Kindness and Respect to Parents



Your Lord has decreed that you should worship none but Him, and be good to your parents. If one or both of them reach old age during your lifetime, do not say (as much as) ‘Ugh!’ to them, or scold them, but speak to them with kindness and respect. And lower the wing of humility to them, out of tenderness, and say, ‘O Lord, have mercy on them, even as they raised and cared for me when I was little.’ (al-Qur’an 17:23-24)



A MAN once came to the Prophet images and asked: ‘O Messenger of Allah, who of all people most deserves good company from me? ‘Your mother,’ he replied. ‘Then who?’ the man asked. ‘Your mother,’ the Prophet replied. ‘Then who?’ the man asked a third time. ‘Your mother,’ the Prophet replied once again. ‘Then who?’ the man persisted. ‘Your father.’ Another version adds: ‘And then your close relatives’. (Bukhari, Muslim)



THE PROPHET images said: ‘The Lord (Allah) is pleased when the parent is pleased, and He is displeased when the parent is displeased’. (Tirmidhi)



THE PROPHET images said: ‘No creature should be obeyed if it involves disobeying the Creator’. (Baghawi)



THE PROPHET images said: ‘One of the greatest sins is for a man to curse his parents. (His Companions were shocked at this.) They asked, ‘Who would curse his (own) parents?’ The Prophet images answered, ‘Yes, when a man insults the father of another man, and he in turn insults his father and mother’. (Bukhari)



A MAN came to the Prophet images and said: ‘I have come to join in the hijrah (to Madinah) but I have left my parents weeping.’ The Prophet images said: ‘Go back to them and make them laugh as you have made them weep’. (Nasa’i and Ahmad)



THE PROPHET images once exclaimed, ‘May his nose be rubbed in dust! May his nose be rubbed in dust! May his nose by rubbed in dust! He was asked, ‘Who, O Messenger of Allah?’ He replied, ‘Anyone who is still alive when one or both of his parents reach old age yet he does not