O believers, remember Allah often; and glorify His praises morning and evening. (al-Qur’an 33:41-42)
Surely in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest. (al-Qur’an 13:28)
THE PROPHET said: ‘The mufarridun will win the race. The mufarridun will win the race.’ People asked, ‘Who are the mufarridun, O Messenger of Allah?’ he replied. ‘The men and women who remember Allah abundantly’. (Muslim)
A MAN came to the Prophet and said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, the laws of Islam seem to be a lot for me (to remember), so tell me something that I should stick to.’ He said, ‘Let your tongue never cease to be moist with the remembrance of Allah’. (Tirmidhi)
THE PROPHET said: ‘Do not talk too much without remembering and mentioning Allah, for too much talk without mentioning Allah hardens the heart, and the person farthest from Allah is the one with a hard heart’. (Tirmidhi)
THE PROPHET said: ‘He who remembers his Lord and he who does not are like the living and the dead’. (Bukhari)
THE PROPHET said: ‘Whenever a group gathers for remembering Allah, Mighty and Majestic is He, angels surround them, (Divine) mercy covers them, tranquillity descends on them, and Allah mentions them to those (angels) in His presence’. (Muslim)