
Thank you to my fearless and formidable agent, Monika Woods, who has championed my work since our very first meeting, where we ate the most delicious string beans in midtown. Thank you to my brilliant editor, Gabriella Doob, and to the entire talented team at Ecco, especially Sonya Cheuse, Cordelia Calvert, Aja Pollock, Vivian Rowe, and Lydia Weaver.

My endless thanks and admiration to Denne Michele Norris, Emma Copley Eisenberg, Hernan Diaz, Mary South, Molly McGhee, Ruchika Tomar, and Sasha Fletcher. Your wisdom, generosity, and friendship helped me make a better book. I feel very lucky to know you, and to exist in the same universe as your writing. Thank you to the marvelous Diane Cook and Jessamine Chan for being my role models, and for hand-holding this novel into reality.

For their invaluable support and guidance, thanks to Katie Boland, Dana Spector, Jiah Shin, and Leslie Shipman. Thank you to Yaddo for the gift of time, space, daydreams, and a really fabulous desk, and to the Picador Guest Professorship for giving me the freedom to run away and edit these pages.

Thanks to Chris Beha and Harper’s Magazine for believing in the short story that eventually became this novel, and for publishing that story with such attention and care.

Thank you to my wonderful mom. Thank you to my family and friends, both here and on the other side of the door. And thank you to Matt, who makes my world bigger every day.