About the Author

Charles Badenach

Charles Badenach has over ten years experience working in financial services with the Shadforth Financial Group, a large ASX listed company.

He has a combined Bachelor of Arts and Laws Degree and Graduate Certificate in Legal Practice from the University of Tasmania. He previously worked in the legal profession with a major law firm and has been admitted as a Practitioner of the Supreme Court of Tasmania and the High Court of Australia. Charles has also completed the Diploma of Financial Planning from Deakin University and is a Certified Financial Planner. He is a Representative of the Shadforth Financial Group and an associate member of the Financial Planning Association of Australia. Charles has also completed the Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment through the Securities Institute and is a Graduate from the Institute of Company Directors Diploma Course. Charles is also a Justice of the Peace.

Charles is involved in a number of community and industry based bodies both as a trustee or board member, including Shadforths Limited Board of Advice. Charles is also a regular speaker at both professional and community based forums in Australia.

Charles was the National and State winner in the 2010 Financial Planning Associates (FPA) Value of Advice Awards in the Pre-Retirement Category.

Charles was awarded the 2011 Money Management Australian Financial Planner of the Year. In the same year, Charles was also the National and State winner of the Future2 Community Service Best Practice Award for his services in promoting financial literacy to those socially disadvantaged within the community.

Charles has wide experience in personal financial planning strategies and structures that assist private clients throughout Australia in achieving their financial and personal objectives.

Charles is a Principal and Shareholder of the Shadforth Financial Group.