To D. Constantine Conte


to Claire Carmichael (aka mystery novelist Claire McNab), a gifted writer and very generous instructor. You turned a screenwriter into a novelist—not an easy task.

to Normal Knight—a genuine “knight.” Many people know that beneath your business attire is a suit of shining armor.

to Morton Janklow and Amy Jameson, who list themselves as agents, but are really a writer’s gladiators. Thank you, too, for your suggestions that improved the manuscript.

to Allison McCabe, the amazing editor who saw clutter, repetition and missing information in a manuscript I could have sworn was “perfect.” Thank you, Allison, for your enthusiasm and your tremendous editorial skill.

to the late (and irreplaceable) Rod Amateau. You hired me to write a screenplay before I knew how, and taught me to write what I most wanted to see, or to read. There’s a huge hole in my life where you used to be.

to a wonderful group of diversely talented “test readers.” Your reactions and questions were a great help: Arthur Abelson, Carole Christie Moore Adams, Henny Backus, Jane Wylie Boyd, Gail Temple Collyer, Ira Fistell, Judy Tathwell Hahn, Kevin Hing, Nancy Koppang, Susan Mag-nuson, Mari Marks, Jaclyn Carmichael Palmer, Kathy J. Segal, Dorothy Sinclair, Commander Gary Shrout, Nancy and Terry Smith, Corrine Tatoul, and Kim LaDelpha Tocco. Thank you all for your sharp eyes and for your encouragement.

to novelist, journalist, anchorwoman, and great dresser Kelly Lange, who said: “Oh no! Morgan can’t wear leggings—that’s so seventies! Put her in black jeans.”

to Wayne Thompson of Colonial Heights, Virginia, for lending his professional background and part of his name to the character of “Chet.”

and to Berry Gordy, for too many reasons to list here.