
The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.


abuse of statistics about

and Catholic hospitals

as reproductive right

right to refuse

teen rates of

untruths about


Abstinence Clearinghouse

abstinence commitment

abstinence expectation zone


abstinence sex education:

alternatives to

consequences of

content of

and discrimination

evaluation of

federal definition of

as forum for anti-gay agenda

funding for

and George W. Bush


return to

structure of

as U.S. policy

accuracy amendments

ACLU. See American Civil Liberties Union

activist judges

Adam & Eve




Adolescent Family Life Act

adoption, same-gender

adult chatrooms

adult entertainment

and First Amendment

as gateway to other censorship

harassment of businesses

Kohls on

lack of training for clinicians in realities of

and limits of democracy


secondary effects of

and zoning

adult magazines

adult movies, in-room


Alcoholic Beverage Control, Department of (ABC)

Alito, Samuel

Alliance Defense Fund

amateur pornography

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

American Family Association

American Pharmacists Association

Andelloux, Megan

anecdotes vs. scientific analysis

anti-gay agenda

Aquinas, Thomas

artificially aided fertility

Ashcroft, John

Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection (ASACP)

assumptions, omitting key

Ave Maria, Florida

Axis of Moral Evil

Bachmann, Michele

Baldwin, Roger

Baldwin, Stephen

Barber, Matt

Barnes, Clive

Bearman, Peter

Benedict XVI, Pope

Bennachie, Calum

Bennett, Elaine

Bennett, Stephen

Bennett, William

Best Friends Foundation

Bilstein, Peggy

birth control pills. See also emergency contraception

Boccaccio, Giovanni

bondage-and-discipline games

brain science

Brennan, William

Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act

broadcast indecency

arguments for


and FCC

lack of reality in

and marketplace


and pro-censorship groups

and TV control tools

and TV obsolescence

ubiquity of

vs. obscenity

Brown, Aaron

Brown, Steven

Brownback, Sam

Brown v. Board of Education

Buchanan, Pat

Burress, Phil

Burton, Samantha

Bush, George W.: and condoms

on eliminating eroticism in American life

and embryo adoption

and fetal rights

and homosexuality

and McIlhaney

and Nance

as pro-lifer

and sex education

and sexual rights

and war on pornography

Bush, Laura

busts of adult entertainment businesses

cable filters

Cambria, Paul


and adult entertainment

and swinging

Canterbury Tales (Chaucer)

Capps, Lois

Carnes, Patrick

category manipulation

Catholic Church

Catholic colleges

Catholic hospitals

CBS Television

Center for Law and Religious Freedom

Center for Sexual Pleasure and Health

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

cervical cancer

channel changers

chastity education. See also abstinence sex education

Chaucer, Geoffrey

child custody

Child Internet Protection Act (CIPA)

Child Online Protection Act

child pornography

children.See also abstinence sex education; fetal rights legislation;

sex education: adoption by same-gender parents

protection of

sexual discrimination against

and sexuality


Christianity, American. See also extreme religion and public policy

Christian Legal Society

Christian Right

Christies Cabaret

Church and state, separation of

churches, tax-exempt status of

The Chute

circumvention technology

Citizens Against Pornography

Citizens for Community Values

City of Erie v. Pap’s A.M.

City of Los Angeles v. Alameda Books

civil liberties

clean vs. dirty sex

Clear Channel Communications

Club Chameleon

Commission on Online Child Protection

Communications Decency Act

Community Defense Council

community standards

Comstock Act

Concerned Women for America:

and adult entertainment

and broadcast indecency

and contraception

and emergency contraception

and fear of sexuality

and Internet porn

and Virginia politicians


Constitution Restoration Act

“The Content of Federally Funded Abstinence-Only Education Programs” (Waxman)

contraception. See also emergency contraception

Convention on the Rights of the Child

Corn-Revere, Bob

Cornyn, John

Craft, Nikki

creative use of legal terms

Cuccinelli, Ken

culture wars



date rape

Davis, Jo Ann

Decameron (Boccaccio)

Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)

DeGeneres, Ellen

Déjà Vu

DeLay, Tom


of anti-sex mob rule

and broadcast freedom


and extreme religion

and harassment of adult entertainment

and Internet


Denton, Jeremiah

Department of Health and Human Services

Diamond, Milton

Dirmeyer, David


the Divine

Dobson, James

Doherty, Will

Dolff, J. D.

“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,”

Dragone, Tamie

DuBois, Joshua

Durbin, Dick

Electronic Frontier Foundation

embryo adoption

emergency contraception (EC)

Emery, Ed

Enrico, Richard

erectile dysfunction


erotic power play

erotophiles, defined

erotophobes, defined


“Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services” (National Council of Bishops)

ethical relativism




extreme religion and public policy

belief vs. action

and governmental collusion


yearning for the simple and the Divine

Fairstein, Linda

faith-based initiative

Falwell, Jerry

Family Friendly Libraries

Family Research Council

Farley, Melissa

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

federal funding for abstinence sex education

Feinstein, Dianne

female empowerment

Feminist Women’s Health Center

Fencl, Milo

fetal rights legislation

filtering technology

Finkelhor, David


Firestone, Shulamith

First Amendment to US Constitution:

and adult entertainment

and broadcast indecency

Fischer on

and Internet

Kennedy, Anthony, on

and mandatory pre-abortion counseling

Parents Television Council on

and pornography

and sexual harassment on university campuses

and sexual privacy

Fischer, Bryan

Flanigan’s Enterprises, Inc. v. Fulton County, GA

Focus on the Family

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Fox TV

free speech. See First Amendment to US Constitution

Free Speech Coalition

Free Speech Coalition v. Gonzales

Frist, Bill

Gardasil. See also human papillomavirus

Gargantua and Pantagruel (Rabelais)

Gay Agenda

gay Americans. See homosexuality

Gay-Straight Alliance

Gentry, Cynthia

Gill, Dave

Godell, Tom

Gonzales, Alberto


Gordon, Sol

Gould, Terry

Goulet, Harvey, Jr.

Government Accountability Office

Green, Joshua

Gregory, Pope

Hager, David

Hanna, Judith

Hanraty, Charlie

Hanraty, Teresa


of adult entertainment businesses


Harvey, Philip D.

Haselton, Bennett

Hatch, Orrin

Hays, James

Health and Human Services, Department of

Healthy Youth Act of 2010

Heiman, Julia

Heins, Marjorie

Helms School of Government at Liberty University



Homeland Security

homosexual agenda


Hoover, J. Edgar

hostile learning environment

hostile work environment

House Bill 5040 (Michigan)

Hughes, Donna Rice

human papillomavirus (HPV)

Human Rights Watch

Hurricane Irene

Hustler magazine

indecency, broadcast. See broadcast indecency

Innocent, Pope

in-room adult films

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights


adaptation of technology for sexual purposes

attitudes toward

crimes of

and democracy

and filtering technology

government control of access to

history of

library use of

moral panic over


and pornography

state censorship of

Ireland, Dan


Irvine, Joan

Jackson, Janet

Jackson, Nicholas

Jacobs, Larry

Jameson, Jenna

Jardin, Xeni

Jarvis, Jeff

Jefferson, Thomas

John Paul II, Pope

Johnson, Patrick

Kandyland strip club

Keillor, Garrison

Kennedy, Anthony

Kern, Sally

kiddie porn. See child pornography

Kids First Coalition

King, Larry

Kohls, Don

Koop, C. Everett

Kopp, James

Kuhner, Jeffrey

Kutchinsky, Berl

Lakoff, George

language of War on Sex

lap dancing

LaRue, Jan

Lawrence v. Texas

Layden, Mary Anne

lesbians. See also homosexuality

Leshner, Alan

liberty, constitutionally protected

library Internet use

Lifestyles Organization


Lincoln, Blanche

Linz, Daniel

Live Sex Act Business ordinance (Phoenix, AZ)

Lowest Common Erotic Denominator project

Lusk, Herb

Madison, James


Maher, Bridget

Marinelli, Paul


age of


Married by America

Martin, Kevin

Marzucco, Joseph



“The Mathematica Report,”

McCain, John

McCarthy, Joseph

McDonell, Donell

McGinley, Robert

McGraw, Phil

McIlhaney, Joe

McKay, H. B.

McKee, Alan

McLachlin, Beverley

Medical Institute of Austin, Texas

Megan’s Law

Mill, John Stuart

minority, sexual

Monaghan, Thomas

Monday Night Football

Moore, Roy

moral grounds

Morality in Media (MiM)

Moral Majority

morning-after pill. See emergency contraception

Moser, Charles

Motion Picture Production Code

motion pictures

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick

MSN Spaces



Nagin, Ray

Nance, Penny

Nasrallah, Hassan

National Abstinence Education Association

National Advocates for Pregnant Women

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

National Coalition Against Censorship

National Coalition for Sexual Freedom

National Council of Bishops

National Family Legal Foundation

National Rampage Against Penthouse

Nebraska Catholic Conference

Newsweek magazine

Nightlight Christian Adoption

“no-curse” products

non-abstinence sexuality programs

non-viewers of pornography

nude dancing

Obama, Barack

obscenity, defined see-also See also broadcast indecency

Obscenity Prosecution Task Force

O’Connor, Sandra Day

off button, TV

Office of Faith-Based Funding

Office of Strategic Planning and Policy Analysis (FCC)

“On Liberty” (Mill)

O’Reilly, Bill

Owens, Terrell

Paltrow, Lynn

parental controls for TV

Parents Television Council (PTC)

Parshall, Janet

Patriot Act

Pattyn, Denny

pay-for-porn television channels


Penthouse magazine

People for the American Way

Perkins, Tony

Perry, Rick



Perverted Justice

Peters, Robert

Peterson, Bart

Peterson, Laci

Peterson, Scott

pharmacists’ right to refuse

PHE, Inc. v. United States Department of Justice

phony categories

the Pill. See also emergency contraception

Pius IX, Pope

Planned Parenthood v. Casey

Playboy magazine



and broadcast indecency

and defense of democracy




and religious fundamentalism

Pollack, Jeffrey

Pollard, Deana


Popes, Catholic


addiction to


America’s cultural conversation about

and broadcast indecency


Cornyn on

fear of

harmfulness of


Land on

Nance as victim of

non-viewers of

playing inside cars

and polysemicity

Religious Right on

and social problems

as subversive truths

and truth telling

victims as experts

victims of


vs. adult entertainment

pornography, war on

and defense of democracy

government strategies

and kiddie porn


public health model of

strategies of

as war on people

and war on terrorism


porn taxes

Postures (Arentino)

Powell, Alma

Powell, Colin

Powell, Michael

Prairie Home Companion

premarital sexuality zone

printing presses

prior restraint

pro-censorship groups


property values

Protecting Children From Internet Pornographers Act of 2011

Protection of Children from Computer Pornography Act

Pryor, Bill

puberty, age of

public baths

public-izing sexuality

Pulpit Freedom Sunday

Rabelais, François

ratings system, TV

refusal clauses

Rehberg, Denny

Reisman, Judith

religious exceptionalism

religious pluralism

Renton v. Playtime Theaters

reproductive health

reproductive rights

and abortion

and Catholic hospitals

consequences of unauthorized sex

and contraception

and emergency contraception

and female empowerment

and fetal rights legislation


and refusal clauses

and STDs

strategies against

Republican Party

Rhode Island ACLU

right to refuse

Ring Thing

Robertson, Pat

Robinson, Marina

Rodriguez, Monica

Roe v. Wade

Rogers, Hal

Roisman, Joseph

Roosevelt, Theodore

Rove, Karl

RU-486. See also emergency contraception

Rushdie, Salman

sadomasochism (S/M)

same-gender adoption

same-gender marriage

Sanctity of Life Day

Santorum, Rick

satellite TV parental controls

Saving Private Ryan

Scalia, Antonin

Schatz, Rick

Scheidler, Joseph

scientific truth

Scott, Ben

sex, unrestricted

sex addiction

sex education See also abstinence sex education;

as benefiting adults

and child discrimination

and childhood sexuality

as economic windfall for providers


sex offenders

sex-sober majority


sex toys

sex trafficking

sexual assault

sexual disaster industry

sexual harassment



fear of

hatred of

and the marketplace

and morality, justice and healing

premarital zone of


strategies against

sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

sexual minorities

sexual orientation

sexual privacy

clean vs. dirty sex

and gay Americans


and public-izing sexuality

and right to learn about and discuss sex

and sexual minorities

and S/M

and swinging

and unrestricted sex

sexual rights

Sharp, Randy

Shattuck, Anne

Sheridan, Nicolette

Silver Ring Thing

Sims, Carolyn

Sirkin, Louis

Sixtus, Pope

Smith, Janet


Souter, David

Southworth, Scott

Spears, Brittney

St. Augustine

Stanley, Erik

state censorship of pornography

STDs. See sexually transmitted diseases

stem cells

Stern, Howard

Stevens, John Paul

still photography

Strode, Tom

Super Bowl 2004



surveys, drawing wrong conclusions from

swing clubs

Taverner, Bill

tax-exempt status of churches

Tea Party

teen pregnancy

television. See broadcast indecency

television controls

Ten Commandments

Terry, Randall

Texas constitution

Texas Health and Safety Code

Thierer, Adam

Thomas, Carleen

Thomas, Robert

Title X

To Catch a Predator

Traditional Values Coalition

Travers, Ronald

truth and pornography

Turer, Steve

Twain, Mark

2257 Regulations

Unborn Victims of Violence Act

underage sex trafficking

universities, War on Sex at

unrestricted sex

Unruh, Leslee

Vance, Carole

van Gogh, Theo



Vetter, Christine


as experts

of pornography

Victims of Pornography Month

violent pornography

virginity, as patriarchal property

virginity pledges

Visa credit cards

Volokh, Eugene


Walters, Larry

war on terrorism

Waxman, Henry

weapons in War on Sex

category manipulation

creative use of legal terms

drawing conclusions from anecdotes

drawing conclusions from surveys

framing the issues

language as

omitting key assumptions

victims as experts


Weiss, Daniel

Weston, John

Wilson, Chris

Winter, Tim

Wood, Susan

Workplace Religious Freedom Act

Zimowski, Zygmunt

zoning laws