1. Wagner, Otto 1
  2. Wallach, Erica Glaser 1, 2
  3. Wallinger, Geoffrey 1
  4. Ward-Jackson, Peter 1
  5. Warner, Sir Christopher 1
  6. Warner, Fred 1
  7. Weir, Mary Isabella 1
  8. Weir, Sir Cecil 1
  9. Wells, H. G. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
  10. Werti, Walter 1
  11. West, Rebecca 1
  12. Wheeler-Bennett, John 1
  13. White, Sir Dick
    1. and Czech Intelligence Service 1
    2. and Czech Refugee Trust 1
    3. and Fritz Hesse 1
    4. and German counterespionage section of MI5 1
    5. and Gustav Hilger 1
    6. as head of MI6 1
    7. and Klop’s funeral 1
    8. and Klop’s post-war operations 1
    9. and Otto John 1, 2, 3
    10. and Sir Percy Sillitoe 1
    11. praise for Klop 1, 2
    12. and Putlitz 1, 2
    13. recruited to MI5 1
    14. and Russian defectors 1
    15. and Vera Schalburg 1
    16. and ‘Victoire’ 1
    17. visits to Klop and Nadia 1
    18. and Walther Schellenberg 1, 2
  14. Wietersheim, General von 1, 2, 3
  15. Wigram, Ralph 1, 2
  16. Wilhelm II, Kaiser 1, 2, 3, 4
  17. Willert, Sir Arthur 1, 2, 3
  18. Wilson, Horace 1
  19. Winsor, Rita 1, 2
  20. Winster, Lord 1
  21. Wiskemann, Elizabeth 1, 2
  22. Wohlgemuth, Wolfgang 1, 2
  23. Wolff, Bernhard 1
  24. Wolff’s Telegraphische Büro (German news agency) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
  25. Wolkoff, Admiral Nikolai 1
  26. Wolkoff, Anna 1
  27. Wolkonsky, Prince Serge 1
  28. Wrede, Franz 1
  29. Wright, Peter 1, 2, 3
  30. Wurmann, Major Richard 1, 2