Chapter 2



Silas and Cicely Baker weren’t the strictest parents when she was growing up but she did consider herself ‘sheltered’ only because she had lived and breathed the family business. Going to college and having those experiences allowed her to become her own woman but afterward, she was right back home – home being Baker Bed & Breakfast. She appreciated the support and guidance of her parents but had to fight with herself to not rely on them for every little detail of her life as if she couldn’t think for herself.

Those were the thoughts filtering through her head as she sat across from the people who gave her life. She loved her parents dearly even though they got on her nerves – especially her mother. Still, she saw the love in everything her mother did and she respected her. Respected both of them.

She watched them grow and change over the years but this, by far, was the biggest change – watching them retire from the hospitality business to start the next chapter of their lives. It was the same reason they were encouraging her to meet someone, fall in love, get married and get on with her own life. It’s funny how when she was in her teens and early twenties, her parents wanted her to stay away from the male species of humans. Said she needed to keep her focus and remain diligent on her studies. Boys would only get in the way. As she neared the late twenties, they – her mother especially – was sending men her way so fast she couldn’t keep track of them all. When none of those panned out into relationships, they were starting to panic.

Then Titus came along…

He changed her life and theirs. They had high hopes for the relationship, so high they just knew Haven and Titus were destined for marriage.

Are you sure Titus is going to make it, honey?” her mother asked looking excessively worried.

Um…” Haven glanced at her watch. “He should be here soon. It’s only 6:17. We said 6:30.”

Only 6:17...

Haven tried to play it cool for her mother’s sake, but her anxiety level was on ten. Why was Titus waiting until the last minute to arrive, causing her unnecessary anxiety? Her nerves were already frazzled, especially since she didn’t know what sort of questions her mother was due to rattle off to Titus. She was sure she had plenty loaded in the chamber and now he was a no-show.

Where are you Titus?

She had tried to call him ten minutes ago, but he didn’t answer. She’d last spoken to him this morning, during which time he said he was going to hit the road at noon, which meant he should’ve been here by now.

Maybe he got lost,” her father said. “You know how it is around here. Sometimes you can’t rely on GPS.”

He didn’t get lost, Dad. He’s been here too many times to get lost. He’ll be here. It’s not quite 6:30, so just relax. We have a few more minutes.”

Silas sipped water then said, “I’m ready to eat. Maybe we should get an appetizer or something while we’re waiting. The aroma of that crab cake they got over there has my stomach grumbling. It looks good, too. Real good.”

Give him a few more minutes, Dad.”

Haven’s legs bounced up and down. Anxiety taking over, she couldn’t sit still. She glanced at her watch again – 6:25 p.m. What if Titus didn’t show up? Her legs bounced more. She shifted in her seat and released a series of short breaths. She was about to check her phone again when she heard her mother say, “Ah…there he is.”

Haven turned around to see him walking toward their table wearing a black suit with a white shirt, rocking a red bowtie and carrying two red long-stemmed roses. Haven immediately got up from her seat, hurriedly closed the distance between them and embraced her tall, dapper, handsome man. She hadn’t laid eyes on him in two weeks. They’d video-chatted but nothing about a video call could give her this feeling – the feeling of holding him in her arms. Smelling his cologne. His skin. Feeling his warmth. Basking in his presence. It was like being kissed by the sun.

I’m so glad you’re here,” she whispered.

You say that like you didn’t think I was going to come,” he said, staring into her eyes before his eyes roamed her shapely frame in the body-hugging red dress she wore.

You had me worried there for a minute. I tried to call you.”

I know.” He leaned down to take a kiss from her red-tinted lips. “I made a stop to get these.” He handed her a rose.

Thank you,” she said, beaming.

You’re welcome, beautiful.” He put his arms around her and walked over to the table where her parents were sitting. Pulling out a chair for Haven to sit, Titus looked at Cicely and smiled. He handed her a rose saying, “For you, Mrs. Baker.”

Thank you, Titus,” Cecily said, all smiles.

You’re welcome.”

It’s good to see you again, Mr. Baker,” Titus said reaching to shake his hand.

Ay, man…where’s my rose?” Silas joked, then erupted in laughter. “I’m just pulling your leg, man. It’s good to see you. Now we can eat.”

Haven chuckled. “Dad was about to take one of those crab cakes from our neighbors over there.”

I sure was,” Silas said. “I didn’t have lunch today. I’m starving.”

Well, let’s get this show on the road, then.” Titus walked around the table, took his seat next to Haven then glanced over at her quickly before looking again to fix his eyes on her face. There was no comparison to seeing her on video chat. He marveled at the soft touches the makeup had on her already outstanding features. How the blush laid visible the beautiful cheekbones his lips were quivering to kiss. The side profile of her lips made them look plump, firm and delicious. He couldn’t wait to kiss them like he wanted – wild and erotic when they were no longer in the presence of her parents.

Her straightened hair was brushed down, tucked behind her ears. His eyes traced the shape of her ear. She was wearing the gold earrings he’d given her as a gift the last time they saw each other face-to-face. When she’d come to Greensboro. He leaned close to whisper in her ear feeling his mouth water when he said, “You look absolutely stunning tonight.”

She turned to him. Smiled. “Thank you.”

Let’s get some appetizers ordered, then we can talk,” Silas said.

The waitress approached, and he did just that – ordered appetizers. No one was surprised when he ordered crab cakes.

Titus asked Haven what she wanted and after skimming the thirteen starters at the top of the menu, she went with the charbroiled shrimp.

How about some wine?” Titus asked, looking at her parents across the table.

Sure,” Silas said. “Why not?”

Okay.” Titus studied the wine menu, then said, “Let’s keep it simple. Bring us a bottle of Raeburn Chardonnay.”

Yes, Sir, and shall I also bring you a glass of water?”

Yes, please.”

When the waitress left their table, Titus looked at Silas and asked, “How have you been?” He glanced at Cecily and said, “Both of you?”

We’ve been doing well, Titus,” Silas answered. “How about yourself?”

I’ve been doing just fine—missing this beautiful lady sitting next to me, though,” he said, glancing over at Haven.

Cecily watched as a blush beautified Haven’s face.

Have you written any articles lately?” Silas inquired.

Yes, Sir. I have. Several, actually. I wrote one about the best cities in North Carolina for economic growth. Not too long ago, I finished an article for North Carolina Travel and Tourism on the best North Carolina cities to raise a family.”

Well, we ain’t looking to raise a family but maybe you two lovebirds will be,” Cecily said, doing something weird with her eyes that was probably supposed to be a wink of some sort.

Really, mother?” Haven said with raised brows.

What? What did I say?”

Haven shook her head. “You’re just going to put it all out there, huh?”

Titus chuckled. He could handle her mother’s straightforward questions and assumptions. Haven couldn’t.

Back to the article, Silas asked, “So, what cities did you come up with?”

Well, there were plenty, but narrowing it down, the few that stood out were Chapel Hill, Wake Forest—”

Historical college towns, I see,” Silas interrupted briefly to say.

Yes, and then there are my favorites—Asheville, Cornelius and Holly Springs.”

Asheville,” Cecily said. “I’ve heard good things about that place.”

Weren’t you and Dad thinking about moving there?”

We were,” Silas said.

It’s a beautiful city,” Titus added. “You get the spectacular mountain views and access to so many parks and nature trails. The only downside is, you get the mountain weather.”

That’s true, and I ain’t looking to move from the cold and right back into it. I want to go somewhere warmer. These old bones can’t take no more cold.”

What old bones, Dad? You’re not old.”

He chuckled. “Tell that to my knees.”

They all laughed.

The waitress brought over the shrimp and crab cake appetizers and when Titus saw her parents were marveling how good the food was (complete with moaning noises and facial expressions of delight) he took the opportunity to take Haven’s right hand into his left and whisper, “You okay?”

Yes,” she replied, staring into his eyes when she added, “I’m fine.”

You’re abnormally quiet.” He squeezed her hand and a smile came to her face.

I’m okay...a little hungry, though.”

Titus released her hand and she immediately went for the shrimp. After tasting it, she said, “Oh my...this shrimp is delicious. Try it.”

Only if you feed it to me,” he whispered in her ear, then had the nerve to curve his lips into a sneaky, sexy grin.

And she thought her cheeks were red before...

Trying her best to hold in a smile, she glanced across the table at her mother to determine if she was aware of what Titus was up to, but she was too busy tearing up some crab cakes to be paying them any attention. So she picked up the shrimp by the tail, held it in front of Titus’ mouth and watched him take the whole thing in his mouth, nearly snatching her fingers in the process.

She giggled. “You’re going to eat the tail, too?”

No. I just like the flavor of it all—the full experience—your fingers included. As a matter of fact, give me those fingers back so I can suck the flavor off of them,” he said, grabbing at her hand.

Titus, stop,” she said, tickled.

No. Give ‘em here.”

No. Stop it,” she whispered frantically. “I cannot let my parents witness you licking my fingers.”

He plucked the shrimp tail from his mouth and put it on a small appetizer plate. “Those are good by the way.”

I know,” Haven said, going for another one.

Try one of the crab cakes,” Silas said.

Titus took one, bit into it and exclaimed how good it was. “Taste this, baby,” he said holding the crab cake in front of Haven’s mouth.

She took a bite, allowing the flavors to overwhelm her senses. “Delicious.”

Titus poured wine in four glasses. Around that time, the waitress was back to take food orders. Haven went with the grilled chicken salad. Titus ordered barbecue baby back ribs and baked macaroni and spinach. Her parents ordered southern-fried catfish.

Let’s get back to family talk,” Cecily said. “I know Haven wants children but what about you, Titus?”

Titus smiled. “I would love to have children one day.”

How many?”

Mom,” Haven said completely embarrassed. They hadn’t reached pivotal milestones in their relationship as of yet and she was already talking about children.

It’s okay, Haven,” Titus assured her, hoping to ease her anxiety. He answered, “One or two, Mrs. Baker.” He sipped wine then switched gears asking, “How has it been with transitioning out of the hospitality business?”

It’s bittersweet,” Silas answered. “We put our heart and soul into that business. I hate to let it go but when it’s time, it’s time.”

And it’s time,” Cecily added.

I heard that,” Titus said.

It’s a huge undertaking for Mr. Wassermann,” Silas said. “I told him we’d be done with training their staff the first week in May. He’s starting renovations in June.”

Cecily sipped wine, set her glass on the table and said, “Here’s what I want to know. Exactly how long have you two been seeing each other now?”

Haven narrowed her eyes at her mother. Why was she asking questions she already knew the answer to? “It’s been two-and-a-half months, Ma.”

Hmm…two months.” Cecily drank more wine.

Yes, ma’am,” Titus said.

Do I hear wedding bells in your future?”

Haven could just die. Her energy told Titus how uncomfortable she was. He palmed her thigh beneath the table and responded to Cecily by saying, “We’re not certain of what the future will bring. What I can tell you is that Haven is a special woman and I’m fortunate she came into my life.”

Haven looked at him and said, “You’re too good to me. Thank you, Titus.”

He gave her a quick wink and then the waitress brought over their food.

For the first few minutes, they ate and commented on how delicious the food was – the catfish, ribs and the chicken salad. Then Silas kept the conversation going by asking, “Are you a football fan, Titus?”

I am. Carolina Panthers all the way.”

Oh shoot—there’s going to be a rivalry going on with you two come football season,” he replied.

I know, I know—Haven’s a Titans fan but as long as she knows Carolina’s better, we’re not going to have any problems.”

Haven nudged him with her elbow. “First of all, Carolina ain’t all that great.”

Yeah, especially now that Cam is hurt,” Silas added. “Y’all need a plan B, man.”

You’re right about that,” Titus said. “I was hoping we’d end up with a good solid backup quarterback.”

Like who?” Silas asked.

Titus shrugged. “Maybe Kaepernick.”

Nah, man. Ain’t no team looking at him right now.”

But he got skills.”

He does, but he also has the common sense to go against the current, if you know what I mean. People in management don’t like it when they run across somebody who doesn’t jump when they say jump.”

That I can agree with you on.” Titus sipped wine.

Will we be ordering dessert tonight?” the waitress asked.

Cecily shook her head.

I’m not,” Silas said. “That was plenty.”

Titus asked Haven if she wanted dessert and when she declined, the waitress ran off to get the check.

What are y’all getting into this weekend?” Cecily asked.

Haven wiped her mouth. “I’m not sure yet.”

I am,” Titus said looking at Haven. “I got a surprise for you tomorrow.”

She smiled. “You do?”

Sure do, and all I’m going to tell you is, get ready to have some fun.”

Haven knew what that meant – he had something crazy planned. Their relationship balanced out because he was the carefree, adventurous one while she was the careful, safe one. It was that same balance that could also be the end of them because while she enjoyed spending time with him, it came with a lot of pressure of constantly having to be someone she wasn’t. Of conforming to what he wanted her to be. If he had to mold her into someone else, didn’t that mean he didn’t like who she was? Or was she looking at this all wrong?