Ableben (to demise)
Abraham (Semitic patriarch)
Abramovitsh, S. Y.
Adorno, Theodor; Benjamin and; Dialectic of Enlightenment; on Heidegger; on Heine; Negative Dialectics; Tiedemann on
“The Aetiology of Hysteria” (Freud)
Africa, in Hegel’s world history
Agamben, Giorgio; on Heidegger; on Muselmann
Agnon, S. Y.
Allemann, Beda
Altneuland (Old-new land, Herzl)
“Americanization” of Europe
Amerika (Kafka); see also Der Verschollene
Améry, Jean
“Andenken” (Hölderlin)
Andenken (remembrance)
Anderson, Benedict
Anderson, Mark
Anderson, Perry
Anhalter Bahnhof: Benjamin on; Brach-Gelände of; Celan and; Der Weltverkehr sculpture on; history of; hotels and retail shops at; images of; Jewish children sent out of Germany from; Jews deported from; Kindertransport from; lines connecting to; ruins/remains of; significance of; World War II bombing of
“An Schwager Kronos” (Goethe)
Anti-Semitism: Chamberlain and; enlightenment and; fascism and; Freud and; German/Jewish and; Hegel and; Jewish teachers and; Mack on; Menzel and; mimesis, civilization, and; nationalism and; Zionism and
Antwerp; Vienna, Rome, Prague, Paris, and
Apter, Emily
Arcades, Benjamin on
The Arcades Project (Benjamin); historicism in; philosophy out of history and
Arendt, Hannah; Hahn on; Heidegger and; on Jewish pariahs; on mass death; on totalitarianism; “What Is Existential Philosophy?”; on world alienation
Ariès, Philippe
Ascher, Saul
Aschheim, Steven
Atkins, Stuart
“At the Depot” (Bergelson)
Atomic bombs; on Japan
Atomization of the individual
Aufenthalte (stopovers)
Auf Geseres
Aufhebung (sublation)
Aufschreibesystem (system of writing down)
August, Duke Carl
Austerlitz (Sebald); Jewish protagonist in; language breakdown in; narration in; photographs and; railways in
Authenticity, death and
Axford, Barrie
Badt-Strauss, Bertha
Bahnung (facilitation)
Baioni, Giuliano
Bakhtin, M. M.
“Baranovich Station” (Sholem Aleichem)
Baranovich Station, Sicily, New York City, and
Barthes, Roland
Bataille, Georges
The Baths of Lucca (Heine)
Batts, Michael
Bauer, Felice
Baum, Oskar
Befreiung (liberation)
Bein, Alex
Being and Nothingness (Sartre)
Being and Time (Heidegger)
Benjamin, Walter; Adorno and; on Anhalter Bahnhof; on arcades; on Brecht; on civilization; cultural geography and; on dialectical image; on dialectics at a standstill; on German Jews’ souls; on Geschichte; on history; on Jetztzeit or now time; on Klee’s Angelus Novus; One-Way Street; on railways; on Ranke; Saint-Simonism and; on “weak Messianic power,”; see also The Arcades Project
Bergelson, David
Berghahn, Klaus
Berkowitz, Michael
Berlin: children roaming through ruins in; Delos and; Holocaust memorial in; Jewish Museum in; Palace of the Republic in; Potsdamer Platz; see also Anhalter Bahnhof
Berlin: Symphony of a Great City (film)
Berliner Morgenpost
Berlin Wall
Berman, Russell
Bernhard, Thomas
Besitz (property)
Bestandstücke (pieces of reserve)
Bey, Reschid (Altneuland character)
Beyond the Pleasure Principle (Freud)
Bhabha, Homi; on nationality and nationalism; on transnational translation of time
Bibliothèque Nationale
Bildung; German colonialism and; Jewish; Mosse on German-Jewish dialogue and; Reisebilder as self-discovery and; subject formation, bildungsroman and
Bildungsroman; circularity of; subject formation, Bildung and; see also specific works
Bildverbot (ban on graven images of God)
Bismarck, Otto von: colonialism and; on German unification; Herzl and; nationalization of railway systems and
Blackbourn, David
Blacks, Jews and
The Black Atlantic (Gilroy)
Blanchot, Maurice
Bloch, Ernst
Blumenberg, Hans
Blyden, Edward
Bodenständigkeit (groundedness)
Börne, Ludwig; Heine and; as Jew in France; List and;
Bourdin, Martial
Boyarin, Daniel
Boyarin, Jonathan
Brach-Gelände (wasteland); as “no longer” anything
Brant, Sebastian
“Bread and Wine” (Hölderlin)
Brecht, Bertolt
Brenner, Michael
Breuer, Josef
Briefe aus Berlin (Heine)
Briegleb, Klaus
Brod, Max
Büchner, Georg
Buck-Morss, Susan
Bunyan, Anita
Burke, Edmund
Cadava, Eduardo
Cambodians, Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge and
Camera Lucida (Barthes)
Capitalism, Germany and
Carriages: between France and Germany; ships, railways and
Carrier pigeons
Cartesian geography
Cartesian spaces of national differences
Cartesian spatial and temporal coordinates
Cartesian subject/object dichotomy
Celan, Paul; Anhalter Bahnhof and; Bremen speech; Die Niemandsrose; on “Dulosigkeit” [you-lessness]; “Gespräch im Gebirg,”; Heidegger and; “La Contrescarpe,”; layered topographies and; Meridian speech; poetry by; Toposforschung and
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart
Chaplin, Charlie
Charié-Marsaines, M.
Chateaubriand, François-René de
Chevalier, Michel
Children: memories of; roaming through ruins in Berlin; sent out of Germany from Anhalter Bahnhof; see also Kindertransport
Chow, Rey
Christianity; Judaism v.; world history and
Citizenship: for Jews; Rossmann and
Civil society: formation of; nationality and
Civilization, mimesis, anti-Semitism and
Clark, T. J.
Clifford, James; on positive transnationalism; on travel; “Traveling Cultures,”
Clocks, Italian v. German
Cognitive mapping
Cohen, Margaret
Collapsing Space and Time (Brunn/Leinbach)
Colonialism: Bismarck and; Germany and; seafaring, world-historical people and; Zionism and
Columbus, Christopher
Concentration camps: death and; dreams in; Heidegger on; Jews deported to; Maidanek; Ravensbrück; Sofsky on; survivors of; Theresienstadt
Conceptual affinities
Contingency; chronology and; of historical and geographic simultaneity; Kafka and; Luhmann on; mobility and; modernity and; of past and present; railway disasters and
Cosgrove, Dennis
Cosmopolitanism: globalization and; hybridity and; List on; literary histories and; transmigration and
Cultural geography; cultural history v.; of German/Jewish modernity;
Cultural history
Cultural studies, geography of
Curry, Michael
Customs unions
Cycles of return
Da Gama, Vasco
Dahlmann, Friedrich
Dasein, Heidegger on
“Das Ge-Stell” (the En-framing)(Heidegger)
De l’Allemagne (Heine)
De Rerum Natura (Lucretius)
Death; in age of mechanical annihilation; anonymous; Ariès on; authenticity and; concentration camps and; dying and; Koselleck on; life and; from man-made disasters; murder v.; rituals around/mourning of; temporality and; World War I and; see also Being-towards-death; Mass death
Death camps, gas chambers and
Death drive, Freud on
The Death of Distance (Cairncross)
The Death of Ivan Illich (Tolstoy)
Death-world, life-world and
Deconstruction: Derrida on; of Hegel; of separatrix between German/Jewish
Deleuze, Gilles
Delos, Greece: Berlin and; Heidegger and; meaning of island name
Denker invoking Dichter
Denkweg (path of thinking)
Der geschloßne Handelsstaat (Fichte)
“Der Ister” (Hölderlin)
Der Judenstaat (The Jewish state, Herzl)
Derrida, Jacques: on Bahnung; on deconstruction; on différance; Freud and; on Hegel and Genet; Heidegger on; on history; on Levinas; on Marx; on separatrix; specters and; on supplement
Der Verschollene (The man who went missing, Kafka); and bildungsroman; end of; Ezrahi on; Italienische Reise compared to; Railroad Stories compared to; railways and; Wilhelm Meister compared to
Der Weltverkehr (world transportation) sculpture
Destruction; see Luftkrieg und Literatur
Desubjectification, Kafka and
Deutschtum (Germanness)
Dialectical image, Benjamin on
Dialectical relationships, elective affinities as
Dialectic of Enlightenment (Horkheimer/Adorno)
Dialectic of modernity; see also German/Jewish modernity
Dialectics at a standstill; Benjamin on
Dialektisches Bild (dialectical image)
Diasporic consciousness
Die deutsche Literatur (Menzel)
Die Harzreise (Heine)
Die Niemandsrose (Celan)
Die Verwandlung (The Metamorphosis)(Kafka)
Différance, Derrida on
Disasters: railways; remains, memory and
Dohm, Christian Wilhelm von
Doktor Faustus (Mann)
Dreams: in concentration camps; Freud and; and ghosts in Reisebilder; Kafka’s New York harbor; railway maps and
Dreyfus affair
Du-Latenz (you-latency)
Dulosigkeit (you-lessness)
Eckermann, Johann Peter
Eichmann trial
Einstein, Albert, theory of relativity and
Eisenman, Peter
Elective affinities
Electric telegraph
Eley, Geoff
Elon, Amos
The Emigrants (Sebald)
England: as part of Germanic world; railways of; time in
Enlightenment: anti-Semitism and; dialectic of; German/Jewish modernity and; Haskalah, Science of Judaism and; regeneration of body/nation and; voyages and; see also Bildung
Entartung (Degeneration)(Nordau)
Entsorgung der Vergangenheit (disposing of the past)
“Entsorgung der Vergangenheit” (Habermas)
Eshel, Amir
The Eternal Jew (Nazi film)
European state, in world history
Exner, Sigmund
Experience, expectation and; life-world/death-world and
Ezrahi, Sidra DeKoven
Fabrication of corpses
Fact, fiction v.
Farías, Victor
Fascism: anti-Semitism and; Communism and; or Cold War as bygone epochs
Faurisson, Robert
Felstiner, John
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb: Der geschloßne Handelsstaat; Heine on; on regeneration of body/nation; speeches/addresses by; on unified Germany
Fliess, Wilhelm
Fogel, Robert
Fóti, Véronique
Foucault, Michel
Foundations of the Nineteenth Century (Chamberlain)
France: carriages between Germany and; Germany and; railways of; trains between Germany and
Franzos, Karl Emil
Freizügig (can move across frontiers)
Fremdling, Rainer
Freud, Sigmund: anti-Semitism and; Beyond the Pleasure Principle; on death drive; Derrida and; The Future of an Illusion; ghosts and; Herzl and; on hysteria; The Interpretation of Dreams; Jewish dream of Rome; Judaism and; on memory; on memory and origin; “My Son, the Myops,”; on “mystic writing-pad,” Project for a Scientific Psychology; psychoanalysis and; railway system and; on representation; on screen memories; Sebald and; on seduction theory; on trauma
Freud’s Moses (Yerushalmi)
Frieden, Ken
Fürth: Nuremberg and; Nuremberg, Palestine and
Future: openness to; past and; temporality and
The Future of an Illusion (Freud)
Futures past
Fynsk, Christopher
Gans, Eduard; baptism of; Hegel and; Verein für Cultur und Wissenschaft der Juden and
Gas chambers, death camps and
Gaus, Günther
Gegenüber ist unaufhebbar (that which stands across cannot be sublated)
Gegenverkehr (countertraffic)
Geiger, Abraham
Geist (Spirit)
Geistesgeschichte (intellectual history)
Genet, Jean
Geography: American, Kafka on; Cartesian; of cultural studies; mobility and; see also Cultural geography
German Empire
German Idealism
German Jews, souls of
German language: deterritorialization of, nationality and; Yiddish language v.
German Literature (Menzel)
German nation: body metaphor for; missing, seafaring Jew and; purity of
German nationalism
German subject without a nation, formation of
Germanic world, in world history
German/Jewish: critical theory as; definitions of; Greek and Jewish v.; relationships between; separatrix between; subject of
German/Jewish bodies
German/Jewish dialectic; Austerlitz and; immobility of; movements of; “other of history” as; in spaces of transnational mobility; tension and
German-Jewish dialogue
The German-Jewish Dialogue Reconsidered (Berghahn)
German/Jewish ghost stories
German/Jewish modernity; cultural genealogy of; cultural geography of; enlightenment and; German modernity as; Jewish modernity as; problems in; remains of
“The German-Jewish Parnassus” (Goldstein)
German/Jewish specters of history
German-Jewish studies
Germans, Jews, and the Claims of Modernity (Hess)
Germany: capitalism and; carriages between France and; Christianization of; as closed nation; colonialism and; deterritorialized; France and; Greece and; industrialization and modernization of; Italy v.; Jewish children sent out of, from Anhalter Bahnhof; as “land of two rivers” (Zweistromland); railway systems of; space of; trains between France and; unification of
Gerschenkron, Alexander
Gervinus, Georg
“Gesang des Deutschen” (Song of the German)(Hölderlin)
Geschichte (history)
Geschichte der poetischen National-Literatur der Deutschen (Gervinus)
Geschichtslosigkeit (historylessness), of Holocaust
Geschichtsphilosophie (philosophical history)
Geseres (imposed sufferings or doom)
“Gespräch im Gebirg” (Conversation in the mountains)(Celan)
Geständisse (Confessions)(Heine)
Gestapo headquarters
Gestapo member, confession of
Ghost stories, German/Jewish
Ghosts; see also German/Jewish specters of history
Gilroy, Paul
Ginzburg, Carlo
Gleichzeitigkeit des Ungleichzeitigen (simultaneity of the nonsimultaneous)
Global anxieties, national fantasies and
Globalization: cosmopolitanism and; mobility and; nationalism and; nationality and; railways and; studies on; transnationality and
Goebbels, Joseph: bunker of; non-Jews evacuated by order of
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang; “An Schwager Kronos,”; Battle of Jena, Luden and; bildungsroman and; death of; diaries of; on Germany’s unification and railways; Hegel and; Heine and; Italian journey of; Kafka and; modes of mobility used by; The Roman Carnival; spectatorship and; steering to port on a tempestuous sea; on subject formation; Varnhagen and; on Vesuvius; on world literature; Zweyter Aufenthalt in Rom; see also Italienische Reise; Wilhelm Meister
Goldstein, Moritz
Gombrich, E. H.
Gordon, Peter Eli; German-Jewish studies and; on Heidegger
“Göttingen Sieben,”
Greece: Germany and; Heidegger and; seafaring and; see also Delos, Greece
Greek world, in Hegel’s world history
Greenblatt, Stephen
“The Greenwich Bomb Outrage,”
Greenwich time
Grundriß der Geschichte der deutschen Literatur (Schaefer)
Grunwald, Max
Guattari, Félix
Güdemann, Rabbi
Gumbrecht, Hans Ulrich
Gutzkow, Karl
Habermas, Jürgen
Hahn, Barbara
Harkort, Friedrich
Harvey, David
Haver, William
Hayles, N. Katherine
Hebel, Johann Peter
Hegel, G. W. F.; on Abraham; anti-Semitism and; deconstruction of; Derrida on; double reading of; Gans and; on German/Jewish; on ghosts of history; Goethe and; Heine and; on Jewish particularity and history; Marx and; Philosophy of Right; Philosophy of World History; “The Spirit of Christianity and Its Fate,”; Weltgeist and; on world history
Heidegger and National Socialism (Farías)
Heidegger, Martin; Adorno on; Agamben on; Arendt and; Aufenthalte; Being and Time; Bremen lectures; on calculative and meditative thinking; Celan and; on concentration camps; on Dasein; on death and dying; Delos and; Derrida on; Gordon on; Greece and; Hölderlin and; Kreutzer and; “Letter on Humanism,”; on mass death; memorial speech by; memory and; Nazis and; Rilke and; Rosenzweig and; on technology; “What Are Poets For?”; on world picture
Heimat (an originary place)
“Heimkunft” (Hölderlin)
Heine, Heinrich; Adorno on; banning works of; baptism of; The Baths of Lucca; Börne and; Briefe aus Berlin; Briegleb on; De l’Allemagne; Die Harzreise; “Epilogue,”; Eshel on; essays by; on Geistesgeschichte; on German/Jewish; Geständisse; ghost stories and; Goethe and; Hegel and; Ideen. Das Buch Le Grand; “Im Hafen,”; as Jew in France; as Jewish pariah; Jewish perception of history and; “Journey from Munich to Genoa,”; on linguistic doublings; List meeting with; Mah and; “On the History of Religion and Philosophy in Germany,”; “Peace,”; on railways, space and time; “Romanzero,”; seafaring and; “Über Polen,”; Verein and; see also Reisebilder
Herder, Johann Gottfried
Heritage of Our Times (Bloch)
Hermand, Jost
Herzl, Theodor; Altneuland; bildungsroman and; Bismarck and; Der Judenstaat; Freud and; LeBon and; List and; on Mauschel; Nordau and; Palestine and; on seafaring Jews; Wilhelm II and; Zionism and
Hess, Jonathan;
Hirsch, Baron Moritz von
Hirsch, Marianne
Historical emplotment
Historical materialism
Historical truth: psychoanalysis and; Sebald and
Historicism; in The Arcades Project; photography and
Historicity; Heine’s Jewish conception of; memory, remains, and; subjectivity, nationality and, in travel narratives; temporality and
Historie (narrative of history)
History: Aristotle on poetry v.; Benjamin on; Derrida on; Heine’s Jewish conception of; Jewish particularity and; of present; as salvation; Sebald on; universal; see also Cultural history; World history
Hobbes, Thomas
Hohenzollern (ship)
Hölderlin, Friedrich: “Andenken,”; “Bread and Wine,”; “Der Ister,”; “Gesang des Deutschen,”; Heidegger and; “Heimkunft,”
Holitscher, Arthur
Holocaust; cultural history, cultural geography, and; foreshadowing/backshadowing/sideshadowing; “forgetting” of; German-Jewish dialogue and; Germany’s “memorial culture” and; Geschichtslosigkeit of; Ginzburg on; Kohl and; mass death of; memorial, in Berlin; memory of; museums; representation and; Urtext as; White on; Wolf on
Homer’s Odyssey
Horkheimer, Max
Hotel Excelsior
The Human Condition (Arendt)
Hume, David
Husserl, Edmund
Hutu and Tutsis, in Rwanda
Huyssen, Andreas
Hybridity: cosmopolitanism and; German/Jewish identities and
Hysteria, Freud on
Ideen. Das Buch Le Grand (Heine)
Ideen zu einer Philosophie der Geschichte der Menschheit (Herder)
Identity: hybrid, of German/Jewish; Jewish; national; postconventional
“Im Hafen” (Heine)
Immigration, of Jews; see also Der Verschollene; (Jewish) immigrant mass object
The Interpretation of Dreams (Freud)
“Introduction to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right” (Marx)
Irgendwo in Berlin (film)
Irrweg (path of errors)
Italian journey, Goethe’s; see also Italienische Reise
Italienische Reise (Italian journey)(Goethe); Der Verschollene compared to; Reisebilder and; time and space in; volumes of
Italy: Germany v.; journeys to; time in Germany v.; see also Goethe, Johann Wolfgang; Heine, Heinrich
Jackson, Peter
Jahn, Wolfgang
Janouch, Gustav
Jaspers, Karl
Jennings, Michael
Jesus Christ
“The Jewess Pallas Athena,” Hahn on
Jewish body, as global body
Jewish Breslau, social history of
“Jewish Company,”
Jewish difference
Jewish identity
(Jewish) immigrant mass object, Kafka, Sholem Aleichem, and
Jewish modernity, as German/Jewish modernity
Jewish national body, Zionism and fantasies of
Jewish pariahs
Jewish particularity, history and
Jewish problem, Freud on
Jewish state, Zionism and
Jewish subject without a nation
Jewish taboo, on mimesis
The “Jewish question,”
Jews: Arabs and; assimilation/absorption of; banking and; blacks and; children, sent out of Germany from Anhalter Bahnhof; citizenship for; deportation of; Eastern-European; fatherland of; freedom, laws and; immigration of; v. Mauschel, as races; muscle; nation building and; in Oriental world, of Hegel’s world history; as parasites; pogroms and; poverty of; railway financing and; regeneration and; Russia, Pale of Settlement and; seafaring; severance and; slavery and; souls of German; transmigration and immigration of; voyages of discovery by; as wanderers; as world-historical people; see also De-Jewification; specific individuals
“Jews as Anchormen and Seafarers” (Grunwald)
Joffe, Josef
Jones, Ernest
Jost, Isaac Marcus
“Journey from Munich to Genoa” (Heine)
Judaism: Christianity v.; Freud and; Geiger on; Hellenism and; of Jesus Christ; Science of; see also Anti-Semitism
Judentum (Jewishness)
Junges Deutschland (Young Germany)
Kaes, Anton
Kafka, Franz: on American geography; Anderson, M., and Jahn on; Bauer and; Brod and; contingency and; desubjectification and; Die Verwandlung; Goethe and; Hotel Occidental and; Janouch and; as Jewish pariah; on legal system; linguistic technique of; meta-epistemology of the railway and; New York harbor dream of; “On Apperception,”; Rossmann as fictional character for; Sholem Aleichem, (Jewish) immigrant mass object, and; on space, time, and travel; “The Stoker,”; on subject formation; “The Trial,”; on Yiddish; see also Der Verschollene
Kant, Immanuel: Heine on; on state as body; on sublime
Kaplan, Caren
Kepler, Johann
Kierkegaard, Søren: on Abraham; on subjectivity of individual
Kingscourt (Altneuland character)
Kipnis, Jeffrey
Kittler, Friedrich
Klee’s Angelus Novus
Kleist, Heinrich von
Klemperer, Victor
Klüber, Ludwig
Knobloch, Heinz
Kohl, Helmut: Holocaust memorial and; on memories of Nazis; on third and fourth generations of Holocaust
Kopfbahnhof (terminal railway station)
Koselleck, Reinhart: on death; on dreams in concentration camps; on futures past; on space and time
Kreutzer, Conradin
Krüger, Eduard
“La Contrescarpe” (Celan)
Lacoue-Labarthe, Philippe
Landes, David
Lang, Fritz
Languages: breakdown, in Austerlitz; deterritorialization of, Deleuze and Guattari on; national; see also German language; World language; Yiddish language
Laube, Heinrich
Lazare, Bernard
LeBon, Gustav
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
“Letter on Humanism” (Heidegger)
Levi, Primo
Levinas, Emmanuel
Libeskind, Daniel
Life drive
Life-world: death-world and; experience, expectation and; Husserl on
List, Friedrich; Börne and; on cosmopolitanism; on Germany’s unification and railways; Heine meeting with; Herzl and; meta-epistemology of the railway and; Nuremberg, Fürth, Palestine and
Literary histories; constitution and; cosmopolitanism and; national; temporality in
The Literary Channel (Apter)
Littwak, David (Altneuland character)
Loewenberg, Friedrich (Altneuland character)
Loewenberg, Peter
Long, J. J.
Löwi, Rabbi Isaac
Löwy, Michael
Luden, Heinrich
Luftkrieg und Literatur (Sebald)
Luhmann, Niklas
Lukács, Georg
Luther, Martin
Luxemburg, Rosa
Lyotard, Jean-François
Mack, Michael
Mah, Harold
Malkin, Irad
“The Man from Buenos Aires” (Sholem Aleichem)
Mann, Thomas
Maps of Meaning (Jackson)
Marbach, Gotthard
Marcuse, Herbert
Marx, Karl: Bauer and; on capitalism; Derrida on; essays by; Hegel and; on work and time
Mass death: Arendt on; destruction of other and; Heidegger on; of Holocaust; modernity and; technology and
Mass deportations
Masson, Jeffrey Moussaieff
Mass politics
Mauschel, Herzl on
Meine liebste Mathilde: Die beste Freundin der Rosa Luxemburg (Knobloch)
Memories; archaic; childhood; of eyewitnesses; Freud on; genuine; groundedness and; Heidegger and; of Holocaust; mobility and; recovered; remains, disaster and; remains, historicity and; screen; Sebald on; transportation systems as metaphors for; unconscious and; unlinking, from literalist reproduction of past
Mendelssohn, Moses
Mendes-Flohr, Paul
Menzel, Wolfgang
Messianic promise;
Meta-epistemology of mobility
Meta-epistemology of the railway
Meta-epistemology of the ship
Metaphors: archaeological; body, for German nation; Cicero on; of Jews as parasites; of mobility; railways as; of seafaring; ship as state; ships as; state as body; transportation systems as, for memory; window as; writing; of zeppelin, Zionism and
Metternich, Clemens von
Military, railways impact on
Mimesis, anti-Semitism, civilization and
“The Miracle of Hoshana Rabbah” (Sholem Aleichem)
Mischung (mixed form)
Mobility: contingency and; diaspora, exile, and; epistemological consequences of; geography and; knowledge and, with travel literature; memory and; metaphors of; modernity and; “no places of,”; transnationality and
Mobility studies
“The Modernist Event” (White)
Modernist travels
Modernity; see German/Jewish modernity
Modernization: industrialization and, of Germany; railways and; storytelling and
Morality (Sittlichkeit)
Moretti, Franco
Moritz, Karl Philipp
Moser, Moses
Mosse, George L.
Moykher-Sforim, Mendele
Muir, Willa and Edwin
Mundt, Theodor
Murder, death v.
Muselmann, Agamben on
Muselmänner, Levi on
Museums, Holocaust
Musil, Robert
“My Son, the Myops” (Freud)
Narrenschiff (Ship of Fools)(Brant)
Nation building
National differences: Cartesian spaces of; nationality, space, time and
“National Economy and Philosophy” (Marx)
National fantasies, global anxieties and
National identity
Nationalism: anti-Semitism and; German; globalization and; nationality and
Nationality; civil society and; concentric v. autocentric; cultural expressions for; culture and; deterritorialization of German language and; globalization and; groundedness of; Herzl, List, and; national differences, space, time and; nationalism and; spatial matrix and; subject formation and; subjectivity, historicity and, in travel narratives; Zionism and
Nationalization of place
Natural history of destruction
Nazis: buildings, excavation of; colonialism and racial thought of; The Eternal Jew and; Heidegger and; Kohl on memories of; Operation Harvest Festival; remains of
Negative Dialectics (Adorno)
Negroponte, Nicholas
Neurophysiology, psychology and
Neuzeit (modernity or “new time”)
New York City; Kafka’s harbor dream of; Sicily and; Sicily, Baranovich Station, and
Nibelungen film (Lang)
Nicholas I
Nicholas II (ship)
Nora, Pierre
Nordau, Max
The North Sea; as locale for Hegel and Heine’s movements of Spirit
The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge (Rilke)
Nuremberg: Fürth and; Fürth, Palestine and
Object: (Jewish) immigrant mass, Sholem Aleichem, Kafka, and; subject
Observer, observed
Odyssey (Homer)
One-Way Street (Benjamin)
“On Apperception” (Kafka);
“On the History of Religion and Philosophy in Germany” (Heine)
“On the Jewish Question” (Marx)
Oriental world, in Hegel’s world history
Origin: Freud on memory and on; journey/return to
The Origins of Totalitarianism (Arendt)
Ortschaft (placeness)
Ōta Yōko
Other: of history, as German-Jewish dialectic; mass death destruction of
Otherness, voyages and
“An Outline of Psycho-Analysis” (Freud)
Pale of Settlement, Russia, Jews and
Palestine; German colonialism, Bildung and; Herzl and; Jewish children sent out of Germany to; Nuremberg, Fürth, and; Wilhelm II and
Panama scandal
Paris; railways of; time; Vienna, Rome, Antwerp, Prague and
Passagen-Werk; see The Arcades Project
Past: anniversary rituals and; caging of; disposing of; future and; musealization of; present and; remains of, in present; unlinking memory from literalist reproduction of; see also Memories
“Peace” (Heine)
Pensky, Max
Pereire family
Philosophy: out of material history; of right, world history and
Philosophy of Right (Hegel)
Philosophy of World History (Hegel)
Poetics (Aristotle)
Poetry: Aristotle on history; out of material history
Pöggeler, Otto
Pogroms, Jews and
Positive transnationalism
Postal system;
Prague; Vienna, Rome, Antwerp, Paris and
Prague Territories (Spector)
Prawer, S.S.
Present: history of; past and; remains of past in;
Progress, deification of
Project for a Scientific Psychology (Freud)
Prussia: Napoleon and; Palestine and; railways and
Psychoanalysis: Freud and; as Jewish science
Psychology of the masses
Quintilian’s ship of state
Raabe, Wilhelm
Rabinovich, Sholem Y.
Rahden, Till van
Railroad Stories (Sholem Aleichem); “Baranovich Station,” Der Verschollene compared to; diasporic consciousness in; “The Man from Buenos Aires,”; as meta-epistemology of the railway; “The Miracle of Hoshana Rabbah,”; religion in; “Slowpoke Express,”; subject formation in; thematic subjects in
Railway(s): in Austerlitz; Benjamin on; carriages, ships and; cultural geography and; Der Verschollene and; disasters; of England; financing; of France; Germany’s unification and; globalization and; Heine on space, time and; mass migration, mass deportations and; meta-epistemology of the; as metaphors; military impacted by; modernization and; monopolies; of Paris; Prussia and; religion and; representation and; ships; significance of; strikes; theology and; time and; of United States; as Verbindungsmittel for body of nation; see also Trains
Railway cars
Railway maps, dreams and
Railway nodes
Railway stations; see also Anhalter Bahnhof
Railway stocks;
Railway systems: business compared to; coordinating times and; defined; Freud and; of Germany; to Jerusalem; nationalization of; sea and, as spaces; Sebald and
Railway timetable
Railway tracks;
Ranke, Leopold von
Readings in Cultural Geography
Reck, Friedrich
Reden an die deutsche Nation (Addresses to the German nation)(Fichte)
Regeneration: of body and nation; Jews and
Regeneration der Poesie (Gervinus)
Reisebilder (Pictures of travel, Heine); dreams and ghosts in; four volumes of; Italienische Reise and; Jesus Christ in; juxtapositions of images/genre/identity in; Wilhelm Meister and
Reisebilder I-II (Heine)
Religion: in Railroad Stories; railways and; see also Christianity; Judaism
Remains: of Anhalter Bahnhof; definition of; disposing of; memory, disaster and; memory, historicity and; in museums; of Nazis; of past in present; productive expenditure and
Representation; Freud on; Holocaust and; probing limits of; railways and; Sebald on
Rilke, Rainer Maria
The Roman Carnival (Goethe)
“The Romantic School” (Heine);
Roman world, in Hegel’s world history
“Romanzero” (Heine)
Rome: Freud’s Jewish dream of, Prague, Antwerp, Paris, Vienna, and
Rootedness of place
Rosenzweig, Franz
Rosh, Lea
Roskies, David
Rossmann, Karl (Der Verschollene character): citizenship and; as Jew; as Kafka’s fictional character; renaming himself Negro; spectatorship and; systems of power and; Uncle Jacob and
Rothschild family;
Ruins; see Remains
Russia, Jews, Pale of Settlement and
Ruttmann, Walter
Sammons, Jeffrey
Sartre, Jean-Paul
Sattelzeit (saddle period) of
Sauer, Carl O.
Schaefer, Johann Wilhelm
Schichten (layers)
Schivelbusch, Wolfgang;
Schlußstrich-Mentalität (drawing a line to demarcate the past)
Schmidt, Erich
Schnapp, Jeffrey
Scholem, Gershom;
Schorske, Carl
Schriftgelehrten (rabbinic scholars)
Schultz, Gerhard
Schwechten, Franz
Science of Judaism
“Screen Memories” (Freud)
Sea: Goethe steering to port on a tempestuous; railway systems and, as spaces; see also the North Sea
Seafaring; Greece and; Heine and; Jews; metaphors of; world-historical people, colonialism, and; see also the North Sea
Sebald, W.G.: The Emigrants; Freud and; historical truth and; on history; Luftkrieg und Literatur; on memory; on natural history of destruction; railway systems and; on representation; spectatorship and; see also Austerlitz
Seduction theory, Freud on
Seeba, Hinrich C.
Seinsverlassenheit (loss of being)
Separatrix: definition of; between German/Jewish
Serra, Richard
Seßhaftigkeit (sedentary-ness)
Ships: carriages, railways and; Gilroy on; metaepistemology of the; as metaphors; spectatorship and; as state metaphors; travel by trains; see also Seafaring
Shipwreck with Spectator (Blumenberg)
Sholem Aleichem; see also Railroad Stories
“A Shtetl” (Weissenberg)
Sicily; Baranovich Station, New York City, and; New York City and
“Slowpoke Express” (Sholem Aleichem)
Smith, Adam
“The Society of Jews,”
Sofsky, Wolfgang: on concentration camps; on Muselmänner
Soja, Edward
Sonderweg theories
Sorkin, David
Soukup, Frantisek
Space(s): Cartesian, of national differences; of Germany; sea and railway system travel as; of transnational mobility, German-Jewish dialectic in
Space and time; in Altneuland; Heine on railways and; Kafka on travel and; Koselleck on; nationality, national differences and
Spatial practice
Spectatorship: Goethe and; Rossmann and; Sebald and; ships and; shipwrecks and
Specters; see German/Jewish specters of history
Spector, Scott;
Spirit: Hegel and Heine’s movements of; see also Geist; World Spirit
“The Spirit of Christianity and its Fate” (Hegel)
Staatsschiff (ship as state)
Staël, Germaine de
State: as body metaphor; ship as, metaphors
Steamships, Stein, Charlotte von
Sterben (to die)
Stern, Fritz
Stern, Laurence
“The Stoker” (Kafka)
Storytelling, modernization and
Strachey, James; Strich, Fritz
Strousberg, Bethel Henry
Studies on Hysteria (Freud)
Subject formation: bildungsroman, Bildung and; Goethe on; Kafka on
Subject formation; nationality and; in Railroad Stories
Subject, object
Subjectivity; of individual; nationality, historicity and, in travel narratives
Supplement: Derrida on; dialectics at a standstill, tension, and; Yiddish language as, to German
Survival in Auschwitz (Levi)
Systems of power: Rossmann and; in “The Trial,”
Taylor, Charles
Technology: Heidegger on; mass death and; nature; see also Railways
Temporal distance
Temporality; death and; eschatological notion of time and; experience, expectation, return, and; future and; historicity and; tripartite
Terdiman, Richard
Terezín (town)
Thacker, Andrew
Theology, railways and
Tiedemann, Rolf
Time; acceleration of; Bhabha on transnational translation of; in England; eschatological notion of, temporality and; Greenwich; in Italy, Germany; railways and; work and; world/standard; see also Space and time; Temporality
“Time-kernel” (Zeitkern)
“Todtnauberg” (Celan)
Tolstoy, Leo
Tomb of the unknown soldier
Topography of Terrors
Toposforschung, Celan, and
Tower Society, in Wilhelm Meister
Trains: between Germany and France; Kafka on; travel by ship; see also Railways
Trakl, Georg
Transmigration: cosmopolitanism and; immigration and, of Jews; see also Der Verschollene Transnational translation of time Transnationality; globalization and; mobility and; studies
Transportation systems; see also Railway systems
Transportation, Zionism as politics of
Trauma, Freud on
Traumatic unconscious
“Traveling Cultures” (Clifford)
Travel literature, mobility and knowledge with
Travel narratives; cycles of return in; subjectivity, nationality, and historicity in; world history as; see also specific individuals/works
The Travels of Benjamin the Third (Moykher-Sforim)
Trennung (severance)
“The Trial” (Kafka);
“Über Polen” (Heine)
Umkehre (turning around)
Umkommen (to be killed)
Um-Wege (detours)
Unconscious: memory and; traumatic
Ungeziefer (vermin)
United States, railways of
“Unmoralische Literatur” (Menzel)
Ursprung (origin)
Valéry, Paul
Van Den Abbeele, Georges
Varnhagen, Rahel Levin
Verbindungsmittel (means of connection)
Verein für Cultur und Wissenschaft der Juden (Society for Culture and Science of the Jews)
Verenden(to perish)
Vergangenheitsbewältigung (mastering the past)
Verkehr (traffic/transportation)
Vesuvius, Goethe on
Vesuvius, Goethe on
Vidal-Naquet, Pierre
Vienna, Rome, Prague, Antwerp, Paris and
Volkov, Shulamit
Von Moltke, Helmuth
Voyages: otherness and; Van Den Abbeele on
Voyages of conquest Voyages of discovery; Hegel’s movement of Spirit as; by Jews
Wachler, Ludwig
Wally, die Zweiflerin(Gutzkow)
Walser, Martin
Wars of Unification
Weapons, new
Wege (ways)
Wegschauen (to look away)
Weissenberg, I.M.
Wellbery, David
Weltgeist, Hegel, and
Weltgeld (world gold)
Weltgericht (court/judgment of the world)
Werden liquidiert (to be liquidated)
Werden umgelegt (to be done in)
“What Are Poets For?” (Heidegger)
“What Is Existential Philosophy?” (Arendt);
White, Hayden;
Wienbarg, Ludwig
Wilhelm II (kaiser);
Wilhelm Meister (Goethe); Der Verschollene compared to; Reisebilder and; Tower Society in
Wilhelm Tell, Schiller’s
Wilkomirski, Binjamin;
Winckelmann, J.J.
Window, as metaphor
Wissenschaft des Judentums (Science of Judaism)
Wolf, Christa
Wollheim, Norbert
Word landscape, poem as
Work, time and
World alienation
World history: Africa in; Christianity and; eschatological progress of; European state in; Germanic world in; in a glass; Greek world in; Hegel on; Hegel’s four stages of; inventions of book printing/gunpowder in; Mediterranean Sea’s role in; Oriental world in; philosophy of right and; Roman world in; as travel narrative
World institute (Weltanstalt); see also Postal system
World language (Weltsprache)
World literature (Weltliteratur)
World picture, Heidegger on
World Spirit, travels of
World War I, death and
World War II, Anhalter Bahnhof bombing during
World-historical people: Jews as; seafaring, colonialism and
Wortlandschaft (word landscape), poem as
Writing metaphors
Wyschogrod, Edith
Yerushalmi, Yosef Hayim;
Yiddish language: conference on; German language; Jewish travel writing in; Kafka on; see also Railroad Stories
Yiddish literature; see also Railroad Stories
Young Germany controversy
Zantop, Susanne
Zeitschichten (layers of time)
Zeppelin, Zionism and metaphor of
Zero meridian
Zevi, Sabbatai
Zilcosky, John;
Zionism: anti-Semitism and; colonialism and; fantasies of Jewish national body and; First Congress; Grunwald and; Herzl and; as Jewish care for sick; Jewish state and; nationality and; as politics of transportation; Second Congress; zeppelin metaphor and
Zollverein (customs union)
Zumthor, Peter
Zunz, Leopold
Zweyter Aufenthalt in Rom (Goethe)