Chapter 12



The minister stood before Vance and Adina with the majestic mountain scenery behind them. It was surreal – a dream wedding for any woman who wanted her ceremony to take place in the mountains. Titus couldn’t get enough of the view. The Magnolia proved to be ten times more spectacular than the photos he’d seen online and to make it even more special, he saw his sister at her happiest. He loved seeing her that way. She and Vance had their ups and downs, but Vance was a good guy and he knew his sister was in good, capable hands. They’d made it.

Wasn’t that just beautiful?” his mother whispered to him.

It was,” Titus replied.

I have a feeling you’re not far behind.”

Titus smiled. “I’m not, but if you’re always on my case about it, I’m going to drag it out for as long as I can.” He wiped the happy tears from his mother’s face.

Hey, where’s Haven, by the way?” she asked.

Titus glanced around. “She’s here,” he said but he had yet to see her. He was sure she wouldn’t miss Adina’s wedding. She had a good relationship with his sister. Her love for him alone was enough to make her come to the wedding, even if they weren’t in a good place at the moment.

As the family cheered and applauded while Vance and Adina walked down the aisle, Titus looked for Haven again. This time, his eyes caught sight of her. She was walking back toward the reception hall. He jogged to catch up to her and while the wedding party was busy being photographed, he wandered the reception hall, looking for her.

He caught her coming out of the bathroom, taking in the full beauty of her. She wore a strapless lilac dress that flowed down to her ankles. Her brown skin glowed beautifully. Her lips looked full and plump like she’d just applied gloss to them.

Hi,” he said once he found his voice. He had to clear his throat just to find that.

Hi, Titus.”

He smiled. “It’s good to see you.”

It’s good to see you, too. It was a beautiful ceremony. Adina is gorgeous.”

Titus nodded. “How are you?”

I’m okay.”

Just okay? I haven’t spoken to you in a week, so I was hoping to get a better answer than that. I want to know how you are. What you’ve been doing. How you really feel and if you’ve had enough time to determine whether you want to be with me.”

Haven stared into those brown eyes she loved, remembering.

She remembered the smile he flashed to her when they first met. Remembered how they’d shared hot chocolate and life conversations. Remembered his visits from Greensboro to see her. Had he not already proven he was a good man who would support her decisions? Who would help her with her career choice? Who would allow her to blossom into the woman she wanted to be? All she had to do was let him be that man. Her man.


She blinked, refocusing her eyes on him. “Yes?”

Did you hear what I said?”

Yes. You want to know how I am?”

He took a step closer. “Yes, so tell me how you are.”

I—I’m—I miss you.”

I miss you, too,” he told her.

And I do want to be with you, Titus, but—”

No,” he said. “If you want to be with me, be with me.” He placed his hands on the soft skin of her face watching tears come to her eyes.

How’s that so easy for you to say, Titus, when it’s painfully obvious I’m holding you back?”

Sweetheart, you’re not holding me back from anything.”

I am. I’m practically homeless.”

He chuckled a bit and said, “You’re not homeless—”

And I’m in limbo, determining what I want to do, where I want to live—I have all this to contend with while making these rules for you. Restricting you from living the life you want to live.”

How are you restricting me?”

Well, first, there’s the no sex before marriage rule and—”

Wait. That bothers you?” he asked.

It bothers me that it bothers you.”

It doesn’t bother me at all,” he said brushing the small streak of salty water threatening to damage her makeup.

But I know you want me. I feel it when we’re together.”

Of course, I want you. I love you, girl. Why wouldn’t I want to make love to you?”

Titus captured those lips he missed. Then he said, “I’m not missing out on anything by waiting and—look at me,” he said nudging her chin gently before placing his hands on her face again.

She locked eyes with him, glancing at his mouth as he spoke.

I want to be with you, Haven, and I’ll wait as long as I have to for you. Do you understand that?”


You do?” he asked, eyebrows raised.

She smiled. “Yes.”

Good. I love you.”

I love you, too.”


* * *


After Adina and Vance’s first dance, Titus took Haven by the hand and joined them on the floor along with other couples – his parents included. With her arms around his neck, their bodies swaying together, Haven looked him in his eyes and said, “We have a lot to talk about.”

Isn’t it crazy how not talking to somebody for a week seems like an eternity? Now, we have to play catch up.”

Yes, but there’s not much to catch up on,” she said.

What do you want to talk about first?”

You. I want you to know I appreciate how you try so hard to get me to do things I otherwise wouldn’t.”

You like that because I couldn’t tell on our most recent date?”

I know. The zip-lining thing…believe it or not, I’ve always wanted to try it.”

I don’t think so. You were adamantly against it.”

I was, but it was only because I wasn’t feeling it that day. Plus, I had all those other emotions and fears running through my mind that I couldn’t do it then.”

Oh, so you’re game now?”

I think so.”

Because you know I’ll make it happen.”

She smiled. “I know you will.”

But I also want to make sure you’re comfortable. I don’t want to overwhelm you.”

I know. I appreciate that.”

They danced more as she rested her head against his chest.


Yes, baby?”

Do you think we’re compatible enough for this to work?”

We are. Compatibility doesn’t mean we’re supposed to always like the exact same things, sweetheart. That’s the beauty of relationships. We balance each other out. You’re more reserved and I’m the outgoing one. That’s perfectly fine with me.”

When the music stopped, they walked back to their table and sipped champagne.

Haven looked over at Adina and Vance. “They look so happy.”

They do. That’ll be us one day.”

Haven was all smiles at the possibility.

Have you given any further thought about where you’re going to live?” he asked.

I have.”

Okay. Let’s hear it.”

At this stage in our relationship, I feel like the distance can be a hindrance in building on what we already have.”

What does that mean, Ms. Baker?” he asked, taking her hand.

That means, I’m moving to Greensboro.”

Are you playing with me?” he asked, smiling.


Beyond elated, he asked, “You’re moving to Greensboro?” He wanted to make sure he heard her correctly.

Yes,” she said happily. “I’m moving to your city.”

Titus leaned close until he captured her lips and kissed her with all the happiness he felt in his heart. “Come on. We gotta go.”

Where are we going?” Haven asked amused.

To your place. We have some making up to do.”