Chapter 7
It took about a month of class tutorials and cram sessions, but I was ready for my first solo.
The instructors chose the Mark 30 shuttle craft for my first ship. Hard to damage, it was an easy to fly model.
Each Mark 30 was unarmed but equipped with emergency escape pods.
This was just a solo flight, not a combat mission. A small navigation course was laid in to go up and around the ‘school’ and then back again. Easy. I did my pre-flight, walking around the ship checking off the list as I went.
Powering up the shuttle was super easy as the flight controls were very simple.
In my head, I heard Wilson say “Atomic batteries to power, Turbines to speed... Ready to move out!.” Such a weirdo for an AI.
Soloing was easy. Why had I not done this before?
As I finished up my course and headed back to the ship, the proximity beacon started to sound.
Switching on the communicator I heard “...not a Drill, This is not a drill!. Battle stations! .... Battl ....” then a loud buzzing.
Something was jamming the communication system. It is like déjà vu all over again. The school was in a battle of some kind, and I’m trapped in an unarmed shuttle.
Unable to get to the docking bay, I hid my shuttle.
What looked to me like a couple of pirate fighters flew past my position. They had not spotted me yet. I was parked in the shadow of the ship real close to the hull. I was hoping that these were regular pirates, not the bounty hunter kind.
The school training squadron launched fighters to assist the CAP (Constant Air Patrol), that was always out there.
Lots of dog fights I was worried about my fellow students some of them were very young to be in combat.
A pair of Stuka IV fighters came into view, alarms filled the air, I had been spotted! I quickly turned on the ship’s power. My hand came down of the controls, and the shuttle lurched into full speed. My ship careened from side to side barely in control. I zigzagged, trying to confuse them and gain some time. My ship was one big unarmed target!
Or was it? I have a tractor beam and two escape pods on board. Time to use some engineering skill.
I engaged the autopilot, telling Wilson to take over flying and keep the ship moving. If we survived this, I might have to admit to his presence at the school.
Making my way to the rear of the shuttle, I adjusted the tractor controls. Changing the beam to a widespread, I maxed out the power.
This had better work, or we were dead!
Returning to the controls, I ejected an empty escape pod. Grabbing the pod with the tractor beam. I yelled at Wilson, “draw one of those fighters in closer.”
The Stuka IV had shielding on its sides, the top and the bottom of the fighter. The only unshielded place on the fighters hull was the cockpit. To kill it with one shot, I needed to hit it dead center in the front.
Lining up the ships and crossing my fingers, I reversed the tractor beam and ‘threw’ the pod at the fighter. It struck dead on the Stuka exploded in a ball of fire. Now if I could get that to work twice.
The other pirate seeing the explosion turned tail and ran for it. I guess he thought this shuttle was armed. Communications had returned as the student fighters gained the upper hand over the pirates. Flight control noticing that I was still out here ordered me back in.
Explanation time was at hand.