

Dear Hayden, when I read your book I was aching

in head, back, heart, and mind, and aching

with your aches added to my own, and yet for joy

I read on without stopping, made eager

by your true mastery, wit, sorrow, and joy,

each made true by the others. My reading done,

I swear I am feeling better. Here in Port Royal

I take off my hat to you up there in Munnsville

in your great dignity of being necessary. I swear

it appears to me you’re one of the rare fellows

who may finally amount to something. What shall

I say? I greet you at the beginning of a great career?

No. I greet you at the beginning, for we are

either beginning or we are dead. And let us have

no careers, lest one day we be found dead in them.

I greet you at the beginning that you have made

authentically in your art, again and again.