
This book is about family, and in every way it has been a family project. It would have been impossible for me to write it without the mountainous faith and support of my wife, collaborator and first proof-reader, Linda, and without the patient and timeless teachings of my daughter, Yaramin. You are the heart of my life.

I believe we live in most exciting times, when more people than ever before are calling in unison for a world more nurturing, more respectful and more honouring of children. I am blessed to have met some special Australian souls who have devoted their lives to the betterment of children’s lives, such as Adam Blakester, Sofi Thompson, Kali Wendorf, Sarah Buckley, Anne Manne, Jack Travis and Beth McGregor. I feel deeply honoured to count you as wonderful friends, colleagues, comrades, and to have received your inspiration, your encouragement and your support.

It is a privilege and a pleasure (and a good fortune!) to have entrusted my raw material into the capable hands of my editor, Sandra Goldbloom, and I thank Helen Littleton and the team at ABC Books for your creative midwifery.

I do believe in angels, and this book has its guardian: one Loukakis, without whose vision, cheek and chutzpah it would not have been born. My deepest gratitude!