Chapter Eight

Conner looked around the expensive hotel room and thought about how the time between renting rooms was shrinking. Instead of once every week to a week and a half, it was becoming only every several days before one of them was forking over money to host the latest romp.

It had only been three days since their last time—the night he’d gotten his promotion, and they’d celebrated by visiting the voyeur’s club again. Tonight he had instigated the fling, sending her a text, asking if she’d be interested in meeting him after her shift at the station ended. She’d responded by asking where.

Within half an hour, he’d checked into a room downtown and sent her the information. He sat in a plush chair, drinking a brandy and watching the late night news. He smiled as he recalled seeing her give out the daily dose of tragedy just a few weeks before while he’d been holding her underwear in his hand. He couldn’t remember a time when his cock had been as hard. He hadn’t been able to watch the news without getting a hard-on since.

Usually their meetings took place on the weekends, it was easier that way since neither had to work. Sometimes they’d meet for dinner first, other times they’d order room service after, but more often they’d never get around to eating until breakfast. Meeting during the week was inconvenient, but the desire to be together was beginning to outweigh the issue of packing an overnight bag prior to their mid-week romps.

Tonight, however, Conner had a proposition for Casi. One he wasn’t sure how she was going to take after her intense reaction to the trophy wives merely suggesting their relationship was serious, but he was going to throw it out there and see what happened.

Hearing her card key in the door, he drew in a deep breath and smiled at the way his body had already begun to stir in anticipation.

“Well, hello,” Casi purred.


“Isn’t it a little late for dinner?” she asked, eyeing the table. Conner lifted the top off the tray to reveal a banana split. “Oh my God,” she said looking at the piles of ice cream. “That looks amazing.”

He grinned as he pulled out a chair for her. “I know.”

She sat down and looked over the food. “This has got to be the biggest banana split ever.” She took a bite and rolled her head back. “Wow.”

Conner laughed, “I’m glad you like it.”

“Heaven.” She held his gaze as he sat across from her, easing back in the chair. “You’re not eating any of this?”

“Not out of a bowl.”

Casi grinned before sticking her finger in the whipped cream and holding it out to him. He leaned forward, sucked it clean and fell back again. “How was your day?” she asked, reaching for a button on her blouse.

“Good. Yours?”

“Did you watch me?”

“You know the answer to that by now.”

A smile touched her lips as she opened her shirt. “But I like when you tell me.”

Conner lowered his eyes to her bra, red and intricately embroidered, enticing him to touch it. “I watched you tonight.”

“What did you think?”

“I think most people would be appalled to know I jack off watching the news.”

Laughter erupted from her as she tossed her shirt aside. “Yeah, you should probably keep that to yourself.”

When she stood and turned her back to him, he reached up, eased the zipper of her skirt down and watched it fall. She kicked it aside and met his gaze as she turned, demanding he look at her as she released her bra. She dropped it and slid her panties down and stepped out of them.

She hopped on the table in front of him, put a red stiletto heel on either side of his chair and spread her legs wide. From behind her, she pulled the banana split toward her and lay back. With a spoon, she scooped out a chunk of ice cream and dropped it on her stomach.

Conner grinned, watching her abdomen jerk in response to the cold. The frozen ball settled on her belly button, and by the time she dug out toppings, it was starting to melt and run down her sides. He was tempted as hell, but he sat back, watching her create a treat for him.

When she was done, she lifted the cherry from her dessert and dropped it on the pile of ice cream and whipped topping on her stomach. Looking at him, she smirked. “Bon appétit.”

Conner unbuttoned his shirt enough to lift it over his head and dropped his pants and underwear before leaning over her. He licked along her side where the melted ice cream flowed and heard her sigh as she relaxed under his touch.

“I’ve been going out of my mind thinking of all the different things you could possibly have planned for tonight,” she said as she reached above her head and grasped the edge of the table while he licked her clean.

“Did any of them involve ice cream?” he asked as he smeared the treat over her stomach with his fingers.

“Oh, a few.”

“Liar,” Conner said as he covered her hardened nipple with whipped cream.

She moaned and arched her breast into his right hand. “My thoughts were more along the lines of what you could do with a few well-placed popsicles.”

Conner looked at her face, matching her grin. “Maybe next time.” He leaned forward and captured her nipple in his teeth before he moved his mouth to hers and kissed her deeply.

Casi pressed up into him, and her sticky chest met his. He moaned at the erotic contrast of his hot flesh and the cold of the ice cream spreading over her.

She reached out for the dish the ice cream had come in, scooped up a handful of the melting dessert and grasped his cock.

She lathered him in the treat before gripping him firmly, jacking him off as he found her mouth again. She leaned up and used her body to push him back until she stood before him. Turning their bodies, she pushed him back on the table and leaned over him.

As he had done to her, she licked his nipples clean, nibbled at his sides and then, with a suddenness that made him hiss, took him in her mouth. She sucked him hard and slid down before sliding back up again. Using her left hand, coated in ice cream, she gently massaged his balls.

“Cas,” he begged after a few minutes of her assault. He reached out for her, to pull her up before he finished. Conner was rewarded for his effort by the sudden pressure of her finger against his ass. He moaned, and she pushed it in, causing every muscle in his body to tighten.

Conner clenched his teeth when she continued sucking him and gave up on trying to prevent the inevitable. He grasped handfuls of her hair and held her as he shoved his dick deeper into her mouth. She didn’t fight him, instead, she sucked harder and a moment later, hot semen shot into her mouth.

He felt her swallow as another spurt poured from him. She ran her right hand over him and milked what was left. When he opened his eyes to look at her, she grinned and licked a mixture of his come and ice cream off her fingers.

“Holy shit,” he moaned.

She stood slowly, a satisfied smile spread across her face. She slithered up his body until she could kiss him fully on the mouth. His arms went around her, and he stood. He turned them so he could lay her on the messy table. His mouth moved down her body, found her clit and went to work on giving her what she’d given him. It didn’t take long for her to start writhing beneath him.

He pushed his fingers inside her. He moved them the way he knew would make her come, tracing the spots he’d memorized as he gently bit and sucked at her clit. She moaned, and her hips gyrated against him as she finally released. When she started to relax, Conner licked her pussy several times, tasting what had become so familiar to him.

He moved up her body and smiled down at her, “I think we need a shower.”

“Hmm,” she moaned. “I don’t have the strength.”

“Me either,” he said laughing and dropped his head onto her shoulder. “But I think sleeping in ice cream could lead to some real problems.”

Casi chuckled. “Fine. But you have to wash my back.”

“Don’t I always?” he asked, not realizing how his words would affect her.

* * * *

Casi was in the midst of thoroughly enjoying the attention Conner was paying to washing her back until he spoke.

“I was thinking,” he said.


“Rather than spend tons of money on hotel rooms every few days, we should just start going to my apartment. Why waste so much money renting rooms when we are so close to home?”

The suggestion caused Casi’s heart to drop. She didn’t answer right away, wanting to sound logical rather than panicked. “I thought we agreed this was, you know, kind of separate from our everyday lives.”

“Well, yeah, we did, but it’s been a while now and… I’m completely comfortable with having you over.”

“Um, it’s just…” She turned and looked at him, hoping he couldn’t see how much she hated the idea, “it seems like a home visit would take it to another level. Make it, you know, more.”


She smiled and shrugged, trying to be casual about it. “You know what I’m saying.”

“It makes it more what?”

“You know. Serious.”


“You know, like … a real relationship.”

“I’m not trying to push myself on you, Casi. It just seems damned foolish to me to spent hundreds of dollars a month on hotel rooms when I live a few blocks away.”

She didn’t want to hear the logic of his suggestion. She didn’t want to argue when she had no logic of her own. It made sense. It made perfect sense, and they’d been seeing each other long enough to trust each other with such intimate information as an actual address. But the reality of it caused her heart to seize in her chest.

She rotated to face the water and finished rinsing off. Once done, she stepped out of the shower and snagged a towel off the rack as she left the room.

When Conner followed her a few moments later, she tried to ignore the hurt in his eyes. “I don’t see the harm in taking you home with me. You know, I can make you dinner—“

“Make me dinner, introduce me to your co-workers, pretend I’m your girlfriend.”

He shook his head and laughed slightly. “I can’t really tell them you’re just some piece of ass I fuck twice a week, can I?”

She scoffed as she pulled her underwear up. “Why not, Conner? Hmm? That’s what I am.”

He met her heated gaze when she stood shoving her arms through her bra straps. “I know he hurt you, Cas, but don’t take it out on me.”

“This has nothing to do with him.”

“It has everything to do with him,” he said. “Everything we are has to do with them. I am not the one who betrayed you.”

“This emotional analysis has nothing to do with you taking me home with you. God,” she said, exhaling loudly, “forget it.”

“No, I don’t want to forget it. I want you to explain to me why this is such an issue.” He watched her step into her skirt and yank it up before he reached out and grabbed her arm. He forced her to look at him. “What is the big deal?”

“It makes it real, Conner.”

“Makes what real?”

“Taking you to my home, going to yours, makes it real. I’m not ready for it.”

He scoffed as she pulled free and shoved her arms in her blouse. “So we just keep doing this? Meeting in different hotels, fucking and then leaving?”

“I thought this is what you wanted?”

He exhaled slowly. “It is. It was.”

“And now it’s not enough,” she said softly.

He frowned and held her eyes for a moment before shrugging. “I don’t know. I want to be with you; I want us to spend time together.”


He shook his head. “No buts,” he said quietly as he reached out and fixed the collar on her shirt. “I’m sorry I suggested it.”

She swallowed and looked at him, unsure if he was being honest, but decided to allow herself to believe he was. “It’s just better this way. You know, we’re both still legally married, and we have a lot of issues to work through before we can even consider something more serious.”

“I know,” he said. “It’s fine.” He put his hands on her face and kissed her gently. “Don’t worry about it, it was just a suggestion.”

“Thanks for the ice cream. It was amazing,” she said, dismissing her fear that she’d hurt him.

Conner laughed softly as he looked at the table, still covered with the dessert. “Yes, it was.”

“I’ll call you, okay?”

“Yeah,” he said quietly. “Sure.”

She reached out, gently pressed her palm to his cheek and brushed her thumb over his skin as she held his gaze. “Are we okay?”

“We’re fine.”


He smiled, put his hands on her hips and pulled her to him so he could kiss her. “Really.”

“Okay,” she whispered before kissing him one more time. “I have to go. I have crazy day tomorrow.” She hesitated one more moment before walking out without looking back.

As she pulled the door closed behind her, Casi exhaled slowly. She leaned against it, disappointment clouding her mind with the realization in this one encounter, things had forever changed between them.