Paradise and Hell




As for the one whose balance (of good deeds) is heavy (on the scale), he will live a pleasant life (in Paradise). But as for the one whose balance (of good deeds) is light – he will have his home in Hell. (al-Qur’an 101:6-9)



THE PROPHET images said: ‘Paradise and Hellfire argued with one another. Hellfire said: ‘In me are the proud and the tyrants.’ Paradise replied, ‘How is it that none enter me but the weak and lowly of mankind?’ Allah, Blessed and Exalted is He, said to Paradise: ‘You are My mercy, and through you I show mercy to whoever I will of My servants. And He said to Hellfire, ‘You are My punishment. Through you I punish whoever I will of My servants; and it is for Me to see that each shall have its fill’. (Bukhari, Muslim)



THE PROPHET images said: ‘If a believer realized how severe Allah’s punishment will be, no one would dare hope for Paradise; and if an unbeliever realized how great Allah’s mercy is, no one would lose hope of Paradise’. (Muslim)



THE PROPHET images said: ‘Paradise is nearer to you than the tip of your sandals, and so is Hellfire’. (Bukhari)



THE PROPHET images said: ‘Whoever dies worshipping other than Allah (the One God) will enter Hellfire and whoever dies not worshipping anything besides Allah will enter Paradise’. (Muslim)



THE PROPHET images said: ‘The keys to Paradise are to testify that there is no god but Allah (the One God)’. (Ahmad)



THE PROPHET images said: ‘Allah says: “I have prepared for My righteous servants (in Paradise such rewards) that no eye has ever seen and no ear has ever heard, and what has never occurred to the heart (or mind) of any human-being”’. (Bukhari, Muslim)



THE PROPHET images said: ‘Allah has one hundred mercies. He has sent down one mercy for jinn and people and animals and insects, and with this they are kind to one another and feel empathy for one another, and wild animals care for their young. Allah has kept back (the remaining) ninety-nine mercies for the Day of Resurrection, and with them He will show mercy to His servants (by granting them Paradise)’. (Bukhari, Muslim)