…Pilgrimage to the House (at Makkah) is a duty that all people owe to Allah, if they are able to make the journey… (al-Qur’an 3:97)
The pilgrimage is to be held in the well-known months. Whoever intends to perform it at that time (should remember that) there must not be any sexual contact or improper behaviour, nor abuse, nor angry conversation while on the pilgrimage. (al-Qur’an 2:197)
THE PROPHET was asked: ‘What is the best deed’? He answered: ‘Faith in Allah and His Messenger’. ‘And after that’? he was asked. The Prophet
replied: ‘To participate in jihad (striving with one’s life and property in a just cause) for Allah’s sake’, ‘And after that’? he was asked. He replied: ‘To perform a pure Hajj (a Pilgrimage that is free from mistakes or sins)’ (Bukhari, Muslim)
THE PROPHET said: ‘Whoever performs Hajj to this House (the Kaʿbah) without any obscenity or sin, returns as pure as (he was) on the day his mother gave birth to him’. (Bukhari, Muslim)
A WOMAN once lifted a boy up to the Prophet and asked: ‘Can this (little) one perform Hajj’? ‘Yes’, he replied: ‘and you will be rewarded for it’.2 (Muslim)
2. Someone who has made the pilgrimage as a child must repeat it as an adult, if he or she can afford to do so.