
Out in the hallway of the fourteenth floor we noticed that a brand-new Tidwell Tidbits had just been posted above the elevator buttons. The Tidwell Tidbits is a newsletter about things that go on in our building. It’s written by this lady named Miss Yabby, who probably has nothing better to do.



So of course we headed straight to 29G.

There was a group of kids already gathered outside the Frackas apartment. They did not look happy. A few of them were slumped against the wall and others were sitting on the floor.

“Forget about it,” one boy told us. “Mrs. Frackas won’t let anybody in.”


I figured that would be the end of that. But Perry just marched right up to apartment 29G and rang the doorbell.

“Go away!” a lady inside yelled back.

“It’s Perry Hooper, Mrs. Frackas,” Perry said.

You wouldn’t believe it, but the door opened right away. Grown-ups just love Perry, no kidding. I mean he does the same bad stuff that we do, but grown-ups don’t seem to notice.

The other kids tried to sneak into the apartment behind us, but Mrs. Frackas slapped them back with a flyswatter.


Sid’s room was at the end of the hall. You could tell it was Sid’s room right away because there was this big sign taped to the door:


So of course we just walked right in.

What we saw made us all go, “Whoa!” The entire room was filled with a giant shark’s head made out of Legos. There was a desk inside the shark’s head that was covered with Legos, and sitting at that desk was Sid Frackas.

“Don’t come any closer!” he shrieked. His hand was hovering over a metal box on his desk with a big red button. “When I press this button, the shark’s jaws will snap shut and its razor-sharp teeth will slice you all to pieces!”


Then he pressed the red button. The shark’s mouth really did begin to close. The only thing was, it closed so slowly that we just stepped right over the teeth and into the mouth, no problem. It took a few more minutes for the jaws to close all the way.

“You’re lucky. You made it just in the nick of time,” Sid said.

It was pitch-dark in there, so he didn’t see us all roll our eyeballs.

“What are you working on, Sid?” Perry asked.

“Why should I tell you?” Sid replied.

“Because Miss Yabby is going to give us twenty bucks if we find out,” Perry said.

“Ha! Twenty bucks?” Sid snorted. “That’s peanuts compared to the five hundred dollars I’m going to get if I win the Crazy Vehicle Lego Contest.”

Then Sid said, “Oops.”

“Thanks for the tip, Sid!” Perry said happily. “We’ll be on our way.”

But Sid didn’t open the shark’s mouth.

“Come on, Sid, pop the lid already!” Cat said. “It smells like asparagus in here.”

“No can do,” Sid replied. “Now that you’ve found out my top-secret project, I can’t let you leave. These Lego bricks are superglued together. You’ll never see the light of day again!”
