Thank you to Elisabeth Dyssegaard, who gave me the liberty and support to write a book that needed writing. Natanya Wheeler kept the fire roaring—thank you.
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I acknowledge the National Institutes of Health and the Mayo Foundation for funding my laboratory for the last 25 years. I stand on the shoulders of giants—too many to name. My debt of gratitude to you all cannot be quantified. Thank you to Obesity Solutions at Mayo Clinic and Arizona State University.
To the scientists who have come through my lab and with whom I have had the honor of working, I am so proud and grateful. I hope that I have done justice to your work in the pages above.
To my lab—Shelly McCrady-Spitzer, Gabriel Koepp, Chinmay Manohar and Samantha Calvin—may you all receive blessings too many to quantify, for my thanks are inadequate.
To my family and friends: You have sacrificed the most but waver the least.