Your true friends and protectors are Allah and His Messenger, and those who believe: (those) who establish regular prayer and pay the poor-due, and bow down (humbly in prayer). (al-Qur’an 5:55)
THE PROPHET said: ‘A person tends to follow the faith (and lifestyle) of his friends, so be careful who you make friends with’. (Ahmad)
THE PROPHET said: ‘A good friend and a bad friend are like a perfume-seller and a blacksmith: The perfume-seller might give you some perfume as a gift, or you might buy some from him, or at least you might smell its fragrance. As for the blacksmith, he might singe your clothes, and at the very least you will breathe in the fumes of the furnace’. (Bukhari, Muslim)
THE PROPHET said: ‘Each of you is the mirror of his brother, so if he sees any blemish in him, he should wipe it away from him’. (Tirmidhi)
THE PROPHET said: ‘If a person loves his brother, he should tell him so’. (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi)