Thank you so much for reading For All Time. It was so much fun to write and I hope you loved reading it as much as I loved writing it. I want to thank my editor, Krista Vitola, and copy editor, Karen Sherman, and the entire Simon & Schuster team. I also want to thank my fantastic agent, John Cusick, who believed in the essence of the story from the beginning. Birthing a book isn’t something you do on your own; it requires advocates and space to think and dream, so I want to thank my family and my students at South Atlanta High School. In addition to my school family and publishing family, I want to thank my real family, my parents and my husband, who always believe that I can do anything. Finally, a big shout-out is necessary for my critique partners, Megan Cronin and Nicole Lesperance, and the team at #DVPit, without whom this book may never have reached so many of you.