I thank all the people once again who were mentioned, or should have been mentioned, in the two earlier editions of this book. In particular, I will mention my former teachers Cliff L. Lloyd, Peter E. Kennedy, and Brian L. Johns and my former colleagues Stephen P. Robbins, Gary W. Johns, and Kenneth D. Riener. Their input lives on, as does my gratitude.

Instrumental in the third edition were my colleagues at Bentley College, in particular, Andrew Stollar, Stephen Grubaugh, William Clarke, Stephen Silver, and Dale Kuntz. Sincere thanks also to Duncan Holthausen, Jr., and Steve Margolis (North Carolina State), John N. Stevens (Franklin College of Indiana), Masako Darrough (Columbia), George Garman (Loyola), Doug Wilson (University of Massachusetts, Boston), John E. Rowcroft (University of New Brunswick, Canada), Michael Pickford (Massey University, New Zealand), Harold Hotelling (Kentucky), Houston Stokes (II- linois-Chicago Circle), R. M. Addudell (Loyola), Marvin Frankel (Illinois-Urbana), Frank Hood (Mississippi College), Jung Lim (Wingate College), Scott Smith (Arizona State), Michael Brendler (Louisiana State), F. E. Weldon (William Carey College), John Marcis (Virginia Commonwealth), George Brower (Connecticut-Storrs), Paul Schoofs (Ripon College), and others whose contributions I will no doubt recall only after this goes to press.

My thanks also go to my graduate assistant Andrew Mara and work-study student Irene Canino, whose efforts helped materially in the revision of this manuscript. Many other students, too many to mention separately, have assisted with feedback on the earlier editions and on draft material. Secretarial support from Kathy Lynch and her band of work-study students has been excellent. The support of Bentley College,

through my chairman Dale Kuntz and Deans John Burns and Jeremiah O’Connell, is also greatly appreciated. I thank you all.

At Prentice-Hall, my thanks go to my editor, Linda Frascino, and her assistant Zsuzsa Neff, who have been very helpful and cooperative. My production editor, Scott Huler, who was ultimately responsible for transforming the manuscript into this fine book as you see it, also receives my sincere thanks.

Finally, my family continues to sustain me. My mother and father have always been a great source of inspiration and encouragement. My wife and children, Shelley, Meghan, and Andrew, have my love and gratitude for their love and support, particularly over the past few months when this project took so much of their time.

Evan J. Douglas

Department of Economics Bentley College Waltham, Massachusetts

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