All of my knowledge and abilities in the art of listening can be attributed to my dearly departed listening guru, a gold-colored, four-legged fur angel named Roamy; the funniest, smartest, and cutest being I have ever known. Roamy’s contributions to my life are with me every day and I miss him dearly.

The endless love and support from D.E. helped to make this possible; you’re the best! Thank you, A.W., for your friendship, your support, and for pointing out the obvious to me; this is a book that I’ve been writing my whole life. Thank you to the folks at HCI for loving dogs and helping me to spread the word about the importance of listening. Those who have believed in me and encouraged me over the years, in any of my endeavors, should know that they have had a positive impact on me and my work. I have been blessed to have had the experience of being truly listened to over the years, mainly by dogs, and a few humans along the way; and it’s always been a rewarding experience. It’s now my desire to make the world a better place, one listener at a time.

Thank you to dogs everywhere. Without you there would be a lot less joy, happiness, and fun in the world. . . . and squeak toys and liver treats.

ROAMY, my “listening guru.” Here he is on his first Thanksgiving, fresh from the backyard and guilty as can be—with evidence of his infraction still on his nose. He may have denied knowing who was digging in the garden, but he sure listened to me when I asked him about it.