
CIA: Central Intelligence Agency

EU: European Union

FAR: Rwandan armed forces pre-genocide

IMF: Internally displaced person

MAF: Missionary Aviation Fellowship

MRND: Mouvement Révalutionnaire National pour le Développement, founded by president Habyarimana: the only political party permitted under his rule.

MSF: Medicine Sans Frontiéres

NGO: Non-governmental organization: e.g., Concern, Oxfam, Medicine Sans Frontiéres, Christian Aid.

OAU: Organization of African Unity

RMC: Radio Milles Collines, a private radio station used to incite hatred of the Tutsi.

RPA: Rwandan Patriotic Army

RPF: Rwandan Patriotic Front

SAP: Structural Adjustment Programme: a spending restriction placed by the IMF on countries indebted to it.

UNHCR: United Nations High Commission for Refugees

UNAMIR: United Nations Assistance Mission to Rwanda

WB: World Bank

WFP: World Food Programme