
ANB American National Biography Online.
Bangs, Indian Deeds Jeremy Dupertuis Bangs, Indian Deeds: Land Transactions in Plymouth Colony, 1620–1691 (Boston, Mass.: New England Historical Genealogical Society, 2002).
Bangs, PCPL Jeremy Dupertuis Bangs, Plymouth Colony Private Libraries: As Recorded in Wills and Inventories, 1633–1692, rev. ed. (Leiden: Leiden American Pilgrim Museum, 2018).
Bangs, S&P Jeremy Dupertuis Bangs, Strangers and Pilgrims, Travelers and Sojourners: Leiden and the Foundations of Plymouth Plantation (Plymouth, Mass.: General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 2009).
Bangs, Sandwich Jeremy Dupertuis Bangs, The Town Records of Sandwich during the Time of Plymouth Colony, 1620–1692 (Leiden: Leiden American Pilgrim Museum, 2014).
Bangs, Scituate Jeremy Dupertuis Bangs, The Seventeenth-Century Town Records of Scituate, Massachusetts, 3 vols. (Boston: New England Historical Genealogical Society, 1997–2001).
Bangs, Winslow Jeremy Dupertuis Bangs, Pilgrim Edward Winslow, New England’s First International Diplomat (Boston: New England Historical Genealogical Society, 2004).
BL British Library, London.
BLB Governor William Bradford’s Letter Book (Boston: Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants, 1906).
Bunker Nick Bunker, Making Haste from Babylon: The Mayflower Pilgrims and Their World (New York: Knopf, 2010).
CCA Canterbury Cathedral Archives, Canterbury, U.K.
Church, EP T[homas] C[hurch], Entertaining Passages Relating to Philip’s War … (Boston: B. Green, 1716).
CJCJ Sheila McIntyre and Len Travers, eds., The Correspondence of John Cotton Jr. (Boston: Colonial Society of Massachusetts, 2009).
CMHS Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society.
CPC Williston Walker, The Creeds and Platforms of Congregationalism (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1893).
CRW Glenn W. LaFantasie, ed., The Correspondence of Roger Williams, 2 vols. (Providence, R.I.: Brown University and the Rhode Island Historical Society, 1988).
CSP Colonial State Papers database.
Deane, Scituate Samuel Deane, History of Scituate, Massachusetts … (Boston: James Loring, 1831).
DNB Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Online.
EED Champlin Burrage, The Early English Dissenters in the Light of Recent Research (1550–1641), 2 vols. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1912).
ER Robert N. Toppan and Alfred T. S. Goodrick, eds., Edward Randolph: Including His Letters and Official Papers, 7 vols. (Boston: Prince Society, 1898–1909).
FPCN Parish Records, book 1, First Parish Church of Norwell, James Library, Norwell, Mass.
GMB Robert Charles Anderson, ed., The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England, 1620–1633, 3 vols. (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1995).
GN Kelly Wisecup, ed., “Good News from New England” by Edward Winslow (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2014).
HP “The Hinckley Papers,” in CMHS, 4th ser., 5 (1861): 1–308.
JJW Richard S. Dunn, James Savage, and Laetitia Yeandle, eds., The Journal of John Winthrop, 1630–1649 (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1996).
Langdon George D. Langdon Jr., Pilgrim Colony: A History of New Plymouth, 1620–1691 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1966).
Magnalia Cotton Mather, Magnalia Christi Americana: or, the Ecclesiastical History of New-England (London: Thomas Parkhurst, 1702).
MD Mayflower Descendant.
MHS Massachusetts Historical Society.
MR [George Morton et al.], A Relation or Journall of the beginning and proceedings of the English Plantation setled at Plimoth in New England … (London: John Bellamie, 1622), commonly known as Mourt’s Relation.
MSAC Massachusetts State Archives Collection, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, accessed via
NAK National Archives, Kew, U.K.
NEC Thomas Morton, New English Canaan … (London: Charles Greene, n.d.).
NEHGR New England Historical and Genealogical Register.
NEM Nathaniel Morton, New-Englands Memoriall … (Cambridge, Mass.: S.G. and M.J., 1669).
NEQ New England Quarterly.
NEYM New England Yearly Meeting Records, Special Collections and University Archives, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
OPP Worthington Chauncey Ford, ed., History of Plymouth Plantation by William Bradford, 2 vols. (Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 1912).
PAAS Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society.
PChR Arthur Lord, ed., Plymouth Church Records, Part I (Boston: Colonial Society of Massachusetts, 1920).
PCR Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, 12 vols. (Boston: W. White, 1855–61).
PMHS Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society.
PTR William T. Davis, ed., Records of the Town of Plymouth (Plymouth: Avery & Doten, 1889), vol. 1.
RAN Records of the Archdeaconry of Nottingham, University of Nottingham Special Collections, Nottingham, U.K.
RGCMB Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, ed., Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay …, 5 vols. (Boston: W. White, 1853–54).
SBCR Scituate and Barnstable Church Records, transcription by Ezra Stiles, MS Vault Stiles, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.
Simmons C. H. Simmons, ed., Plymouth Colony Records, vol. 1, Wills and Inventories, 1633–1699 (Camden, Maine: Picton, 1996).
SPO State Papers Online database.
Stratton Eugene Aubrey Stratton, Plymouth Colony: Its History & People, 1620–1691 (Salt Lake City: Ancestry, 1986).
WJS Philip L. Barbour, ed., The Complete Works of Captain John Smith (1580–1631), 3 vols. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1986).
WMQ William and Mary Quarterly.
WP Winthrop Papers, 1498–1654, 6 vols. (Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 1929–68).