Module 15 REVIEW

Multiple-Choice Questions

  1. The interaction of biological influences, psychological influences, and social-cultural influences on our behavior is known as
    1. evolutionary psychology.
    2. epigenetics.
    3. the biopsychosocial approach.
    4. consciousness.
    5. natural selection.
  2. Which of the following best describes genetic mutation?
    1. Random errors in gene replication
    2. The study of the mind’s evolution
    3. The study of behavioral evolution
    4. Passing on successful, inherited traits
    5. Survival of the genetically successful
  3. Which of the following is true regarding the initiation of sexual activity?
    1. Men are more likely to initiate sexual activity than women.
    2. Women are more likely to initiate sexual activity than men.
    3. The initiation of sexual activity for both men and women correlates with how many television sitcoms they viewed as children.
    4. Men and women are equally likely to initiate sexual activity.
    5. Who initiates sexual activity is largely determined by culture.

Practice FRQs

  1. Explain how the nature–nurture debate could be used to support each element of the biopsychosocial approach to explaining human behavior.

(3 points)