Module 36 REVIEW

Multiple-Choice Questions

  1. In the word “prepare,” each “r” can be considered a
    1. babble.
    2. morpheme.
    3. semantic.
    4. phoneme.
    5. thought.
  2. Eighteen-month-old Becca is in the telegraphic speech phase. Which of the following best represents something she might say?
    1. “Mama”
    2. “Yogurt please”
    3. “Katie fall”
    4. “The dog is fuzzy”
    5. “I love you mommy”
  3. The prefix “pre” in “preview” or the suffix “ed” in “adapted” are examples of
    1. phonemes.
    2. morphemes.
    3. babbling.
    4. language development.
    5. grammar.
  4. The idea that language develops because of an inborn tendency to learn the grammar rules of language was proposed by
    1. Wernicke.
    2. Broca.
    3. Skinner.
    4. Chomsky.
    5. Sternberg.

Practice FRQs

  1. After an accident, Josh lost his ability to both speak and understand spoken language. Explain how the following terms relate to the situation:
    • Aphasia
    • Broca’s area
    • Wernicke’s area.

(3 points)