Allah commands justice and goodness, and generosity to one’s relatives, and forbids any kind of indecency, wrongdoing or oppression. He warns you so that you might take heed. (al-Qur’an 16:90)
THE PROPHET said: ‘Surely, I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character’. (Ahmad, Malik)
THE PROPHET said: Show mercy to people on earth so that He who is in heaven will have mercy on you’. (Tirmidhi)
THE PROPHET said: ‘Whoever does not thank people (for their favours) has not thanked Allah (properly), Mighty and Glorious is He’! (Ahmad, Tirmidhi)
THE PROPHET said: ‘Whenever there are three of you (in one place), two of you should not talk privately without the third until you are in company of other people, so that his or her feelings will not be hurt’. (Bukhari, Muslim)
THE PROPHET said: ‘It is not permitted for anyone to come between two people (sitting or standing) unless he asks their permission’. (Abu Dawud)
THE PROPHET said: ‘Make things easy (for people) and do not make them difficult, and cheer people up and do not put them off (by your behaviour)’. (Bukhari, Muslim)
THE PROPHET said to Anas : ‘O my dear son, whenever you enter your home greet your family members by saying: as-salāmu ʿalaykum (peace be with you). It will be a blessing for you and the people of your household’. (Tirmidhi)
THE PROPHET said: ‘The younger person should be the first to greet the older one, and the passer-by should greet the one who is sitting or standing, and the small (group) should greet the larger one’. (Bukhari)
A MAN once asked the Prophet : ‘What is the best thing in Islam?’ He replied, ‘To feed people, and greet both those you know and those you do not know (with as-salāmu ʿalaykum)’. (Bukhari)
AL BARA’ ibn ʿAzib relates: ‘The Prophet asked us to do seven things: to visit the sick, to follow funeral processions, to pray for Allah’s mercy for someone who sneezes (by saying yarhamukallah), to return greetings, help those who are wronged, accept invitations, and fulfil our oaths and promises’. (Bukhari, Muslim)
ʿABDULLAH ibn ʿAmr said: ‘The Prophet told me: “I have been informed that you stay up all night and fast all day”. I replied, “Yes, that is what I do”. The Prophet said: “But if you do that, you will strain your eyes and your body will be weakened. Your (body and) soul have a right (to rest) over you, and your family has a right over you – So fast but also break your fast, and stand (in prayer at night) but also sleep”’. (Bukhari)
THE PROPHET said: ‘Purity (or cleanliness) is half of faith’.4 (Muslim)
THE PROPHET said: ‘A right that Allah has over every Muslim is that he bathe himself (at least once) every seven days, washing his head and his body’. (Muslim)
THE PROPHET saw a man whose hair was untidy, and said: ‘Couldn’t this man find something to comb his hair with?’ And he saw a man with dirty clothes and said, ‘Couldn’t this man find something to wash his clothes with’? (Ahmad, Nasa’i)
THE PROPHET said: ‘Brushing the teeth purifies the mouth and is pleasing to the Lord’. (Nasa’i)
THE PROPHET said: ‘If it were not that I would be putting people to hardship, I would have ordered them to brush their teeth before every Prayer’. (Bukhari, Muslim)
THE PROPHET said: ‘There are two blessings that many people fail to make the most of: good health and free time’. (Bukhari)
THE PROPHET said: ‘Eat together and do not separate, for the blessing is in companionship’. (Ibn Majah)
THE PROPHET said: ‘Young man, mention Allah’s name (by saying Bismillah at the beginning of a meal), eat with your right hand, and take what is nearest to you (on the platter)’. (Bukhari, Muslim)
ABU HURAYRAH said: ‘Allah’s Messenger never complained about food. If he liked something he ate it, and if he didn’t like it he left it alone’. (Muslim)
THE PROPHET said: ‘The food of two people is enough for three, and the food of three people is enough for four’. (Bukhari, Muslim)
THE PROPHET said: ‘There is no worse container for a human being to fill than his belly. It should be enough for a son of Adam to eat just enough food to keep his back straight; but if need be, let him fill one- third (of his stomach) with food and another third with drink, and leave one-third empty for easy breathing’. (Tirmidhi)
THE PROPHET used to say at the end of his meal: ‘Praise be to Allah, Who gave us food and drink and made us Muslims’. (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi)
THE PROPHET said: ‘Modesty is part of faith’. (Muslim)
THE PROPHET said: ‘Every religion has a distinctive characteristic, and the characteristic of Islam is modesty’. (Ibn Majah, Malik)
THE PROPHET said: ‘How wonderful the situation of a believer is: Everything is good for him, and this is only true for a believer. For if he encounters good, he is grateful to Allah and that is good for him; and if he is afflicted with hardship, he is patient and that is good for him’. (Muslim)
THE PROPHET said: ‘Whenever a Muslim is afflicted by any hardship – whether a stress, an illness, worry, grief, harm, disturbance, or even the prick of a thorn – Allah removes some of the wrong actions (from his record) because of it’. (Bukhari, Muslim)
THE PROPHET said: ‘Great rewards are given for great trials, and when Allah loves a people, He tests them. Whoever accepts the trial cheerfully earns His good pleasure, and whoever resents it earns His wrath’. (Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah)
THE PROPHET said: ‘(Always tell the truth) for the truth will guide you to goodness, and goodness leads to Paradise. A man continues to tell the truth until he is recorded with Allah as a man of truth. Avoid lying, for lying leads to immorality, and immorality leads to Hell. A man continues to tell lies until he is written down with Allah as being a habitual liar’. (Bukhari, Muslim)
THE PROPHET said: ‘Shame on the one who tells lies in order to make people laugh! Shame on him! Shame on him’! (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi)
THE PROPHET said: ‘It is enough to make a person a liar that he should repeat everything he hears’. (Muslim)
THE PROPHET said: ‘He who is not trustworthy has no faith, and he who does not keep his word has no religion’. (Bayhaqi)
THE PROPHET said: ‘Three signs of a hypocrite are: when he talks, he lies; When he makes a promise, he breaks it; and when he is entrusted with something, he betrays his trust. [Muslim’s version adds:] Even if he joins in the prayer, observes the fast, and claims to be a Muslim’. (Bukhari, Muslim)
THE PROPHET once spoke about one of the Prophets, whose people had beaten him and caused him to bleed, and while he was wiping the blood from his face he said: ‘O Allah, forgive my people, for they do not understand (what they are doing)’. (Bukhari)
THE PROPHET said: ‘Whoever suffers an injury done to him and forgives (the person responsible), Allah will raise his status to a higher degree and remove one of his sins’. (Tirmidhi)
THE PROPHET said: ‘Do not spy on one another’. (Bukhari)
THE PROPHET said: ‘Part of being a good Muslim is to leave alone whatever does not concern him’. (Tirmidhi)
THE PROPHET said: ‘Look at those who are worse off than you; do not look at those who are above you (in wealth, looks, or other things), for then you will not be ungrateful for the blessings that Allah has given you’. (Muslim)
THE PROPHET said: ‘Wealth does not come from having great riches; (true) wealth is contentment of the soul’. (Bukhari, Muslim)
SAHL ibn Sa‘d al-Sa‘idi said: ‘A man came to the Prophet and asked him: “Please tell me of something that I can do so that both Allah as well as people will love me”. The Prophet said: “Do not be attached to this world and Allah will love you and do not go after other people’s possessions (desire what is in other people’s hands) and they will love you’. (Ibn Majah)
4. This refers to purity of body, mind and soul.