I stepped outside the ballroom onto a balcony, in need of air and a quiet moment to myself.
Ordnung blazed with light as I’d never seen it. The walls glowed white even in the dark of night, lit by thousands of torches. Everywhere music and shouts of joy rang out.
High on the towers, Ursula’s banner flew proudly, along with the newest, for all Thirteen Kingdoms. The thirteen interlinked rings formed a chain within the three overlapping circles of the goddesses. A fine companion to Ursula’s hawk and a flag that would, Goddesses willing, outlast us all. Never mind that the Remus Isles would make for fourteen. Perhaps we needed to think of a name that wouldn’t include numbers.
“Had enough dancing?” Zynda leaned on the railing next to me.
“And then some,” I replied. “I haven’t danced this much since...” My going away party in Annfwn.
Zynda tossed back her long hair, damp with sweat at her temples. “Anyone special?”
“Dance partners? Goddesses no.” Though it seemed a fair number of men who hadn’t known my name before today had become quite friendly. The price of a suddenly high profile.
“Zyr said hello, by the way, and I’m to ask if you’ve changed your mind. Something going on between you two I should know?”
“No,” I said, a little too fast. Making her raise her brows in question. “I mean—he’s not for me. A lovely man, to be sure, but I really don’t think that—”
Zynda held up a hand, laughing. “You don’t have to fall over yourself to explain.”
But I remembered that night. That kiss. A song not meant for me, but maybe somewhere out there... Maybe you need to do less waiting and more wandering. No. That was foolish sentimentality. Maybe a bit of let-down after so much planning and excitement. My place was in Ordnung, with the High Queen. It would be enough.
I hadn’t forgotten Andi’s vision, of Dasnarians in our future. I would be far too busy for frivolities like dancing or kissing handsome men. Certainly no wandering. With trials ahead of us, I might look back and be grateful to have had the energy to feel restless.
No one can take away the dances you’ve already had.
“On second thought, I haven’t had enough dancing.”
“It’s a pity to miss a party—even one that isn’t yours,” Zynda agreed.
But it was mine, in a way. The day may have been full of ghosts, but I still lived. “Yes. Let’s go celebrate.”