Chapter 5

Z must have read her mind again. Lying on his back, he grabbed Amy and held her over him, turning her until she was facing the foot of the bed, then lowered her onto his larger cock. Amy felt herself filling up as the cock again warmed noticeably inside of her, and the pulsing returned as Z held onto her hips and rhythmically thrust in and out of her.

Amy rocked back and forth, feeling his cock expanding again, still hard as a rock. Amy recalled some of the men she’d been with before, with their soft half-erections that prevented her from reaching orgasm. Minutes passed by as they kept a steady rhythm. The smaller cock made the act feel decadent as it slid back and forth in the crevasse of Amy’s ass. She considered touching her clit, which she knew would bring her quickly to orgasm.

“Keep your eyes closed, Amy; this might be too strange for you to comprehend,” Z told her. She obeyed, then felt a tongue on her clit. At this point, nothing was impossible; she knew it was Z and only Z in bed with her. The tongue licked her expertly, and she relaxed into the sensation as it gave her precisely what she wanted at the exact instant she wanted it. Her orgasm came quickly and lasted for at least a full minute, with surge after overpowering surge flooding her body.

Their rocking eventually slowed to a stop. Both were breathing hard, sweating. Amy remained motionless, enjoying the feeling of being so thoroughly filled up and the warmth inside of her. She opened her eyes and twisted her torso to look back at this extraordinary being. He looked back at her with those penetrating eyes, and she could feel his hard cock still pulsating inside of her. Oh my God, she could die happy in this position. Her body was still shaking as she climbed off of him. It seemed like she had to lift her pelvis a foot off his body before she felt that big dick finally slide out of her pussy and she was able to collapse on the bed next to him.

Wrapping her arms around him, Amy nuzzled his neck.

“My God, you are utterly perfect,” she whispered. She looked down his body and saw only one very erect cock and realized Z hadn’t come yet.

“Straddle me.” This time she was issuing the command. “Now.”

Z rolled his leg across her body and sat on her belly, supporting his weight with his muscular thighs, his large cock pointing skyward. He smiled down at her.

“I want both of them. Make the other one come back,” she ordered.

“Close your eyes,” he said.

“No,” Amy insisted, “I want to watch.”

Z studied her for a minute, then took his cock in his hand, pulling it to the side. In the area just underneath it, at the very top of his balls, Amy could see his skin move. A lump formed, as big around as a quarter. It slowly stretched forward, as erect as his other one, and Amy saw a head forming as it grew. When it reached about six inches, it slowed to a stop.

Amy’s mouth hung open. “That’s the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen,” she said, grinning. “Bring them up here.”

Z moved forward until he was straddling her breasts, his twin penises inches from her face. Amy took them both in her hands and squeezed them hard from bottom to top. Her efforts were rewarded as a drop of shimmering purplish liquid seeped out. She looked quizzically at Z.

“Yes, that is my sexual fluid,” he replied to her unasked question. “If I concentrate hard enough, I can control that so it also looks like a male human’s semen. The problem is that with you, Amy, I find it impossible to hold my concentration.” His smile made her feel sexier than she’d ever felt. This flawless man had lost his shit while fucking her. She felt herself getting horny again.

Amy opened her mouth and took in the bigger cock. She held it with one hand as she sucked it while her other hand stroked the smaller one. After a minute, she reversed it, sucking the smaller one. While she was hardly able to fit in more than a few inches of the large one, the smaller one slid easily all the way to the back of her mouth.

Grabbing Z’s ass, Amy pulled him toward her face, then pushed back a bit, repeating a few times to start a rhythm. Z took control and began fucking her mouth with his smaller cock, the larger one brushing Amy’s cheek with every stroke. She took it in her hand and pumped it in time, sucking the other one ravenously, trying to give this otherworldly man the best blowjob she knew how.

Z’s pace quickened as he drove his second cock in and out of her mouth, his groans getting progressively louder. Amy sensed he was close.

“Come on my tits!” she commanded.

He pulled out of her mouth and moved backward, his cocks throbbing. She grabbed one in each hand and pumped them hard. Z shouted something in a language Amy had never heard and both cocks erupted simultaneously. Stream after stream of hot iridescent purple cum spurted onto her breasts and neck. She continued to stroke them, watching in stunned silence as she coaxed the purplish liquid out of him. It eventually subsided, but not until the shiny fluid covered her hands, wrists and breasts. Damn, this guy was definitely not human.

Amy traced her fingers over Z’s warm cum. She had never seen anything like this — the color, the metallic sheen, the sheer volume of it. His cocks gradually returned to their flaccid state. Amy noticed Z giving her a strange look she hadn’t seen from him yet — was it gratitude? No, it was affection! He smiled at her thought, and the two of them lay together silently for a while, sharing a moment that Amy would find impossible to forget.

“So you knew what I was thinking, didn’t you?” she asked, breaking the silence.

“I did,” Z nodded. “I am very fond of you, Amy. You are a phenomenal human female — quite lovely for your species, and talented and adventurous as a sex partner. I could not have made a better choice.”

Amy smiled, thinking, This is all so strange. Can he actually read—

“I can,” Z grinned. “I know every single filthy thought taking place in that dirty mind of yours. I know everything you want the instant you want it.”

Amy looked down and noticed Z’s twin cocks were both becoming erect again. Holy shit, he wants more?

She returned his grin, saying, “I can also tell what you’re thinking.”

“I’m not finished with you yet,” Z whispered.

They stared at each other, the passion building.

“Z, fuck me in every way I want to be fucked,” Amy pleaded. “Probe my brain and give me everything I’ve ever wanted, all at once.”

“My pleasure. But we will need darkness for this.” Z waved his hand and the lamps clicked off.

Amy trembled inside, not knowing what was next.

Again Z picked her up, his strong arms effortlessly holding her in the air by her hips, her legs straddling his waist. She felt a tongue tickling her clit, though his head was some distance away. At that Amy moment decided she was ready for anything — anything at all Z might try.

He kept it up until Amy started feeling the beginnings of an orgasm stirring, then he lowered her onto his hard smaller cock. It went easily into her still-wet pussy and Z lifted her body up and down to fuck her with it, coating it with Amy’s own natural lubrication and lifting her off completely when it was sufficiently covered. He then positioned the head of the larger cock against her pussy and the smaller one at her anus. Amy offered no resistance, and Z pushed into both holes simultaneously.

Amy moaned as he moved slowly in and out of her, and it dawned on her that neither her nor Z’s body was moving, with one exception: He was making those cocks move all on their own. They drove in and out of her like twin pistons as she was suspended over Z’s pelvis.

It was glorious. Amy had never experienced anything like this before and she wanted more of it. She tried to push back against him, wanting him deeper, wanting to take in as much of this man as possible. The cum on her breasts trickled toward her belly.

While Z’s hands still held Amy’s hips tightly to suspend her above him, two other hands took her shoulders and gently pulled her forward. Oh my God, he’s got four hands! she thought. This is insane. Despite the darkness, as she got closer she could make out his eyes — they almost sparkled. Z pulled her face to his and she felt his tongue slip between her lips as they kissed hard. Amy tasted that unbelievable taste again, relishing it as the double cocks continued to thrust into her.

Suddenly the hands on her shoulder pushed Amy upward. Without letting go of her hips or shoulders, Z somehow reached up from behind with another hand and grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled back, hard. Amy’s scream of surprise and delicious pain was abruptly stifled as yet another hand clamped over her mouth. Something else grabbed her wrists and held them firmly behind her back. Amy couldn’t move at all; he was restraining her as his twin cocks kept up their assault.

She felt a mouth on her nipple, sucking, tugging, lightly biting it. Then another mouth on the opposite breast. Amy felt herself succumbing to the intense pleasure. She didn’t know how much more of this she could take.

The hand covering her lips moved, and she gasped for air before that same hand grabbed her jaw, forcing her mouth open. In the dark, she felt something touch her lips. It was soft, yet hard at the same time. As it pushed into her mouth, she realized it was another cock. Jesus, how many appendages did this man have? She sucked it eagerly.

Amy struggled against her restraints, her legs kicking at the comforter as the three cocks moved in simultaneous motion in and out of her body. She sucked hard as the newest one fucked her mouth, going deeper and deeper, into her throat. The two mouths on her tits, sucking and massaging… the massive cock in her pussy, hot and throbbing, and the other one probing her ass… Just when Amy thought she might pass out from the blizzard of stimuli, she felt a tongue on her clit, licking and circling. Z’s pounding became more intense. She heard him cry out and her pussy and ass filled with hot liquid at the same instant. The cock in her mouth throbbed and stream after stream of hot cum hit the back of her throat. Then she felt her own body explode.

Her orgasm was huge and never-ending, consisting of three or four smaller ones, escalating to an enormous climax. Amy dangled in the air for what seemed like an eternity, restrained and ravished, spasming as cocks and tongues worked her over and wave after wave crested through her body. The taste in her mouth was heavenly. She swallowed what she could, but felt some leaking out over her lips.

Then there was only darkness and the sound of Amy’s own labored breathing. The cock in her mouth retreated. She was vaguely aware that she was drenched in sweat, beads dripping from her nose onto the miraculous being underneath her. She had a sense of being pulled up and off of the cocks in her, then lowered until her body rested on top of Z’s, the cum on her breasts gliding silkily against his chest.

The last thing she remembered was feeling a single tender kiss on her lips.