Thanks to Rebecca Hook, Irene and William Hook, Jack Woodhead, Heather Bates, Jack Bates, Jessica Scarlett Hook, Paul and Jayne Hook, Christopher and Diane Hook and families, Twinny, Andrew Holmes, David Sultan, Claude Flowers, Kerry Jaggers and Saxon, Tom Atencio, Joe Shanahan, James Masters, Stephen Lea, Mike Hall, Big Stu, Mr & Mrs Manley, James Roochove, Sandra and Anthony Addis, all at Intangible, Gwilym Harbottle, Mark Wyeth, Aaron Mellor, Tokyo Industries, David Potts, Phil Murphy, Steve Jones, Andy Poole, Paul Kehoe, Diane Bourne, Sarah Walters, Aaron and Jessica at Kill the 8, Eamonn Clarke, Lesley Thorne and all at Aitken Alexander, Pete Byrne and Peasey (Oxygen Management), Hector Morangues, Heitor from Brazil, Karen Donald, Andrew Lamb and all at OJK Ltd, Kate King at JMC, James Nice and Shadowplayers, Alistair Rawlence at Novagraaf, Andrew Clear and Martin, Scott Middleton and all at Wilmslow Chiropractic Clinic, Geoffrey Power, Dave Simpson, Tony Michaelides, Judy Rhia, Wendy Fonarow, Marc Tilli, Bart Plooij, Matt Holyoak, Geoff Power, Suze Randall at, Trevor Watson, Peter Saville, Kevin Cummins, Keith Allen, Les Johnson, Kerri Sharp, Ian Allen, Mike Jones and all at Simon & Schuster. Carrie Thornton, Dey Street Books, Clint and Charlie Boon and family, Mike Sweeney, Mani and Imedla and the twins, Ange Matthews, Leroy Richardson, Alan Erasmus, Bruce Mitchell, and the rest of you can fuck right off.