Bill figured he was going to be a poor excuse for a detective, but for some reason he was thrilled just to sit with Misty in Lawrence’s unoccupied trailer, trying to narrow down the endless scenarios to explain where the actor had gone. The director had allowed the amateur detectives to search for clues in the star’s domicile and even provided Tucker’s cell phone number.
“Do whatever you want,” he said. “I’ve got other things to take care of. Oh, and thanks for the chocolates,” Wilson said, looking at Bill as if he were a celebrity. “How do you get that combination of creamy and crunch in those peanut butter puffy things?”
“Trade secret,” Bill joked.
Wilson nodded soberly. “I understand. I worked on a film where everyone had to sign secrecy agreements.”
“Which one was that?” Misty asked.
“I can’t tell you.”
After Wilson left, Misty eagerly dialed Tucker’s cell phone number and received no response. There wasn’t much in the trailer that was any more helpful. Tucker, it seemed, loved to read fishing magazines and consume vast quantities of green olives and tiny gherkin pickles, both of which were well represented in the minuscule refrigerator.
After a lunch of peanut butter sandwiches and apple slices, they decided to track down the taxi driver who, Bill had ascertained from Vivian, must have been dispatched from the cab company in nearby Tidewater. They set off, Bill driving his growling delivery van, which smelled of chocolate, with Fiona in the backseat and Misty riding shotgun.
It was a glorious spring morning, and Bill cracked the window to let in the sea air. “Do you mind if I pop in some tunes?”
She laughed when he loaded up the Farm Fandango CD, which was Fiona’s current favorite, and soon they were both singing along to nursery school songs.
He saw Misty’s fingers tapping a complicated pattern on her knee.
“You’re fingering the music in your mind, aren’t you?”
She nodded. “You got me. Can’t help myself.”
What would it be like to be so gifted? “That’s incredible.”
“To be so good at something that it’s in your blood and nerves and muscles.”
“Like you and chocolate.”
He chuckled. “I don’t have chocolate in my blood, I hope. That would be killer on the cholesterol.”
She giggled, and he heard another sound from the backseat, the soft burble of humming from Fiona. His hushed awe must have translated, because Misty stopped singing to listen.
And then it stopped as quickly as it had started.
He did not realize there were tears in his eyes until one trickled down his cheek. He hastened to rub it away. “Sorry,” he whispered. “It’s one of the first sounds I’ve heard her make since…” He swallowed hard.
Misty reached for his hand and squeezed. “Better than music.”
He held on to her fingers and marveled at how he’d gotten to be in this driver’s seat, relishing a child’s hum, chasing after a missing star, enjoying the company of a musician. How exactly had he gotten acquainted with a bona fide musical genius?
Because she doesn’t know, said the darkness inside him before he could stop it.
And she doesn’t have to, he returned, sitting up straighter and clasping her hand more firmly.
Together they drove along the wind-scoured coast, listening to barnyard boogies and straining for any further sound from the backseat. As the CD finished up, they’d made it to Stan Fan’s Taxi Company. Not daring to leave the sleepy Jellybean unattended, Bill held the dog, football style, and guided them all into the office.
Bill expected to find an old, balding guy smoking a stogie, but the man in charge was no more than midtwenties, he guessed, with a Bluetooth headset in his ear.
“Welcome to Stan Fan’s Taxi Company,” said the young man. His black eyes regarded them curiously from under a mop of hair. “I’m Stan. What can I do for you? Looking to hire a cab? Did you try to call? Sorry if I didn’t pick up, but my dispatcher had to go have an emergency root canal, so I’m trying to keep us afloat until the novocaine wears off.” He noticed Jellybean. “Hey, that’s a cute dog.” He extended a hand to pet Jellybean, but Bill casually shifted the dog to the other arm.
“He’s, uh, missing his owner right now. Sort of down in the dumps.”
“Aww. That’s terrible. My dog Percy went missing when I was a kid. Never did find him. Broke my heart.”
Misty explained their mission. “You picked up his owner, Lawrence Tucker, in Albatross on Friday. I need to know where he went.”
“I remember the guy. He had a funny way of talking. All big and grand like, as if he was announcing the World Series or something.”
Misty’s face brightened. “Yes, that’s him. We need to know his destination.”
Stan’s expression clouded. “Oh, um, that kind of thing is private. I don’t disclose personal business about my clients. That’s a no-no in the cab business unless there’s been a murder or something like that.” He raised a doubtful eyebrow. “You’re not cops, are you?”
“No, but Mr. Tucker is a movie star, and he’s gone missing. He’s our friend, and he needs help.”
“A movie star?” Stan blinked. “That could explain the weirdness, but he didn’t look like anyone I know. What’s he appeared in?”
Misty rattled off the names of a half dozen movies.
Stan remained blank. “Did he do any superhero movies?”
“I don’t think so,” Bill said.
“Oh, wait,” Stan said, brightening. “Did they use his voice on the Galaxy Seven video game? I thought he sounded kinda familiar.”
“Probably not,” Bill said.
Getting back to their mission, Misty said, “It’s really important that we find him.”
Stan nodded. “Well, like I said, I can’t help you with that.”
Bill cautiously cuddled Jellybean closer. For once, the dog actually remained docile. Maybe he really did miss Tucker. Bill stroked the silky ears, and the dog relaxed under the attention, giving him a seriously pitiful look.
Bill let out a sigh, hoping it wasn’t too dramatic. “Jellybean’s had a rough time since Mr. Tucker left. He’s escaped and run away from my place. I sure would like to reunite them.”
“Yes,” Misty hurried to put in. “Mr. Tucker saved Jellybean from drowning in a frozen lake. They’ve been inseparable ever since.”
“Oh, wow. Dog probably wonders where his owner is.”
Misty and Bill nodded in unison.
Stan’s eyes went soft. “That must be heartbreaking. Poor little thing does look really down in the mouth. I always hoped that one day Percy would come barreling through the door again with that goofy bark of his. What I would have given for that to have happened. I never saw him again.”
Misty was nodding so hard now her hair bounced around her face. “For sure, and we are so eager to reunite them, you wouldn’t believe it.”
Stan thought for a moment and then clicked at a laptop on the counter. “Tell you what. I won’t give you the address, but I can tell you the city where I dropped him, okay?”
Bill and Misty exchanged a smile. Maybe they weren’t such bad detectives after all.
Stan was grabbing for a pen when he suddenly spoke into his Bluetooth and disconnected. “Sorry. Family of four needs a ride to the airport pronto. They promised a nice tip if I’m there to pick them up in fifteen minutes.”
“But we need that address,” Bill said. “It’s crucial.”
Stan grabbed his keys off a hook on the wall. “Leave your number. I’ll call you when I get back.”
“We’re on a deadline,” Misty called as he ran past.
“Sorry, but I got college loans to pay off. I’ll call you when I can.”
Misty didn’t put her cell phone down until they arrived back at Chocolate Heaven. Stan had not called. How long did it take to deliver a family to the airport anyway?
A timer on her phone pinged. “Oh, shoot. I’ve got a lesson to teach. Do you have an empty corner I can pop into? My violin’s in my car, and if go back to the trailer, I’ll be late.”
“We’ll get you set up. No problem.”
After she grabbed her instrument from the trunk, Bill guided her upstairs. “You can use my room. It’s not much bigger than a closet, but at least it isn’t filled with brooms and dustpans.”
Firing up her laptop, Misty got settled just in time for her noon lesson.
Ernest Finn’s wrinkled face appeared on the screen. “Afternoon, Ms. Agnelli.”
“Misty,” she corrected him for the thousandth time. “How are you and the doggies?”
He chuckled. “Getting too old to chase after cats.”
“You could consider a terrier. As far as I can tell, they don’t ever get tired.”
He laughed. “I’ll stick with these mutts.”
“Ready to get started?”
“Actually,” he said, his puffy white brows wriggling on his forehead, “I’m afraid I’ve got to skip our lesson today.”
“Oh?” She felt a stab of alarm. Ernest, a retired shopkeeper and a widower, had never missed his weekly lesson in the six years she’d been his teacher. He felt like family to Misty, right down to his grumpy old dogs and the six grandkids he’d shown her pictures of.
He knew a lot about Misty too, more about what was missing in her life than anything else. No boyfriend. No kids. No social life. Once she’d broken down and cried in between scales, actually sobbed out the ludicrous story of Jack and Jill. Ernest was a good listener, the best kind of friend, even if she’d never laid eyes on him in person. For just a moment, she had a deep longing to sit down face-to-face with Ernest.
“Is everything okay? Are you sick?” she pressed.
“Oh no, I’m fine. Just something came up. How is the film shooting going?”
“We’ve, uh… Well, it’s sort of… Actually, it’s hard to explain.”
He frowned. “Still working there, right? Going to keep tutoring old Tuck on his violin, aren’t you?”
More like keep chasing after him. “It’s a little complicated.”
He chewed his lip. “Well, don’t give up on him, Misty. Could be he needs more than just a violin teacher.”
That was an understatement. They made an appointment to reschedule the lesson and signed off. While Misty waited for Bruno, her teenage client in El Paso, to check in for his lesson, she scanned Bill’s tidy room.
The bed was neatly made, and the tiny side table was bare of anything except an old cassette player and a brass alarm clock. The desk at which she sat barely fit into the corner, the wooden top scratched and dinged as if he’d owned it since childhood or bought it used. A small, faded photo was tacked to one corner of the desk. It was Bill in his high school football jersey, posed with the ball in one hand, one foot resting on a helmet that sat on the grass. He had a smile plastered on his face, but it looked forced rather than the genuine grin that tickled her insides every time she thought of it. The photo had been skewered with a tack that stuck right through the top of Bill’s head, the pin jabbed so deeply into the wood that it made a crater in the photo.
She stared at it for a long time. There was something very sad about the tattered photo that she could not put her finger on. Why did she not see the self-assured confidence of a teen? The invincible spirit of a high school jock with the world lying at his feet, ready to conquer anything?
What would her own high school photo have shown? A girl hiding behind mounds of frizzy hair, books clutched to her baggy sweatshirt as if she could shield herself from life with academia. She would be alone in her picture also, no boyfriend by her side and, more painfully, no real girlfriends either. Her books and her music, those were her friends, her comforts in a home that she grew increasingly reluctant to leave. Maybe football was Bill’s friend, though she didn’t see how such a handsome, outgoing boy would have any trouble with his social life. He’d even had a beautiful girlfriend, so what could be lacking in his high school experience?
The only other thing on the desk was a manila envelope with papers jammed in untidily, protruding from the opening. Alphabet worksheets—Fiona’s, no doubt. On the front of the envelope was a hand-drawn smiley face in girlish purple ink along with Bill’s name and a heart before the other name. Dina.
The preschool teacher, of course. Just some extra practice for Fiona, who had no doubt missed quite a bit of her schooling when her parents were killed. Misty could picture the blond, petite Dina Everly, so lovely and at ease, from what Misty had seen when they picked up Fiona.
And the purple heart drawn before her name.
What did it mean, that heart from Dina to Bill?
And why did it matter?
It doesn’t, Misty told herself firmly. Bill is partnering with you only to find Lawrence because he has a vested interest in keeping the film shoot going.
They were working together through the middle of the song to reach the finale.
No more than that.
Turning back to the computer screen, she picked up her violin, soothed again by the smooth wood and coarse strings. She let her bow find a comforting tune to play as she waited for another student whom she had never actually met.