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Aceto balsamico, 467–472
“A fare dieci piatti di maccheroni romaneschi,” 192–193
Agnello al forno con aglio e patate, 307–308
Agnello alle olive, 305–306
Alfonso, duke of Ferrara, 179
frozen zuppa Inglese, 430–432
meringues of the Dark Lake, 421
milk, history of, 238
spice broth, 237–238
spiced spinach with, 330–331
sweet tagliarini tart of Ferrara, 194–196, 197
tagliatelle with caramelized oranges and, 188–189
tart, caramelized, 409–410
Alvisi, Alberto, 39
lemon sauce, tagliarini with, 112–113
spaghetti with melting onions and, 130–131
Anguille alla comacchiese con piselli, 261–262
Anolini, 76–77, 152
of Parma, 149–152
Anolini di Parma in brodo, 149–152
Antipasto, 13–31
baked grilled vegetables, 127
balsamic vegetables, 18
Castelvetro, 16
chicken and duck liver mousse with white truffles, 24–25
fresh pears with Parmigiano-Reggiano and balsamic vinegar, 30
garlic crostini with pancetta, 28
hot caramelized pears with prosciutto, 31
marinated baby onions, 16–17
mousse of mortadella, 22–23
Paola Bini’s potato salad, 19–20
platter of cured meats in the style of Emilia-Romagna, 14–15
salad of tart greens with prosciutto and warm balsamic dressing, 26–27
salads, history of, 27
spianata with fresh artichoke and cheese topping, 371–372
spring salad with hazelnuts, 21
Valentino’s pizza, 29–30
Castelvetro, 16
di pere e prosciutto, 31
di Reggio, 30
di Salumi, 14–15
Apple cream tart, Ugo Falavigna’s, 411–412
iced, with mint and balsamic vinegar, 444
Nonna’s jam tart, 413–414
Arrosto con bacche di ginepro e foglie di alloro, 312–313
baby, risotto of peas and, 209–211
fresh, and cheese topping for spianata, 371–372
fresh, tart of, 245–247
“little” spring soup from the 17th century, 232–233
tortelloni of mascarpone and, 141–144
Artusi’s delight, 300–302
Ascoli, Nuta, 340
Asparagi alla parmigiana, 341
“little” spring soup from the 17th century, 232–233
spring salad with hazelnuts, 21
in the style of Parma, 341
Bacon, see Pancetta
“Badly cut” (maltagliati), 80, 88
Bagnabrusca, 113
Balsamic vinegar, 280, 467–472
artisan-made, of Modena and Reggio, 467–469, 470
and basil veal scallops, 296–297
buying, storing, and using of, 467–469
commercial, from Modena and Reggio, 469–470
cooking with, 469–470
dressing, salad of tart greens with prosciutto and, 26–27
fresh pears with Parmigiano-Reggiano and, 30
glaze, grilled beef with, 303–304
grilled winter endives with, 338
how it is made, 470–472
iced melon with mint and, 444
imitations of, 467
linguine with braised garlic and, 110–111
medicinal powers attributed to, 472
pesto, green beans with, 325–326
rabbit dukes of Modena, 286–288
radicchio, tagliatelle with, 98–100
roast chicken, 279–280
summer clams with, 268–269
tagliatelle with fresh tomatoes and, 105–106
vegetables, 18
zampone of the aristocrats, 315–317
Basil, fresh:
and balsamic veal scallops, 296–297
green beans with balsamic pesto, 325–326
linguine with braised garlic, balsamic vinegar and, 111
and onion mashed potatoes, 345–346
braised, cornmeal pasta with, 223–225
mountain soup with garlic croutons, 235–237
soup of seafood and chick-peas, 264–265
tomato braised, and thumb pasta Piacenza style, 229–231
two, tagliatelle with radicchio and, 103–105
see also Lentils
Beans, fava, 324
fresh, with young sheep cheese, 323–324
Beans, green:
with balsamic pesto, 325–326
Bolognese, 327
anolini of Parma, 149–152
Artusi’s delight, 300–302
Cardinal’s ragù, the, 40–41
classic ragù Bolognese, 44–45
country-style ragù, 48–49
game ragù, 50–51
grilled, with balsamic glaze, 303–304
Imola’s risotto of the Vigil, 214–215
lighter contemporary ragù Bolognese, 46–47
meat essences, 61–62
pot roast, braised, with polenta, 309–310
poultry/meat stock, 66–67
in ragù, 37–38
tortellini in broth Villa Gaidello, 134–137
unusual tortellini pie, an, 175–179
-wrapped sausage, 314–315
Beet greens:
Reggio’s tart of garden greens, 247–249
spiced, with almonds, 331
Beets, roasted onions and, 351
Bensone di Modena, 400–401
Bergese, Nino, 203, 205
Bergonzi, Carlo, 122
Bertinoro, 239, 240
Bietole e cipolle al forno, 351
Bini, Paola, 20, 300
Biscotto allo zabaione con cioccolata, 436–437
Biscuits, sweet cornmeal, 422–423
sage-and-garlic-scented, 263–264
seafood stew Romagna, 259–260
soup of seafood and chick-peas, 264–265
Bolita beans:
braised, cornmeal pasta with, 223–225
tagliatelle with radicchio and two beans, 103–105
tomato braised, and thumb pasta Piacenza style, 229–231
Bomba di riso, 216–218, 219
Borgia, Lucrezia, 197
Borlengo, 377–379, 380–381
Borlengo alla Guiglia, 377–379
Borlotti beans:
braised, cornmeal pasta with, 223–225
mountain soup with garlic croutons, 235–237
tagliatelle with radicchio and two beans, 103–105
tomato braised, and thumb pasta Piacenza style, 229–231
Bow ties, 89
Bread, 357–391
borlengo, 377–379
Couple, the, 364–366
crispy fritters, 373–374
garlic crostini with pancetta, 28
guidelines for making, 362–363
little tile-baked hearth, 375–377
Modena mountain, 388–390
mountain soup with garlic croutons, 235–237
Piacenza’s great fritter, 382–383
Romagna griddle, 384–386
Romagna mountain, 367–372
Romagna mountain, fillings and toppings for, 370–372
spianata for the Madonna of August, 372
Broccoli rape, spiced, with almonds, 331
Brodetto, 259–260
Brodo, 66–67
Brodo rapido, 68
almond spice, 237–238
tortellini in, Villa Gaidello, 134–137
Budino all’Emzliana, 440–441
Budino di castagne e ricotta, 452–453
Burro, 473
Burtlêina, 382–383
Butter, 473
garlic-sautéed, 331–332
Imola’s risotto of the Vigil, 214–215
tortelli of potato and, 160–161
chocolate Christmas spice, 458–459
Duchess of Parma torte, 404–407
frozen zuppa Inglese, 430–432
home-style jam, 401–403
honeyed Christmas, 462–464
“keeping,” of winter, 456–464
Modena crumbling, 400–401
Riccardo Rimondi’s Spanish sponge, 433–434, 435
spiced Christmas, of Bologna, 460–461
torta Barozzi, 395–397
Capacchi’s blazing chestnuts, 450–451
Capon, 67
balsamic roast, 280
Christmas, 281–282
poultry/meat stock, 66–67
in ragù, 38
Cappellacci, 76, 148
egg pasta for, 80
with sweet squash, 145–147
Cappellacci con la zucca, 145–147
Cappelletti, 76, 77
Christmas, 138
Imola style, 139
“little hats” Faenza style, 137
faentini, 137
ferraresi, 138
imolesi, 139
Cappone natalizio, 281–282
Cardinal d’Este’s tart, 417–419
Cardinal’s ragù, the, 40–41
Casalboni, Franco, 239, 240
Castagne alla vampa di Capacchi le, 450–451
Catfish, Po River, 266–267
balsamic vegetables, 18
Ferrara’s soup of the monastery, 220–221
Cavolo con aglio, 331–332
Certosino, 460–461
Cardinal d’Este’s tart, 417–419
cornmeal pasta with braised beans, 223–225
espresso and mascarpone semi-freddo, 428–429
fresh squaquerone, 386–387
herb and garlic grilled eggplant with, 329
“little hats” Faenza style, 137
Paola Cavazzini’s eggplant torte, 241–242
rice of the princes, 211–212, 213
stuffed Romagna griddle bread, 386
tortelloni of artichokes and mascarpone, 141–144
young sheep, fresh fava beans with, 323–324
see also Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese; Ricotta cheese
Cheesecake, chestnut ricotta, 452–453
Cherseina, 374
blazing, Capacchi’s, 450–451
desserts, 447–453
fritters, sweet, Castel del Rio, 449–450
Paola Bini’s sweet ravioli, 424–425
ricotta cheesecake, 452–453
tortelli, 155–157
Chicken, 41
Artusi’s delight, 300–302
balsamic roast, 279–280
baroque ragù, 42–43
better-tasting, tips for, 274
cacciatora, Riccardo Rimondi’s, 275–276
and duck liver mousse with white truffles, 24–25
dukes of Modena, 286, 288
grilled, with balsamic glaze, 304
lemon, Maria Bertuzzi’s, 273–274
Mardi Gras, 277–278
meat essences, 61–62
pan-crisped, Erminia’s, 270–271
quick stock, 68
roasted with sweet fennel, 290
unusual tortellini pie, an, 175–179
Chicken giblets:
meat ragù with Marsala, 56–57
in ragù, 38
ragù of, 54–55
soup of seafood and, 264–265
tagliatelle with radicchio and two beans, 103–105
Christmas spice cake, 458–459
Duchess of Parma torte, 404–407
frozen zuppa Inglese, 430–432
Marsala sauce, frozen hazelnut zabaione with, 436–437
pistachio cream, frozen, with hot chocolate Marsala sauce, 438–439
torta Barozzi, 395–397
Ciambelle, 403
Ciambelle con marmellata, 401–403
Cicorie alla griglia, 337–339
Cinnamon custard, 176
clove and, 440–441
unusual tortellini pie, an, 175–179
Cipolle alla bolognese, 333–334
Cipolline sott’aceto, 16–17
Clams, 269
fresh, “priest stranglers” with squid and, 124–126
seafood stew Romagna, 259–260
summer, with balsamic vinegar, 268–269
Clove and cinnamon custard, 440–441
Comacchio, 262
all’aceto balsamico alla moda estense, 286–288
al forno con finocchio, 289–290
di Giovanna, 284–285
meringues of the Dark Lake, 421
sweet cornmeal biscuits, 422–423
Coppa, 474
platter of cured meats in the style of Emilia-Romagna, 14–15
Coppia, 364–366
biscuits, sweet, 422–423
pasta with braised beans, 223–225
see also Polenta
Corn salad, see Mâche
all’emiliana, 292–294
in graticola, 297–299
di vitello con porcini, 290–291
Cotechino, 475
beef-wrapped, 314–315
Cotechino in galera, 314–315
Couple, the, 364–366
Crazy dough, 249
Cream, 475–476
garganelli with roasted peppers, peas and, 116–117
Crema di cioccolata da Eletta, 438–439
Crescentina, la, 369
Cresceatine, 374
Crescentine fritte, 374
Crostata di mandorle, 409–410
Crostini, garlic, with pancetta, 28
Crostini con pancetta, 28
garlic, mountain soup with, 235–237
priest’s soup, 227–228
Culatello, 476–479
how it is made, 477–479
cinnamon and clove, 440–441
espresso and mascarpone semi-freddo, 428–429
Ugo Falavigna’s apple cream tart, 411–412
unusual tortellini pie, an, 175–179
zampone of the aristocrats, 315–317
Dandelion greens:
salad of spring greens, 350
spiced, with almonds, 331
spring salad with hazelnuts, 21
Desserts, 393–465
baked pears with fresh grape syrup, 442–443
Capacchi’s blazing chestnuts, 450–451
caramelized almond tart, 409–410
Cardinal d’Este’s tart, 417–419
chestnut, 447–453
chestnut ricotta cheesecake, 452–453
chestnut tortelli, 157
chocolate Christmas spice cake, 458–459
cinnamon and clove custard, 440–441
Duchess of Parma torte, 404–407
espresso and mascarpone semi-freddo, 428–429
frozen chocolate pistachio cream with hot chocolate Marsala sauce, 438–439
frozen hazelnut zabaione with chocolate Marsala sauce, 436–437
frozen zuppa Inglese, 430–432
homemade ricotta cheese for, 454–455
home-style jam cake, 401–403
honeyed Christmas cake, 462–464
iced melon with mint and balsamic vinegar, 444
“keeping cakes” of winter, the, 456–464
Marie Louise’s crescents, 426–428
meringues of the Dark Lake, 421
Modena crumbling cake, 400–401
Modena rice pudding, 398–399
Nonna’s jam tart, 413–414
Paola Bini’s sweet ravioli, 424–425
Riccardo Rimondi’s Spanish sponge cake, 433–434, 435
spiced Christmas cake of Bologna, 460–461
strawberries in red wine, 445
sweet chestnut fritters Castel del Rio, 449–450
sweet cornmeal biscuits, 422–423
sweet tagliarini tart of Ferrara, 194–196, 197
sweet vermicelli pancake, 190–191
tagliatelle with caramelized oranges and almonds, 188–189
torta Barozzi, 395–397
Ugo Falavigna’s apple cream tart, 411–412
zabaione jam tart, 415–416
Duchess of Parma torte, 404–407
braised, dome of rice stuffed with, 216–218
and chicken liver mousse with white truffles, 24–25
Eel, braised, with peas, 261–262
Egg pasta, 80
with Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese and nutmeg Villa Gaidello, 81
spinach, 81
wine, 82
herb and garlic grilled, 328–329
Parmesan, history of, 243
torte, Paola Cavazzini’s, 241–242
“Eggs of pasta,” 85
Emilia-Romagna, 3–8
Endive, curly:
rice of the princes, 211–212, 213
salad of tart greens with prosciutto and warm balsamic dressing, 26–27
spiced, with almonds, 331
spring salad with hazelnuts, 21
Endives, grilled winter, 337–339
Erbazzone reggiano, 247–249
Erbe, odori, 481–482
Erminia’s pan-crisped chicken, 270–271
rice of the princes, 211–212, 213
spiced, with almonds, 331
Espresso and mascarpone semi-freddo, 428–429
Fagliolini alla bolognese, 327
Fagliolini al pesto modenese, 325–326
Fantasia, 144
Farina, 479–481
Fava beans, see Beans, fava
Fave con il pecorino, 323–324
salad of mixed greens and, 349
sweet, Jewish style, 335–336
sweet, rabbit roasted with, 289–290
Ferrara salame, 501
Ferrara’s soup of the monastery, 220–221
Ferrarini, Sergio, 213
dried, tagliarini with, 109
fresh, tagliarini with, Franco Rossi, 107–109
Finocchi alla Giudia, 335–336
First courses, 199–249
almond spice broth, 237–238
classic white risotto, 201–202
dome of rice stuffed with braised pigeon, 216–218
Ferrara’s soup of the monastery, 220-221
fresh garlic soup Brisighella, 222–223
green beans Bolognese, 327
herb and garlic grilled eggplant with cheese, 329
Imola’s risotto of the Vigil, 214–215
“little” spring soup from the 17th century, 232–233
Modena’s spiced soup of spinach and cheese, 234–235
Nino Bergese’s risotto, 203–204
oven-glazed porcini, 239–240
Paola Cavazzini’s eggplant torte, 241–242
parsley-stuffed shrimps, 257–258
Piacenza peppers country style, 244–245
Piacenza’s risotto with ragù, 207–208
priest’s soup, 227–228
Reggio’s tart of garden greens, 247–249
rice of the princes, 211–212, 213
risotto of baby artichokes and peas, 209–211
risotto of red wine and rosemary, 205–206
Romagna griddle bread, 384–386
soup of porcini mushrooms, 226–227
soup of seafood and chick-peas, 264–265
sweet peas Parma, 322
tagliatelle with garlic-sautéed cabbage, 332
tart of fresh artichokes, 245–247
thumb pasta and tomato braised beans Piacenza style, 229–231
see also Pasta
fresh tuna Adriatic style, 256–257
herbed seafood grill, 254–255
Po River catfish, 266–267
sage-and-garlic-scented bluefish, 263–264
seafood stew Romagna, 259–260
soup of seafood and chick-peas, 264–265
spaghetti with anchovies and melting onions, 130–131
tagliarini with lemon anchovy sauce, 112–113
see also Seafood; Shellfish
seafood stew Romagna, 259–260
soup of seafood and chick-peas, 264–265
Flour, 479–481
American, selecting for Italian recipes, 479
wheat, in Emilia-Romagna, 480
Formaggio squaquerone, 386–387
Fragole al vino rosso, 445
Freni, Mirella, 122
antipasto Castelvetro, 16
crispy, 373–374
Piacenza’s great, 382–383
sweet chestnut, Castel del Rio, 449–450
Frozen chocolate pistachio cream with hot chocolate Marsala sauce, 438–439
Frozen hazelnut zabaione with chocolate Marsala sauce, 436–437
Frozen zuppa Inglese, 430–432
Funghi porcini, 494–495
Fusilli, 128
Gamberi repieni, 257
ragù, 50–51
ragù, pappardelle with, 123
see also Rabbit
Garganelli, 77–78, 86–87, 117
with roasted peppers, peas, and cream, 116–117
Garganelli con peperoncini dolci, piselli, e crema, 116–117
Garlic, 482
braised, linguine with balsamic vinegar and, 110–111
crostini with pancetta, 28
croutons, mountain soup with, 235–237
fresh, soup Brisighella, 222–223
and herb grilled eggplant, 328–329
lamb, and potato roast, 307–308
-and-sage-scented bluefish, 263–264
-sautéed cabbage, 331–332
Gialletti di Romagna, 422–423
meat ragù with Marsala, 56–57
in ragù, 38
ragù of, 54–55
ragù of, penne with, 129
Giovanna, 285
Giovanna’s wine-basted rabbit, 284–285
Gnocchi di castagne Castel del Rio, 449–450
Gnoccho al forno, 369
Gnocco fritto, 373–374
Gnuchétt, i, 223–225
Gramigna (“little weeds”), 77, 87
with wine-braised sausage, 114–115
Gramigna alla salsiccia e vino, 114–115
Grandmother’s gratin, 342–343
Grape syrup, fresh, 158–159
baked pears with, 442–443
chestnut tortelli, 157
Green beans, see Beans, green
fresh, tortelli of ricotta and, 153–154
garden, Reggio’s tart of, 247–249
“little” spring soup from the 17th century, 232–233
mixed, salad of fennel and, 349
Piacenza’s tortelli with tails, 162–164
rice of the princes, 211–212, 213
spiced, with almonds, 331
spring, salad of, 350
spring salad with hazelnuts, 21
tart, salad of, with prosciutto and warm balsamic dressing, 26–27
see also Radicchio; Spinach
Guiglia, 379
culatello, 476–479
see also Prosciutto
spring salad with, 21
zabaione, frozen, with chocolate Marsala sauce, 436–437
Herb and garlic grilled eggplant, 328–329
Herbed seafood grill, 254–255
Herbs, 481–482
fresh, tagliatelle with caramelized onions and, 101–103
His Eminence’s baked penne, 170
Honeyed Christmas cake, 462–464
Imola’s risotto of the Vigil, 214–215
Ingredients, guide to, 467–508
d’asparagi, parmigiano e nocciole, 21
di patate Paola Bini, 19–20
di prosciutto e aceto balsamico, 26–27
verde, 350
verde con finocchio, 349
cake, home-style, 401–403
Riccardo Rimondi’s Spanish sponge cake with, 434
tart, Nonna’s, 413–414
tart, zabaione, 415–416
January pork, 312–313
“Keeping cakes” of winter, the, 456–464
with black olives, 305–306
chops, Romagna grilled, 299
garlic, and potato roast, 307–308
grilled, with balsamic glaze, 304
Lard, 483
Lasagne, 87–88, 167
Dukes of Ferrara, 168–169
egg pasta for, 80
of Emilia-Romagna, 165–167
of wild and fresh mushrooms, 171–173
duchi di Ferrara, 168–169
ai funghi, 171–173
verdi al forno, 165–167
anchovy sauce, tagliarini with, 112–113
chicken, Maria Bertuzzi’s, 273–274
roast veal with rosemary, 294–295
Lenticchie in umido alla modenese, 347–348
Modena style, 347–348
pappardelle with Parmigiano-Reggiano and, 120–121
“little” spring soup from the 17th century, 232–233
rice of the princes, 211–212, 213
salad of mixed greens and fennel, 349
salad of spring greens, 350
salad of tart greens with prosciutto and warm balsamic dressing, 26–27
spring salad with hazelnuts, 21
Linguine con aglio e balsamico, 110–111
Linguine with braised garlic and balsamic vinegar, 110–111
“Little hats” Faenza style, 137
“Little squares” (quadretti), 88
“Little weeds,” see Gramigna
Liver, chicken and duck, mousse with white truffles, 24–25
Maccheroni, 78, 128, 174
baked, with winter tomato sauce, 173–174
with baked grilled vegetables, 126–127
pie of Ferrara, domed, 180–183
rosewater, Romanesca, 192–193
with wine-braised sausage, 115
al forno, 173–174
al forno Cardinale Chiaramonti, 170
peperoncini e zucchini alla pescatore, 126–127
Mâche (corn salad):
salad of spring greens, 350
spring salad with hazelnuts, 21
Main dishes, see Second courses
Maltagliati (“badly cut”), 80, 88
Mandorlini del Ponte, 421
Mantecato, 205
Manzo alla brace, 303–304
Mardi Gras chicken, 277–278
Maria Bertuzzi’s lemon chicken, 273–274
Marie Louise, duchess of Parma, 408, 426, 430
Marie Louise’s crescents, 426–428
chocolate sauce, frozen hazelnut zabaione with, 436–437
chocolate sauce, hot, frozen chocolate pistachio cream with, 438–439
Duchess of Parma torte, 404–407
meat ragù with, 56–57
tomato sauce, pan-fried veal chops with, 292–294
zabaione jam tart, 415–416
Marubei, 77
Mascarpone cheese:
and espresso semi-freddo, 428–429
rice of the princes, 211–212, 213
tortelloni of artichokes and, 141–144
Meat(s), 284–317
antipasto Castelvetro, 16
cured, platter of, in the style of Emilia-Romagna, 14–15
essences, 61–62
salami, 501–503
unusual tortellini pie, an, 175–179
see also Beef; Game; Lamb; Mortadella; Pancetta; Pork; Prosciutto; Rabbit; Sausage; Veal
Meat sauces, see Ragù
Melanzane alla graticola, 328–329
Melanzane alla parmigiana, 243
Melon, iced, with mint and balsamic vinegar, 444
Melone con aceto balsamico, 444
of the Dark Lake, 421
Duchess of Parma torte, 404–407
espresso and mascarpone semi-freddo, 428–429
Messisbugo, Christofaro di, 213
Minestra del prete, 227–228
di latecchi punte di sparagi fondi d’artichiochi, et agro di limoni, 232–233
di mandorle, 237–238
di spinaci alla modenese, 234–235
Mint, iced melon with balsamic vinegar and, 444
Modena crumbling cake, 400–401
Modena mountain bread, 388–390
Modena rice pudding, 398–399
Modena’s spiced soup of spinach and cheese, 234–235
Mortadella, 484–485
mousse of, 22–23
platter of cured meats in the style of Emilia-Romagna, 14–15
priest’s soup with, 228
tortellini Bologna style, 140
tortellini in broth Villa Gaidello, 134–137
Mousse, dessert:
frozen chocolate pistachio cream with hot chocolate Marsala sauce, 438–439
frozen hazelnut zabaione with chocolate Marsala sauce, 436–437
frozen zuppa Inglese, 430–432
Mousse, savory:
chicken and duck liver, with white truffles, 24–25
of mortadella, 22–23
seafood stew Romagna, 259–260
soup of seafood and chick-peas, 264–265
Mushrooms, button:
baked maccheroni with winter tomato sauce, 173–174
oven-glazed porcini, 239–240
wild and fresh, lasagne of, 171–173
Mushrooms, porcini, see Porcini mushroom
Musical talent, 122
Mussels with balsamic vinegar, 269
Nascia, Carlo, 190, 191, 232, 237
Nectarines, iced, with mint and balsamic vinegar, 444
Nino Bergese’s risotto, 203–204
Nonna’s jam tart, 413–414
frozen chocolate pistachio cream with hot chocolate Marsala sauce, 438–439
frozen hazelnut zabaione with chocolate Marsala sauce, 436–437
rice of the princes, 211–212, 213
spring salad with hazelnuts, 21
see also Almond; Chestnut
Old Hen Sunday, 276
Olio d’olive, 485–486
Olive oil, 485–486
Olives, black:
lamb with, 305–306
spaghetti with shrimps and, 132–133
antipasto Castelvetro, 16
and basil mashed potatoes, 345–346
caramelized, tagliatelle with fresh herbs and, 101–103
filling for spianata, 370
grilled zucchini, peppers and, 338–339
marinated baby, 16–17
melting, spaghetti with anchovies and, 130–131
Nino Bergese’s risotto, 203–204
roasted beets and, 351
sweet-and-sour, 333–334
Oranges, caramelized, tagliatelle with almonds and, 188–189
Orecchiette, 128
Pampepato, 458–459
Pancake, sweet vermicelli, 190–191
Pancetta, 486–487
garlic crostini with, 28
platter of cured meats in the style of Emilia-Romagna, 14–15
in ragù, 38
Pan di Spagna, 433–434, 435
Pane montanaro, 388–390
Panna, 475–476
Paola Bini’s potato salad, 19–20
Paola Bini’s sweet ravioli, 424–423
Paola Cavazzini’s eggplant torte, 241–242
with game ragù, 123
with lentils and Parmigiano-Reggiano, 120–121
with tomato and peas, 118
of the Vigil, 65
Pappardelle alle lenticchie, 120–121
Pappardelle con ragù degli Appennini, 123
Parma, 219
Parma ham, see Prosciutto di Parma
Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, 488–493
asparagus in the style of Parma, 341
baked pie of polenta and country ragù, a, 311–312
cappelletti Imola style, 139
Christmas cappelletti, 138
classic white risotto, 201–202
egg pasta with nutmeg and, Villa Gaidello, 81
fresh pears with balsamic vinegar and, 30
herb and garlic grilled eggplant with, 329
how it is made, 491–492
“little hats” Faenza style, 137
“little” spring soup from the 17th century with, 233
Modena’s spiced soup of spinach and, 234–235
origins of, 489–491
Paola Cavazzini’s eggplant torte, 241–242
pappardelle with lentils and, 120–121
priest’s soup, 227–228
Reggio’s tart of garden greens, 248–249
rice of the princes, 211–212, 213
selecting, storing and using of, 488–489
tortellini in broth Villa Gaidello, 134–137
tortellini with butter and, 136
pasta with tomato and peas Villa Gaidello, 118–119
-stuffed shrimps, 257–258
Pasta, 71–183
anolini of Parma, 149–152
baked maccheroni with winter tomato sauce, 173–174
buying of, 92
cappellacci with sweet squash, 145–147
cappelletti Imola style, 139
chestnut tortelli, 155–157
Christmas cappelletti, 138
cooking of, 91
cornmeal, with braised beans, 223–225
domed maccheroni pie of Ferrara, 180–183
garganelli with roasted peppers, peas, and cream, 116–117
garlic-sautéed cabbage with, 331, 332
gramigna with wine-braised sausage, 114–115
His Eminence’s baked penne, 170
lasagne Dukes of Ferrara, 168–169
lasagne of Emilia-Romagna, 165–167
lasagne of wild and fresh mushrooms, 171–173
linguine with braised garlic and balsamic vinegar, 110–111
“little hats” Faenza style, 137
maccheroni with baked grilled vegetables, 126–127
pan-fried, history of, 191
pappardelle with game ragù, 123
pappardelle with lentils and Parmigiano-Reggiano, 120–121
parsley, with tomato and peas Villa Gaidello, 118–119
penne with ragù of giblets, 129
Piacenza’s tortelli with tails, 162–164
“priest stranglers” with fresh clams and squid, 124–126
serving of, 91–92
spaghetti with anchovies and melting onions, 130–131
spaghetti with shrimps and black olives, 132–133
tagliarini with fresh figs Franco Rossi, 107–109
tagliarini with lemon anchovy sauce, 112–113
tagliatelle with balsamic radicchio, 98–100
tagliatelle with caramelized onions and fresh herbs, 101–103
tagliatelle with fresh porcini mushrooms, 96–97
tagliatelle with fresh tomatoes and balsamic vinegar, 105–106
tagliatelle with Light veal ragù, 100
tagliatelle with prosciutto di Parma, 94–95
tagliatelle with radicchio and two beans, 103–105
tagliatelle with ragù Bolognese, 93
thumb, and tomato braised beans Piacenza style, 229–231
tortelli of cabbage and potato, 160–161
tortelli of ricotta and fresh greens, 153–154
tortellini Bologna style, 140
tortellini in broth Villa Gaidello, 134–137
tortelloni of artichokes and mascarpone, 141–144
unusual tortellini pie, an, 175–179
see also Pasta, homemade; Pasta, sweet
matta, 249
all’uovo, 80
verde, 81
Villa Gaidello, 81
al vino, 82
Pasta, homemade:
cooking of, 91
egg, 80
egg, with Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese and nutmeg Villa Gaidello, 81
“eggs” of, 85
making the dough, 82–86
making the shapes, 86–90
serving of, 91–92
spinach egg, 81
storing of, 90
in the style of Emilia-Romagna, 80–90
wine, 82
working by hand, 83–84
working with machines, 85–86
Pasta, sweet, 73, 185–197
rosewater maccheroni Romanesca, 192–193
tagliarini tart of Ferrara, 194–196, 197
tagliatelle with caramelized oranges and almonds, 188–189
vermicelli pancake, 190–191
Pasta sauces, meat, see Ragù
Pasticcio di maccheroni, 180–183
Pasticcio di tortellini con crema di cannella, 175–179
Pastry(ies), 394, 420
domed maccheroni pie of Ferrara, 180–183
honeyed Christmas cake, 462–464
Marie Louise’s crescents, 426–428
Paola Bini’s sweet ravioli, 424–425
unusual tortellini pie, an, 175–179
Valentino’s pizza, 29–30
see also Tarts
Palate al forno, 344–345
Palate mesce, 345–346
Pavarotti, Luciano, 122
iced, with mint and balsamic vinegar, 444
Nonna’s jam tart, 413–414
baked, with fresh grape syrup, 442–443
fresh, with Parmigiano-Reggiano and balsamic vinegar, 30
hot caramelized, with prosciutto, 31
iced, with mint and balsamic vinegar, 444
baked maccheroni with winter tomato sauce, 173–174
braised eel with, 261–262
garganelli with roasted peppers, cream and, 116–117
parsley pasta with tomato and, Villa Gaidello, 118–119
risotto of baby artichokes and, 209–211
sweet, Parma, 322
tagliatelle with prosciutto di Parma, tomatoes and, 95
Pecorino (sheep) cheese:
cornmeal pasta with braised beans, 223–225
herb and garlic grilled eggplant with, 329
young, fresh fava beans with, 323–324
Penne, 174
His Eminence’s baked, 170
with ragù of giblets, 129
Penne con ragù di rigaglie di pollo, 129
Penne rigate:
domed maccheroni pie of Ferrara, 180–183
with wine-braised sausage, 115
balsamic vegetables, 18
country style, Piacenza, 244–245
Grandmother’s gratin, 342–343
grilled zucchini, onions and, 338–339
roasted, garganelli with peas, cream and, 116–117
Pere al forno con sapa, 442–443
ai ferri, 254–255
gatto in umido, 266–267
serra al forno con salvia, 263–264
Pesto, balsamic, green beans with, 325–326
Piacenza peppers country style, 244–245
Piacenza’s great fritter, 382–383
Piacenza’s porcini tomato sauce, 64–65
Piacenza’s risotto with ragù, 207–208
Piacenza’s tortelli with tails, 162–164
Piadina, 374, 384–386
Piadina fritta, 374
Piadone, 369
Pies, 179
domed maccheroni, of Ferrara, 180–183
of polenta and country ragù, baked, 311–312
unusual tortellini, 175–179
Pigeon, braised, dome of rice stuffed with, 216–218
Pinto beans:
braised, cornmeal pasta with, 223–225
mountain soup with garlic croutons, 235–237
tagliatelle with radicchio and two beans, 103–105
tomato braised, and thumb pasta Piacenza style, 229–231
Pinzino, 374
Pisaréi e fasô, 229–231
Piselli con prosciutto di Parma, 322
Pistachio chocolate cream, frozen, with hot chocolate Marsala sauce, 438–439
Pizza, Valentino’s, 29–30
Pizza di Valentino, 29–30
Platter of cured meats in the style of Emilia-Romagna, 14–15
Polenta, 352–353
baked, 353
baked pie of country ragù and, 311–312
braised pork ribs with, 309–310
casserole, layered, 354
creamy, 354
fried, 354
with game ragù, 51
grilled, 354
grilled, with game ragù, 51
history of, 353
ragù with, 43
sweet, 355
Polenta pasticciata, 311–312
alla cacciatora Riccardo Rimondi, 275–276
di carnevale, 277–278
a due tempi Il Vecchio Molinetto, 270–271
al forno con aceto balsamico, 279–280
in tegame di Maria Bertuzzi, 273–274
Polpette d’Artusi alla Villa Gaidello, 300–302
Pomodori e concentrato di pomodoro, 505–506
“Poor little ones,” 269
Porcini al forno Franco Casalboni, 239–240
Porcini mushroom(s), 494–495
domed maccheroni pie of Ferrara, 180–183
fresh, tagliatelle with, 96–97
lasagne of wild and fresh mushrooms, 171–173
oven-glazed, 239–240
soup of, 226–227
tomato sauce, baked maccheroni with, 174
tomato sauce, Piacenza’s, 64–65
tomato sauce, tortelli of cabbage and potato with, 161
tomato soup, 67
veal chops, 290–291
Po River catfish, 266–267
cappelletti Imola style, 139
Christmas cappelletti, 138
coppa, 474
cotechino, 475
country-style ragù, 48–49
culatello, 476–479
grilled, with balsamic glaze, 304
January, 312–313
loin, basil and balsamic, 296
loin, Romagna grilled, 299
mortadella, 484–485
in ragù, 38
ribs, braised, with polenta, 309–310
salama da sugo, la, 501
salami, 501–503
salume, 503–504
spalla di San Secondo, 504
tortellini Bologna style, 140
see also Pancetta
basil and onion mashed, 345–346
Grandmother’s gratin, 342–343
lamb, and garlic roast, 307–308
oven-roasted, 344–345
salad, Paola Bini’s, 19–20
tortelli of cabbage and, 160–161
zampone of the aristocrats, 315–317
Poultry, 270–284
balsamic roast capon, 280
chicken and duck liver mousse with white truffles, 24–25
Christmas capon, 281–282
dome of rice stuffed with braised pigeon, 216–218
meat stock, 66–67
pan-roasted quail, 283–284
see also Chicken; Turkey
Poveracce, 269
Poveracce con aceto balsamico, 268–269
Priest’s soup, 227–228
“Priest stranglers” (strozzapreti), 77, 89–90
with fresh clams and squid, 124–126
with wine-braised sausage, 115
Prosciutto, 495–496
hot caramelized pears with, 31
platter of cured meats in the style of Emilia-Romagna, 14–15
in ragù, 38
Prosciutto di Parma (Parma ham), 497–500
in Emilia-Romagna, 498–499
how it is made, 499–500
platter of cured meats in the style of Emilia-Romagna, 14–15
salad of tart greens with warm balsamic dressing and, 26–27
selecting, storing and using of, 497–498
sweet peas Parma, 322
tagliatelle with, 94–95
tortellini Bologna style, 140
tortellini in broth Villa Gaidello, 134–137
Nonna’s jam tart, 413–414
zabaione jam tart, 415–416
Pudding, Modena rice, 398–399
Puntine di maiale con polenta, 309–310
Quadretti (“little squares”), 88
Quaglie in tegame, 283–284
Quail, pan-roasted, 283–284
dukes of Modena, 286–288
game ragù, 50–51
roasted with sweet fennel, 289–290
wine-basted, Giovanna’s, 284–285
balsamic, tagliatelle with, 98–100
grilled winter endives, 337–339
oven-roasted, 336–337
salad of mixed greens and fennel, 349
salad of tart greens with prosciutto and warm balsamic dressing, 26–27
tagliatelle with two beans and, 103–105
Radicchio al forno, 336–337
Ragù, 33–57
baroque, 42–43
Bolognese, lighter contemporary, 46–47
Bolognese, tagliatelle with, 93
building of, 37
Cardinal’s, the, 40–41
classic Bolognese, 44–45
country, a baked pie of polenta and, 311–312
country-style, 48–49
game, 50–51
game, pappardelle with, 123
of giblets, 54–55
of giblets, penne with, 129
ingredients of, 37–39
light veal, tagliatelle with, 100
light veal, with tomato, 52–53
meat, with Marsala, 56–57
risotto with, Piacenza’s, 207–208
degli appennini, 50–51
bolognese, 34–35, 44–45
di carne e Marsala, 56–57
alla contadina, 48–49
per li maccheroni appasticciati, 40–41
de’ nobili, 42–43
di rigaglie di pollo, 54–55
Vecchio Molinetto, 52–53
Ravioli, sweet, Paola Bini’s, 424–425
Ravioli dolci di Paola Bini, 424–425
Reggio’s tart of garden greens, 247–249
Riccardo Rimondi’s chicken cacciatora, 275–276
Riccardo Rimondi’s Spanish sponge cake, 433–434, 435
Rice, 202
dome of, stuffed with braised pigeon, 216–218
of the princes, 211–212, 213
pudding, Modena, 398–399
see also Risotto
Ricotta, 454–455
Ricotta cheese:
chestnut cheesecake, 452–453
and fresh artichoke topping for spianata, 371–372
homemade, 454–455
“little hats” Faenza style, 137
Piacenza’s tortelli with tails, 162–164
and spinach filling for spianata, 370–371
tortelli of fresh greens and, 153–154
Riso mantecato al mascarpone, uvetta, pinoli, e cannella, 211–212
Risotto, 201–218
of baby artichokes and peas, 209–211
classic white, 201–202
Nino Bergese’s, 203–204
with ragù, Piacenza’s, 207–208
with ragù of giblets, 55
of red wine and rosemary, 205–206
of the Vigil, Imola’s, 214–215
al barbera, 205–206
in bianco, 201–202
carciofi e piselli, 209–211
mantecato, 203–204
alla Piacenza, 207–208
della Vigilia di Natale, 214–215
seafood stew Romagna, 259–260
soup of seafood and chick-peas, 264–265
Romagna, 299
Romagna griddle bread, 384–386
Romagna grilled veal chops, 297–299
Romagna mountain bread, see Spianata
Romaine lettuce:
salad of mixed greens and fennel, 349
salad of tart greens with prosciutto and warm balsamic dressing, 26–27
spiced, with almonds, 331
lemon roast veal with, 294–295
risotto of red wine and, 205–206
Rosewater maccheroni Romanesca, 192–193
Rossini, Gioacchino, 122
Rustisana piacentina, 244–245
Sage-and-garlic-scented bluefish, 263–264
antipasto, history of, 27
of mixed greens and fennel, 349
potato, Paola Bini’s, 19–20
spring, with hazelnuts, 21
of spring greens, 350
of tart greens with prosciutto and warm balsamic dressing, 26–27
Salama da sugo, la, 501
Salami, 501–503
in Emilia-Romagna, 502–503
platter of cured meats in the style of Emilia-Romagna, 14–15
Salsa di pomodoro invernale, 62–63
Salsa di porcini con pomodori, 64–65
Salume, 503–504
Sapa, 158–159
Sauces, 59–65
meat essences, 61–62
pan, 67
porcini tomato, Piacenza’s, 64–65
winter tomato, 62–63
see also Ragù
beef-wrapped, 314–315
cotechino, 475
country-style ragù, 48–49
mortadella, 484–485
in ragù, 38
salami, 501–503
wine-braised, gramigna with, 114–115
zampone, 506–508
zampone of the aristocrats, 315–317
see also Mortadella
Scaloppine di vitello a basilico e aceto balsamico, 296–297
Seafood, 254–269
braised eel with peas, 261–262
“priest stranglers” with fresh clams and squid, 124–125
stew Romagna, 259–260
see also Fish; Shellfish
Sea trout, see Trout, sea
Second courses (main dishes), 251–317
Artusi’s delight, 300–302
a baked pie of polenta and country ragù, 311–312
balsamic roast chicken, 279–280
basil and balsamic veal scallops, 296–297
beef-wrapped sausage, 314–315
borlengo, 377–379
braised eel with peas, 261–262
braised pork ribs with polenta, 309–310
Christmas capon, 281–282
Erminia’s pan-crisped chicken, 270–271
Ferrara’s soup of the monastery, 220–221
fresh tuna Adriatic style, 256–257
Giovanna’s wine-basted rabbit, 284–286
Grandmother’s gratin, 342–343
grilled beef with balsamic glaze, 303–304
grilled winter endives, 337–339
herb and garlic grilled eggplant with cheese, 329
herbed seafood grill, 254–255
January pork, 312–313
lamb with black olives, 305–306
lemon roast veal with rosemary, 294–295
Mardi Gras chicken, 277–278
Maria Bertuzzi’s lemon chicken, 273–274
Modena’s spiced soup of spinach and cheese, 234–235
oven-glazed porcini, 239–240
pan-fried veal chops with tomato Marsala sauce, 292–294
pan-roasted quail, 283–284
Paola Cavazzini’s eggplant torte, 241–242
parsley-stuffed shrimps, 257–258
Piacenza peppers country style, 244–245
porcini veal chops, 290–291
Po River catfish, 266–267
rabbit dukes of Modena, 286–288
rabbit roasted with sweet fennel, 289–290
ragù with polenta, 43
Reggio’s tart of garden greens, 247–249
Riccardo Rimondi’s chicken cacciatora, 275–276
Romagna griddle bread, 384–386
Romagna grilled veal chops, 297–299
sage-and-garlic-scented bluefish, 263–264
seafood stew Romagna, 259–260
soup of porcini mushrooms, 226–227
soup of seafood and chick-peas, 264–265
spianata with fresh artichoke and cheese topping, 371–372
summer clams with balsamic vinegar, 268–269
tagliatelle with garlic-sautéed cabbage, 332
tart of fresh artichokes, 245–247
thumb pasta and tomato braised beans Piacenza style, 229–231
zampone of the aristocrats, 315–317
see also Pasta; Risotto
Sedani with wine-braised sausage, 115
Semi-freddo, espresso and mascarpone, 428–429
Semi-freddo di espresso e mascarpone, 428–429
Sheep cheese, see Pecorino cheese
parsley-stuffed shrimps, 257–258
seafood stew Romagna, 259–260
soup of seafood and chick-peas, 264–265
spaghetti with shrimps and black olives, 132–133
summer clams with balsamic vinegar, 268–269
parsley-stuffed, 257–258
seafood stew Romagna, 259–260
soup of seafood and chick-peas, 264–265
spaghetti with black olives and, 132–133
Side dishes:
sweet vermicelli pancake, 190–191
tagliatelle with caramelized oranges and almonds, 188–189
see also Vegetable side dishes
Soups, 220–223, 226–228, 232–238
almond spice broth, 237–238
fresh garlic, Brisighella, 222–223
“little” spring, from the 17th century, 232–233
of the monastery, Ferrara’s, 220–221
mountain, with garlic croutons, 235–237
of porcini mushrooms, 226–227
porcini tomato, 67
priest’s, 227–228
of seafood and chick-peas, 264–265
spiced, of spinach and cheese, Modena’s, 234–235
Spaghetti, 78
with anchovies and melting onions, 130–131
with shrimps and black olives, 132–133
Spaghetti con alici e crema di cipolle, 130–131
Spaghetti con gamberoni e olive nere, 132–133
Spalla di San Secondo, 504
Spelt, 420
Spianata (Romagna mountain bread), 367–372
fillings and toppings for, 370–372
for the Madonna of August, 372
Spiced Christmas cake of Bologna, 460–461
Spiced spinach with almonds, 330–331
and cheese filling for spianata, 370–371
egg pasta, 81
Marie Louise’s crescents, 426–428
Modena’s spiced soup of cheese and, 234–235
Piacenza’s tortelli with tails, 162–164
Reggio’s tart of garden greens, 247–249
spiced, with almonds, 330–331
Spinaci in padella del settecento, 330–331
Spongata di Berceto, 462–464
Spuma di fegato con tartufi, 24–25
Spuma di mortadella, 22–23
Squab, braised, dome of rice stuffed with, 216–218
Squaquerone cheese, fresh, 386–387
“little hats” Faenza style, 137
Squash, 147
Paola Bini’s sweet ravioli, 424–425
sweet, cappellacci with, 145–147
sweet, for Yom Kippur, 339–340
“priest stranglers” with fresh clams and, 124–126
seafood stew Romagna, 259–260
rabbit dukes of Modena, 286–288
seafood, Romagna, 259–260
Stocks, 59–60
poultry/meat, 66–67
quick, 68
store-bought, 69
iced, with mint and balsamic vinegar, 444
in red wine, 445
Strepponi, Giuseppina, 122
“Stretching the pot,” 53
Stricchettoni, 78, 89
Stricchettoni Villa Gaidello, 118–119
Stringhetti, 78, 89
Strozzapreti, see “Priest stranglers”
Strozzapreti con poveracce e le seppie, 124–126
Strutto, 483
Sugo di carne, il, 61–62
Sweet-and-sour onions, 333–334
Swiss chard:
Piacenza’s tortelli with tails, 162–164
Reggio’s tart of garden greens, 247–249
spiced, with almonds, 331
tortelli of ricotta and fresh greens, 153–154
Tagliarini, 78, 90
egg pasta for, 80
with fresh figs Franco Rossi, 107–109
with lemon anchovy sauce, 112–113
tart of Ferrara, sweet, 194–196, 197
Tagliarini ai fichi Ristorante Franco Rossi, 107–109
Tagliarini con bagnabrusca, 112–113
Tagliatelle, 78–79, 90, 97
with artichokes and mascarpone sauce, 144
with balsamic radicchio, 98–100
with caramelized onions and fresh herbs, 101–103
with caramelized oranges and almonds, 188–189
egg pasta for, 80
with fresh porcini mushrooms, 96–97
with fresh tomatoes and balsamic vinegar, 105–106
garlic-sautéed cabbage with, 332
with light veal ragù, 100
with prosciutto di Parma, 94–95
with radicchio and two beans, 103–105
with ragù Bolognese, 93
con arance e mandorle, 188–189
con cipolle e erbucce, 101–103
e fagioli con radicchio, 103–105
con funghi porcini, 96–97
con pomodori e aceto balsamico, 105–106
al prosciutto di Parma, 94–95
con radicchio e aceto balsamico, 98–100
con ragù bolognese, 93
con ragù Vecchio Molinetto, 100
Taglioline, 78
Tardura, la, 136
apple cream, Ugo Falavigna’s, 411–412
caramelized almond, 409–410
Cardinal d’Este’s, 417–419
of fresh artichokes, 245–247
of garden greens, Reggio’s, 247–249
jam, Nonna’s, 413–414
sweet tagliarini, of Ferrara, 194–196, 197
zabaione jam, 415–416
Tebaldi, Renata, 122
Thumb pasta and tomato braised beans Piacenza style, 229–231
Tigelle, 375–377, 380–381
Tomato(es), 505–506
braised beans and thumb pasta Piacenza style, 229–231
Ferrara’s soup of the monastery, 220–221
fresh, tagliatelle with balsamic vinegar and, 105–106
Grandmother’s gratin, 342–343
light veal ragù with, 52–53
light veal ragù with, tagliatelle with, 100
Marsala sauce, pan-fried veal chops with, 292–294
parsley pasta with peas and, Villa Gaidello, 118–119
porcini sauce, baked maccheroni with, 174
porcini sauce, Piacenza’s, 64–65
porcini soup, 67
sauce, winter, 62–63
sauce, winter, baked maccheroni with, 173–174
stuffed Romagna griddle bread, 386
tagliatelle with prosciutto di Parma, peas and, 95
tortelli of cabbage and potato with, 161
Tomato paste, 505–506
Tonno in tegame, 256–257
Barozzi, 395–397
di carciofi, 245–247
Duchessa, 404–407
di Farro Messisbugo, 417–419
fritta, 374
La Greppia, 415–416
di mele Ugo Falavigna, 411–412
della Nonna, 413–414
di riso, 398–399
salata, 369
di tagliarini ferrarese, 194–196
di vermicelli Carlo Nascia, 190–191
Torta Barozzi, 395–397
Duchess of Parma, 404–407
eggplant, Paola Cavazzini’s, 241–242
of cabbage and potato, 160–161
chestnut, 155–157
egg pasta for, 80
of ricotta and fresh greens, 153–154
with tails, Piacenza’s, 162–164
con la coda alla piacentina, 162–164
d’erbette, 153–154
di mostarda e castagne, 155–157
di verza e patate, 160–161
Tortelli di zucca, 147
Tortellini, 73–75, 76
Bologna style, 140
in broth Villa Gaidello, 134–137
egg pasta for, 80
pie, unusual, 175–179
Tortellini alla bolognese, 140
Tortellini in brodo Villa Gaidello, 134–137
Tortelloni, 76
of artichokes and mascarpone, 141–144
Tortelloni di carciofi e mascarpone, 141–144
Torte Maria Luigia, 426–428
Tortino di melanzane La Greppia, 241–242
Toscanini, Arturo, 122
Trattorie, 272
Trout, sea:
seafood stew Romagna, 259–260
soup of seafood and chick-peas, 264–265
Truffles, white, chicken and duck liver mousse with, 24–25
Tuna, fresh, Adriatic style, 256–257
Turkey, 67
Christmas, 282
Christmas cappelletti, 138
poultry/meat stock, 66–67
tortellini Bologna style, 140
Turkey giblets:
baroque ragù, 42–43
meat ragù with Marsala, 56–57
in ragù, 38
ragù of, 54–55
Turnip greens, spiced, with almonds, 331
Ugo Falavigna’s apple cream tart, 411–412
Valentino’s pizza, 29–30
chops, pan-fried, with tomato Marsala sauce, 292–294
chops, porcini, 290–291
chops, Romagna grilled, 297–299
country-style ragù, 48–49
lemon roast, with rosemary, 294–295
meat essences, 61–62
meat ragù with Marsala, 56–57
in ragù, 38
ragù, light, tagliatelle with, 100
ragù with tomato, light, 52–53
scallops, basil and balsamic, 296–297
Vecchia, La, 342–343
Vecchio Molinetto, Il, 272
Vegetable first courses, 239–249
oven-glazed porcini, 239–240
Paola Cavazzini’s eggplant torte, 241–242
Piacenza peppers country style, 244–245
Reggio’s tart of garden greens, 247–249
tart of fresh artichokes, 245–247
baked grilled, maccheroni with, 126–127
balsamic, 18
Vegetable side dishes, 319–355
asparagus in the style of Parma, 341
basil and onion mashed potatoes, 345–346
fresh fava beans with young sheep cheese, 323–324
garlic-sautéed cabbage, 331–332
Grandmother’s gratin, 342–343
green beans Bolognese, 327
green beans with balsamic pesto, 325–326
grilled winter endives, 337–339
herb and garlic grilled eggplant, 328–329
lentils Modena style, 347–348
oven-roasted potatoes, 344–345
oven-roasted radicchio, 336–337
polenta five ways, 352–354
roasted beets and onions, 351
salad of mixed greens and fennel, 349
salad of spring greens, 350
spiced spinach with almonds, 330–331
sweet-and-sour onions, 333–334
sweet fennel Jewish style, 335–336
sweet peas Parma, 322
sweet squash for Yom Kippur, 339–340
Verdi, Giuseppe, 122, 462, 465
Verdure sott’aceto, 18
Vermicelli pancake, sweet, 190–191
Villa Gaidello, 20
Artusi’s delight, 300–302
egg pasta with
Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese and nutmeg, 81
parsley pasta with tomato and peas, 118–119
tortellini in broth, 134–137
Vitello al forno, 294–295
Watermelon, 446
Wine, 508
Wine, red:
fresh grape syrup, 158–159
risotto of rosemary and, 205–206
strawberries in, 445
see also Marsala
Wine, white:
-basted rabbit, Giovanna’s, 284–285
-braised sausage, gramigna with, 114–115
pasta, 82
Wood-burning oven, approximating, 391
cappellacci with sweet squash, 145–147
sweet squash for Yom Kippur, 339–340
Duchess of Parma torte, 404–407
frozen hazelnut, with chocolate Marsala sauce, 436–437
jam tart, 415–416
zampone of the aristocrats, 315–317
Zampone, 506–508
of the aristocrats, 315–317
buying, storing and using of, 506–507
in Emilia-Romagna, 507–508
Zampone nobile, 315–317
Ziti with wine-braised sausage, 115
Zucca disfatta, 339–340
grilled peppers, onions and, 338–339
herb and garlic grilled, 329
di aglio fresco, 222–223
di cavolo nero, 235–237
di ceci e pesce, 264–265
dei frati cappuccini, 220–221
di funghi porcini, 226–227
inglese di Vincenzo Agnoletti, 430–432
Zuppa Inglese, frozen, 430–432