
To write a novel is to harness the power of a village.

I truly relearn this lesson every single time, but never so much as I did with Mildred’s Resistance. MR is a work of many, many tears. My heart’s blood went into figuring out and finalizing this story. No work of mine has required such sacrifice so far, so it’s with great joy that I turn it into your hands.

I have a few Mildreds in my life. Learning how she/they think was insightful, exhausting, and sometimes hysterical. So first I must thank the Mildreds for tolerating my endless questions and personality explorations. Love yer guts.

To the most incredible publishing team in the world: Catherine (and all the other fabulous editors you provide me), you make my words pretty. To the beta readers who suffered through early drafts of MR when the going wasn’t easy (Kelsey, Brandi, Kirstin, Holly, Stephen, and any others I may have forgotten), I think you’ve earned a personal swimming pool in heaven for putting up me. To Kella, Chris, Jenny, and all those who put this beast together and made it what it is: you guys rock.

To my friends and family: I’m so grateful for all the support and love.

To my fans: love yer guts too, guys. MUAH.

Husband, LM, Ryker, Bridger: I sure like your handsome faces.