Being married to a veterinarian opened my eyes to the realities faced by veterinary practitioners. The people who care for our animals do so despite pressures the rest of us can’t fathom, and Emilia’s struggles are not unique. They are, in fact, the norm. The next time you visit your vet, take a moment to thank them. Your words make a difference, and in some cases could even save a life. To learn more, check out Not One More Vet at
Tiffany, you inspire me every day with your dedication to your profession and our family, and you’re the best first reader a writer could ask for. The scenes in the rowboat are for you. (I will always be the better oarswoman, but you can be the captain.)
I would also like to Thank Mx. Rey Spangler, editor, Jedi master, and all-around writing support guru. This book would have much more brooding without your intervention. Ann McMan continues to create exceptional covers that manage to capture the essence of a thing. Frankly, she is too talented to be allowed. I also owe a huge thank you to the team at Bywater Books, who are devoted to bringing queer literature to our community and the world. We need all the stories we can get.
I have managed to write three books without thanking my dogs in the acknowledgments. However, my pups really did help with this one—and not just as inspiration for Nell and Kraken. Their cuddles and reminders that fresh air is good for writers helped me stay sane during what turned out to be a turbulent year. Between illness, loss, and a pandemic, their unconditional love kept me going. Animals give me hope that we can do better.
Most of all, I want to thank my readers. Sharing my stories with you is a blessing. Thanks for sticking with me; you make this possible. If you want more stories and behind the scenes glimpses into these and other worlds, consider joining me on Patreon at or following me on Twitter @annaburkeauthor.
On a side note, my Seal Cove is not a real place. There are several Seal Coves in Maine, but this is not one of them. Any coincidences are coincidences. The rest of the geography is based in reality, and Tiffany, those waters will always be ours.