Chapter Nine

"We got to go to town for a few hours, so we'll leave you here to work on your tan," said Chris.

"Yeah, she looks a bit pale" Jen added sarcastically. "She is only about as dark as the three of us combined. I envy the bitch."

Standing where I was in front of the window, I could see that Jen and Chris had had a busy morning of preparations. Down on the beach, about half way to the surf line, some fifteen yards from the house I could see that they had buried four stakes deeply into the sand. It seemed all too obvious what they had in mind. Or at least that was what I thought. I didn't give them enough credit.

Handing me my leopard skin print g-string, Jen told me to get dressed.

I pulled it on. I hadn't worn it in sometime and I guess I just grabbed it when I dove into my bikini drawer at home to get my 'wardrobe' for the stay. It was one of my smaller suits. Sort of a novelty suit just for fun and sunning and not good for in the water, it barely covered the fuzzy area around where Billy had spent so much time the previous night. I caught a reflection of myself in the glass door. I liked the way I looked. Then I noticed the whip marks that had stayed. I was immediately drawn to them. I loved the way they looked on me. Against my dark skin they were only faintly noticeable in the reflection in the glass. I looked directly at myself to see if they were more pronounced in person, and was happy to see that they were.

Stepping up behind me and handing me a big glass of orange juice, Billy spoke softly. "God, Lani. You look great. I see you are admiring our handiwork. You are so damn dark that the marks don't show as much as usual, but the effect is even more exciting this way. Sort of subtle. You can see them when you get close, but they don't jump out at you from a distance. You lucky bitch. Maybe, you will need a few more good whippings so you can have more marks to look at." She paused as I took the glass. I didn't know exactly how to reply and was a bit shy at being obviously caught admiring myself. Besides, my mind was flirting with the idea of another whipping. I was sort of puzzled myself. The whipping was terrible. It hurt like holy hell. I remembered that very clearly. And yet, I couldn't wait to do it again.

"Come on, drink up, we got to get going here," Chris ordered impatiently. "It's getting late. It's almost nine-thirty already."

A couple of minutes later I was being escorted down the steps of the deck and on to the beach with straps securely fastened to my wrists and ankles, and a new feature, a two inch wide black leather collar with big buckles at the back and three big silver rings on it. The effect of the cuffs and the collar left little doubt as to my status.

Those doubts, if any, were completely removed a few seconds later when they had me secured spread-eagle on my back on a piece of red and yellow Hawaiian print cloth on the sand. They clipped the cuffs to chains they had attached to the four stakes in the sand. They pulled them tight and I lay there as a big 'X' on the sand, with my feet about four feet apart and my hands about the same.

Jen bent over to pull my hair up and back behind my head. The sun was beginning to move overhead in the sparkling blue summer sky, and it was already hot.

"Let's shade her eyes, Chris." Jen said.

The surprise was the blindfold that Chris suddenly produced and slipped over my eyes and tied behind my head.

Darkness in the sun. Immobile, stretched tight. I pulled at the chains and found to my surprise that even though the stakes were in sand, they would not budge.

"Don't waste your energy, baby," Jen cautioned me. "Sure you are awfully strong, but I don't think even you can pull a twenty-five pound concrete block up through three feet of packed sand while lying on it," she advised me with an evil little laugh.

The sun I loved to stay in all day seemed unusually hot when I couldn't move. The girls didn't speak for a moment. I could hear the light lapping of waves on the sand beyond, but little else.

"Hey, Jen, run and get the sign from under the deck where we put it last night. And bring a brick or something to pound it in the sand." Chris told Jen.

I heard the pounding of brick on wood about four or five feet behind my head, and could hear footsteps in the sand approaching.

"So, what do you think?" Chris said.

"Marvelous you two. I underestimated your imagination and ability. My congratulations on a job well done," Billy said mockingly. "The sign's a nice touch."

"Well, Lani," Chris said ever so sweetly, "don't run off while we're gone. Relax, enjoy yourself, work on that tan of yours." She paused for a moment and added in a voice decidedly more stern in tone. "Don't talk to anyone. Not one word. If somebody, anybody but one of the three of us, should come up to you here don't say a word. If you make one sound you will have to repeat this tomorrow... and they say a new swell is approaching. So you wouldn't want to spend the whole day staked out here on the beach again while we are ripping the surf, would ya?"

"O.K., but if you aren't here, how would you know if I did talk or not? I don't want to get in trouble for something that doesn't happen."

"Don't you worry about that, Lani. We'll know if you do or not. So not one sound out of you, got it?"

"Yeah. So how long do I have to stay here?"

"Until we let you up."

"Remember not a word to anyone but us, or we will do this again tomorrow. It may not seem to bad now, but wait an hour or so. O.K?"

"Yeah, I got it,"

"O.K., it's almost ten, let's get going," Jen broke in.

"We won't be back before dark, baby." Billy chimed in. "Wait, your suit seems to be riding up a bit."

With that I felt her reach under me, grab the bottom of the g-string where it came up the back of my ass and give it a good tug, pulling the front down even farther.

"Great, now you can move that tan line of yours right down to your little patch of fuzz. No point in leaving even that quarter of an inch un-tanned. Have a great day."

Off they went up the beach, laughing and talking about how they needed to get going.

Now what? I loved to lie out on the beach, sure. But tied there with only the tiny patch of cloth covering my pussy, and my legs spread wide apart, made me feel a bit vulnerable. Sure, I'm an exhibitionist, but an exhibitionist can control things. Now I couldn't. Besides, the breeze, what little of it there was, seemed to be dying. It was getting hot. I could feel my friend the sun beginning to bake me. The feeling I usually loved so much was a bit intense when I couldn't move and knew I wasn't going anywhere for quite a while.

A few minutes later I thought I heard a car pulling up to the house and the sounds of greeting. But I couldn't make them out well. Then, not five minutes later I heard other car doors slamming, and a car that sounded like Billy's start up and pull away. Then it was silent.

I decided that this wasn't all that bad. In fact I had had many fantasies that went pretty much like this. Me baking black in the Sun. Heck, this was one of my favorite activities, so what was I going to complain about? I relaxed as best I could and shifted the strain from arm to arm slightly every few minutes or so. It was a hot, clear, and calm day and it was not long before I was covered with sweat. God it was hot. The Sun was the type that you could feel the heat well under your skin. I decided that I would try and fall asleep so that the time would pass quickly. I grew drowsy and drifted off.

The touch to my left nipple was a shocking way to awake. Still extremely tender from being clipped all night, a delightful little pain shot through it as a reminder of the wonderfully diabolical devices that can be used to train female flesh. I instinctively tried to sit up as I awoke, forgetting that I wasn't moving more than an inch in any direction. I was about to say something to who or whatever had touched me when I remembered the warning about talking. Maybe they were watching me, maybe it was them, maybe they got a tape recorder or something near by.

"Ha, they must be back and trying to trick me into saying something. Well, it won't work," I thought to myself.

"Oh, so you awake," said a male voice with a heavy Filipino accent. "Da sign say you are getting into a club, but you can't talk to anybody. Is that true?"

I made no type of reply, still sure that the girls were all standing there waiting for me to make a mistake.

A hand, his I assumed from the proximity of his voice, found my leg and began to rub it in long soft strokes on my thigh. Each stroke went a little higher and deeper.

"You are very pretty girl. You got real good tan, like mahogany. Maybe darker. Are you a Filipina?" he said as his hand moved to my stomach and began to move very gently around my navel, and then slowly down toward my pussy.

"What are these marks on you? Sign said you get whipped for joining club. Sign says not to worry about it. That true? The marks look pretty sexy on you little girl. I think you got some nick on your tits and in your armpit. They from the whipping or what? Do you like to get them? I bet you do, because you get pretty many." I was not about to fall for the trick and make any reply.

After a pause where his hands continued to survey my body he continued what was now clearly going to remain a very one-sided discussion. "Flat stomach, lots of good muscle. I like the way you look girl. This sure is one tiny bikini you got. I like. No top? Good. You got really good tits." His hand moved up to give a light squeeze to my left breast, again causing me to wince as the tenderness from the nipple clamps was again awoken. "Not big, but nice high and firm. Good nipples. I bet you are a good fuck."

I was beginning to get a bit worried about what was going to happen. Who was this guy? Where did they find him? I knew that they had to be standing back on the deck watching this guy and getting a real charge. And, they were just waiting for me to say something so they could put me back here tomorrow. Well, I wasn't going to give them the satisfaction.

His hands were now firmly on both of my tits rubbing them in a circle. "Good tits. Small, but real good."

"Shit," I thought to myself, "this guy is getting his rocks off and then has to make a crack about small tits. What's the fucking deal with big tits anyway?"

My being pissed about that crack was abruptly interrupted by his deciding to pinch both of my nipples really hard. "Nice tits, little girl."

I couldn't help it, I let out a little moan and strained against the chains.

"Oh. You won't talk to me, but you felt that. You got some feeling I see."

"Uuugh," I moaned as he bit down on my right nipple and held it in his teeth pulling up slightly as he held it.

"You are hot. Let's see if you are getting wet."

His hand, which I now noticed was, like his voice, a bit rough and wrinkled, was sliding down my stomach again and under the tiny patch of cloth Billy had pulled down to just barely above my tiny patch of hair. I gasped as his fingers roughly plunged between by pussy lips and began to rudely dig to find my clit.

"Oh, little girl, you are wet. You like it don't you?" as his rough digit began to finger fuck me, deeper and deeper. "That's right, you can't talk. But your little pussy is telling me you like it."

As much as I was afraid and repulsed by this, I had to admit that like everything else the last couple of days I both hated and liked it.

As he pulled his finger out after about a dozen deep and brutal thrusts, he ran it back over my pussy lips and then down between my ass cheeks seeking out my tender tight ass hole. As his finger found it a spark of electricity shot through me, as I tried to pull away.

"Easy little girl. I just want to touch there," he whispered, and continued to rub around my puckered tunnel.

It felt good. What the fuck was I thinking? Well, I guess I wasn't thinking. His hand kept digging in between my legs and probing and probing. Then he began to push to insert his finger.

"Relax, little girl, relax. Open up and let Ernie in. Relax, relax, relax."

Chained nearly naked in the hot sun, blindfolded, with a strange man running his hands in and out of my pussy and ass, rubbing his hands and sand in there, and he is telling me to relax. Sure. But strangely enough, my ass hole was doing just that and I could feel his finger entering me and sliding in and out, in and out, in and out. Ooohhh. It felt good, yet the sand hurt as the sand paper effect was burning the sensitive flesh.

Even though I was fighting it, another groan escaped my chest and out of my mouth. I fought back an immediate desire to say something. I may be getting finger fucked like crazy by this old bastard, but I wasn't going to give in to the girls. Enjoy this you bitches, I thought, but I'm not going to give in. Never.

But with a moan of despair I realized I was going to have an orgasm. I'm not normally against that, but not then, not for this old fart guy, not in front of the girls for this guy. I tried to focus on the situation, thinking that should kill any orgasm, but it didn't. It seemed the more I thought about being so helpless and stretched out here like this, with this horny old guy having such a fine time at my expense only took me higher.

"Not yet, little girl. You like it don't you, but you can't cum until Ernie says you can."

With that he abruptly shifted his attention back to my clit. He now had a lot of sand on his hand and it was rough against my lips and on my clit. I could feel it grinding, and cutting on my tender flesh just before I exploded into a violent orgasm, my body raising and bucking against the chains and my head rolling back and forth in the sand. Ripples and shudders rolled over me, I pulled hard against the chains as he continued to plunge his hand deep, deeper, still deeper into me, twisting his finger in around inside as he did and beginning to moan and cuss.

"Take it you bitch, take it. Cum, little bitch, you love it you slut, you love it," he panted. "Next time you see me you will be asking me to really fuck you. You'll see, bitch."

He paused for a moment as another ripple of ecstasy ran over me and I bucked and strained against the restraints. His hand moved back to my stomach, which he began to rub in an almost kneading stroke. It was only then, as I was beginning to recover from my last shudders of the last orgasm that I realized that he was rocking back and forth at my side and beginning to moan in rhythm with the rocking. Oh, he's jerking off. Swell, what a lovely thought. Oh, please, I thought, please don't cum all over me.

The way his body stiffened and then stopped moving told me what was happening. His deep moan and collapse across my chest and stomach told me he had spent himself. It seemed that my prayer had been answered and at least he didn't shoot his wad all over me.

He fumbled around for a moment or two. Squeezing my right breast again, he pushed himself up.

"Thanks little girl. You are one very hot little piece of ass. I'll be back. I have some friends fishing up the beach a bit. They will never believe me. But, when they see that I am delivering you to them, I will be a legend around here. Wait right here," he said with a little chuckle, "I'll be right back with my friends pretty soon."

I heard him begin to walk off, then I could hear him laughing to himself and returning. "Little girl, I got a great idea to make my friends crazy. As soon as they see you I know they will want to fuck you. I will tell them that I have already fucked you and they can't. Then," the sick little laugh again, "they will find out they can't. How fun this will be."

With that I could feel him bending down next to me again. He pulled my little g-string away with one strong pull down to my thighs. Then he began to stuff sand in my pussy. The pain was terrible as each little grain of sand cut into the tender flesh. He actually used his finger to sort of pack it in. I let out a sharp moan and then a scream, but still didn't utter a word, as he did the same thing ramming his finger into my poor little ass packing that with sand too. Then he pulled the g-string back up. "God, wait until they try and poke their cocks in there and hit the sand. This should be really something."

That was it, he was gone. I lay there totally motionless, waiting for his return assault. What was going on? Who was standing or sitting nearby watching? I couldn't tell. I listened as intently as I could, but only heard the light lapping of the surf on the shore. Time passed slowly as I was expecting something to happen any moment, but it didn't. Now my mind was back to the present. God, it's hot. The fucking sand is killing me. God, I thought shyly to myself, that was hot. Fuck, I'm hot.

I'm not sure how long it was before I heard a truck in the sand coming toward me, its four-wheel drive engaged and the engine straining. It stopped really close to me.

"Shit Ernie, you are not out of your mind. She is right here like you said. I can't fucking believe it," came the surprised explosion of a voice much younger than Ernie's.

"See, I told you. Just waiting here naked for you guys to fuck. See Kekoa, just like I told you. Aren't you glad you brought your old calabash uncle with you fishing this time?"

"If you call me by my name again you will be going home without your teeth, you stupid old bastard. Good thing that's not really my name. Now, no names! Got it?" the young angry voice barked at him.

Within seconds hands were all over me, probing, poking, pulling, pushing. They were like a pack of wild animals just going at me. I struggled as best I could, but as I was, there was absolutely nothing I could do to defend myself.

"Come on, let's all do her at once," another voice urged. Another second later I got help, really unwanted, in keeping quiet, as some sort of smelly rag was stuffed deep in my mouth and then tied in place with a piece of coarse rope. "Help me with her feet," he said excitedly.

My clips were all undone and I was free of the chains and clips the girls had put me in, but held as securely by the men. I was jerked to my feet, my g-string pulled down my legs and taken off, and then I was shoved down on the lap of a man who had a huge hard on. One guy held my hands together and high behind me, pushing my body over at the waist, as another two guys pulled at my legs as the man below tried to drive his thrusting member into me.

"Ah, shit!" he screamed as he did. "Her cunt is full of sand. My dick is cut to shreds!"

Ernie laughed hysterically.

"You will pay for this you old fart," the guy said laughing. "You will pay dearly. Let me have her ass. Yeah, I'll fuck her up that tight little brown ass."

"Wouldn't do that if I were you," Ernie said laughing harder than before. "Only Ernie is getting into this sweet young thing."

"Oh, yeah. So you packed these sweet holes with sand. Think you are so smart. Let's see. Come on boys, carry her to the water."

I don't know if I was relieved or not, but the water felt good as the guys held me tightly and took me in to the calm surf about chest deep. I struggled madly, but was unable to get an arm or foot loose.

"Dunk her," one guy shouted. "That will take the fight out of this wildcat." One of them grabbed my hair and pulled my head down backward pushing me under water. I held my breath, but the rag stuffed in my mouth as a gag let the water in and I was choking. After a few gulps of ocean, I was spluttering when they jerked me back up.

"Going to behave now?"

I tried stupidly to kick the in the direction of the guy holding my right foot, not being able to see him and still coughing.

"O.K." and down I went face first with a firm hand at the back of my head twisted in my hair and holding me down. I held my breath and this time the water didn't rush into my mouth as the air held it back. They just kept holding me there as I struggled against the hopeless odds and finally signaled my surrender by not moving. They jerked me back up and I pulled in a deep breath through my nose as fast as I could in preparation of going down again.

"Now will you be a good little girl?"

I nodded a yes, and as my blindfold was beginning to slip down just enough to let in a bit of light they quickly grabbed it and pushed it back in place and secured it there. "I think Lani's got the message," a voice being poorly disguised, but slightly familiar said.

They knew me. They knew who I was. And I sort of recognized that voice, but couldn't quite place it at the moment.

"You stupid shit!" one shot at the other.

"Ah, I read her name on the sign back there, that's how I know it... so what's the big fucking deal?" the voice with the silly disguise came back.

How lame. That stupid excuse for calling me by name, and the disguise proved these guys, or at least one of them, knew me. I felt much safer and knew, or at least wanted to believe, that this was all just a really effective part of the initiation. Those girls don't miss a trick. I bet they are watching from the house and having a grand time. O.K. then, I'll give them something to watch.

Now that I had finally stopped thrashing about wildly, one held my arms pinned behind me in twin hammer locks, and the other two held my legs wide apart, and the other guy used his fingers and the water to brutally and rudely clean out my pussy and ass. It hurt and I struggled and screamed into my gag the whole time. But without a doubt, as terrible as it was, it was a real turn on.

They carried me back onto the beach and propped me up on something hard. I guessed it was the tailgate of the pick-up truck I heard coming up earlier. Two of the guys held me firmly. I felt somebody jump up on the tailgate next to me. Again I was lifted by my arms and legs and guided right over the guy's huge hot prick. No foreplay here and I was simply shoved down on his rod. Ah, if felt hard and hot in me. The guy began to thrust hard up into me, as his buddies held my legs wide apart and another pushed my arms up backwards behind me. I felt the hands of the guy fucking me pinch my nipples hard, then pull on them pulling me down on top of him. He had a hard smooth body. A young man's body. He was strong and hot. His hands came up around my neck and pulled my body down on his as he continued strong, hard, steady thrusts deeper and deeper in to me.

Oh God. With a brutal shock, another strong member was making an urgent attack on my tight little ass hole. Two hands in the small of my back and then pulling my ass cheeks apart while the guy rammed harder and harder until the little ring opened and let him in. I moaned into the gag, and bucked as hard as I could as a reflex to this incredible stimulus. I couldn't help myself. I was loving this feeling. The first time two dicks had been up in me. Two hot dicks, pushing hard and fast and pounding me like crazy. Slap, slap, the guy's hips were hitting my ass as he drove his dick to the full length of it. Slap, slap as the guy under me rose to slam into me in rhythm with the guy reaming my sphincter with all his might. I was going mad with passion and the pain of having my backside so violently assaulted. A massive orgasm welled up in me and I simply lost all control and just went wild. My legs were left free and I pulled them together to try and squeeze the guy under me. The guy in my ass was first to cum, and I could feel him suddenly pull free and then shoot a load of his cum on my back and then he seemed to step away. At almost the same instant the guy up in my cunt lost his hot load and bucked hard two or three more times before he just went still. His grasp on my neck and back was let go and suddenly I was pulled sitting upright on him, his shrinking prick still weakly in me. I tried to milk his juices from him with my cunt. As I did, a grunt from in front of me was followed immediately with the spray of hot cum on my face and chest.

I was pulled off the guys and the truck and dragged by my legs over the sand and pushed into the ocean. "Wash off, but don't you dare touch the blindfold," came the familiar accent of Ernie.

Nobody said a word. My g-string was pulled up over my legs and pulled harshly up my ass. With a few swift moves and some new roughness I was back secured in the spread-eagle 'X' in the chains on the beach.

"Tell the guys initiating you that we really appreciate them leaving you here for us. You're great. We'll be back in a couple of days to see if you're out here again. We sure hope so." The truck then roared off down the beach, back toward the point in the direction it had come from. Just like that they were gone. Wow, that was really something. Well another fantasy off the checklist. 'Supervised gang rape' is a lot of fun, and sure a major fucking. I was so spent, nothing bothered me. I just lay there feeling the hot sun beating down on me again. Even without the chains holding my body stretched tightly, I wouldn't have been able to move anyway.

I guess I fell asleep after all. It must have been about three, from the angle of the heat from the sun on my skin, when they returned. It's funny, I'd been spending the entire day outside for the last several days, but when staked out, the sun seems like it's a thousand degrees and you are dying from thirst from the very moment you start.

"Have fun while we were gone? O.K., you got five minutes to jump in the ocean and then we'll flip you over. Wash the sand off and come right back," Billy said. "If you're late, you'll regret it tonight!"

I got slowly to my feet and as the blindfold was removed my eyes began to refocus. As I stared at Billy, I wanted to talk but wasn't going to break the rule of silence.

"So, how'd ya' like it so far? It's O.K. to answer."

"Where the fuck did you find Ernie and those guys? Did you enjoy watching them gang rape me?" I blurted out.

"Who? What?" she said with a sincerely puzzled look on her face.

"Weren't you here watching all afternoon?"

"No, we told you, we went to town to talk to some people and get stuff."

I just smiled. "Never mind," I said as I turned and trotted off toward the cooling surf. Maybe I'd find out more about it later. Maybe not. Anyway, I sure was going to remember it.

Five minutes later I was set for the afternoon with the sun burning down on my back and ass. As a little present, Jen shoved a rolled up towel under my hips with the effect of raising my ass in the air and slightly spreading the cheeks in the process.

"Don't want the sun to miss anywhere delicious," she joked as they walked up the sand toward the house to enjoy cool drinks and more clever plotting.

I looked up to study the sign posted in front of me.

'Lani's Initiation.

This girl is undergoing initiation

at her own request, She is not

allowed to speak to anyone.

Feel free to touch her or do

anything you want to her.'

How nice that must have been for Ernie, his friends, and anyone else that may have come by. I guess I was lucky that the beach was so deserted. But, I did think that I must be looking pretty interesting and pretty good.

At seven, as the sun was beginning to set, I was untied and allowed another quick swim. As I approached the deck coming up from the sand I was, for the first time I could remember in a long time, anxious to get out of the sun and cool off.