts. This may sound like a tall order, but if you approach this task in a systematic fashion, you will begin to calm the emotional flames inside you, bit by bit. Consider this an investment in yourself: a way to improve your emotional well-being, your health and vitality, and by extension, your life.

Depending on your overall reactor type or the style of emotional inflammation that distresses you most, you’ll want to prioritize certain steps over others, as you’ll see in the next section. So spend some time thinking about setting priorities for the strategies you’d like to try, based on what you now know from reading this book.

Strategies for All Reactor Types

Before we get into specific actions for each reactor type, let’s start with the following essential cool-down measures since they’re universally helpful for enhancing emotional regulation:

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After you’ve incorporated these basic measures into your everyday routine for a week or two, add specific strategies that will relieve your style of emotional inflammation. Of course, you are welcome (and encouraged) to choose and use any, or all, of the interventions recommended in this book. But the following are suggestions for strategies you may want to add to the basic priorities, depending on your reactor type.

Nervous Reactor

If you’re a nervous reactor (meaning you have the anxious, worried, or fearful form of emotional inflammation), you’ll want to take steps to calm and control your mood and behavior. To that end, it will help if you do the following:

Revved Reactor

If you’re a revved reactor (meaning you have the manic, hyperreactive form of emotional inflammation), you’ll want to slow down and assess how you can best channel your energy and attention. To that end, it will help if you do the following:

Molten Reactor

If you’re a molten reactor (meaning your emotional inflammation is largely marked by irritation, maybe even anger, and/or indignation), you’ll benefit from taking your outrage and indignation and turning it into constructive action. To that end, it will help if you do the following:

Retreating Reactor

If you’re a retreating reactor (meaning, your emotional inflammation is marked by a tendency to freeze, detach, withdraw, zone out, or numb yourself), it’s important to take steps to revitalize your mood and reconnect with the world around you. To that end, it will help if you do the following:

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By picking and choosing the strategies that nourish your unique blend of symptoms, you will be able to develop a personalized plan of action that suits your needs. As your emotional inflammation begins to calm down, feel free to tweak these interventions so they continue to work for you. Don’t feel limited by these strategies; use them as a launching pad to try other healthy, constructive tactics that appeal to or resonate with you. Spend more time connecting with nature. Seek social support from like-minded people. Celebrate the milestones you reach as you alter your lifestyle, take action on issues you’re passionate about, and begin to ease your emotional discomfort. This is your plan—use it, fine-tune it, own it. And appreciate the difference it makes in your state of mind over time.

As you’ve seen, emotional inflammation doesn’t have to be an inevitable state of mind. You can take steps to calm it, tame it, and quench the flames it produces. By taking action to restore your emotional equilibrium, you’ll be treating yourself to the best form of therapy there is for living in our mixed-up world. Think of the RESTORE plan as your golden ticket to arriving at a state of steady calm that allows you to feel and function better 24/7 and improve your quality of life. You’ve earned it!