Akazu: The ‘inner circle’ of government who wielded most power during Habyarimana’s presidency.
askari: East African soldier or policeman, a term now used in France’s ex-colonies to describe privately employed security guard.
burgomaster: a commune’s chief administrative officer appointed by the central government.
cellule: a group of ten or so rural house-holds: the smallest unit in a commune.
commune: thousands of homesteads scattered over adjacent hills.
Interahamwe: a civilian militia recruited to help implement genocide.
Indaba: a conference or serious debate, usually involving the elders of a community.
injara : Ethiopian bread made with ???? flour.
matatu: minibus taxi.
muzungu: white person.
rugo: peasant homestead: one or more huts usually enclosed by a fence.
umuganda: free labour demanded by the state (previously by kings or chiefs) as a form of tax.
wat: Ethiopian spicy sauce.